


APUSH: Midterm Review






APUSH (midterm study)
(midterm study periods 1-3
ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of
rights. THOMAS JEF

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APUSH (midterm study)
(midterm study periods 1-3
ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of
rights. THOMAS JEF

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APUSH (midterm study)
(midterm study periods 1-3
ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of
rights. THOMAS JEF

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APUSH (midterm study)
(midterm study periods 1-3
ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of
rights. THOMAS JEF

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APUSH (midterm study)
(midterm study periods 1-3
ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of
rights. THOMAS JEF

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# 1 } F APUSH (midterm study) (midterm study periods 1-3 ANTI FEDERALISTS- Opposed a strong central gov, insisted Bill of rights. THOMAS JEFFERSON Great compromise (1773) - Senate has equal # of reps. to satisfy States w/ small porportion. ♦ ARTICLES OF Confederation- first written constitution. Bartolome de Las Casas-worked against oppression of NA Declaration of Independence- Founding doc of the American politica trad. (1776) fundemental ideas of •Support from FRANCE limitations on gov (strict) •common man HOUS Democratic Republican them ENLIGHTENMENT - 18th Enconmienda-"command"/give indians to colomist • FEDERALIST PARTY American nation *All men are created free and equal, and have natural rights •Thomas Jefferson James Madison agarian society d Strong gov. • Loose interpretation ● AGAINST bill of rights. GREAT AWAKENING century. recognition for reform •Questioning TRADITION CUSTOMS, and MORALS JOHN LOCKE •Alexander Hamilton John adams commerence / manufacturing to christianize Jonathan Edwards / concerned abt SECULARI Homans are sinners" George Whitefield HAMILTON'S FINANCIAL PLAN- Stabalize economy US BANK Federal assumption of all dents Thholerable Acts -- punished Massachusetts for the Tea party •Restricted (oknist rights •Restricted town meeting) -Those who killed colonist in line of duty are sent to Britain for thcat Mercantilism Colonies provide raw materials for Mother country, and recieve manufactured goods in return. ↳ Navigation acts - regolated trad to Benefit Beristain NORTHWEST ORDINANCE Process where the Union THOMAS PAINE "COMMON SENSE" - opposition to British govt. Partans Pilgrims - "CITY OPON A HILL" - John Winthrop -importance of community & church. •Calvinism Salutary Neglect - Thomas Jefe Tamesmaid Colonies glowin on their own w/o GB Sons of liberty-Radical...

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Alternative transcript:

political organization for cobnial independence Washington's farewell Adres - maintain commercial but not political ties to natia -no Permanent aliance - Independent from foreign Affairs VIRGINIA + KENTUCKY RESOLUTIONS new states could be admitted to economy 1 ALIEN +SEDITION ACTS requirinent for American Citizenship • take any alen out of the country Fines for those guilty of sedition. Secretly made to get rights back afte Alient sedition Acts - States have more power than fed gav APOSH-Midterm review pt 2. 3/5 Compromise-settled issue over representatives & tovation of free and enslaved persons.. Bill of Rights - First □ ammendments Seperation of Powers- legis lative, executive, Judicial branch ALEXANDER HAMILTON L establis a Bank of US Pay war dept add tariffs Pinckney's Treaty - Friendship between the US & Spain -Navigation rights on mississip, Feudalim - land in exchange for service t PERIOD 4. marbory v Madison- establishes the supreme court's power of Judicia review Louisiana Pervchase- territory perchased from franc Impressment - British taking American solders + forking them into military service. labor Cheasapeake Affair- led to the US expelling British ships from its waters, until they apologized Embargo Act- ended Americas importation / exportation. Non-Intercourse-repeated embargo, forbade trade w/ Franer & Oritan MACONS BILL-Whichever decided to change policies. WAR OF 1812 -> between US & England. Wh Treaty of Ghent ended war of 1812 ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS to everything was going well uno Federalist party" PANIC of 1819- decline of European demand for American goods •mismanagement of the 2nd bank Missouri compromise issue of slavery in Missouri. •missouri was a slave state •maine was a free state parallel were Free States Mc Culloch u maryland- maryland tried to tax national bank •Federal law is stronger than state law Monroe Doctrine - opposed interference in the Western Hemisphere from outside powers Spoils System - employment based on rewarding loyalistst Fiends. Tariff of Abominations - Tariff that favored manufacturin in the North •hated by the south Nollification Crisis → States right to hollify cancel an unpopular tarif Tarift compromise - clay proposed that the tarift would be to were rea Indian Removal Act -Trail of tears - Anti- Masonic Party- opposed Andrew Jackson Panic of 1837 + many state banks collasped know- Nothing party - anti-immigrant/ anti-catholic Transcendentalism each person has direct communication w/ God and nature, no need for organized churches Nat furners rebellion - white man led slaves through virginia to overthroust kill planter families. Anti-slave society - William lloyed Garrison. Manifest Destiny. US was destined to role the - continent 1 PERIOD 4 REVIEW - APUSH Whig Party - Oppose Andreas jackson + Democrats • stood for protective tarifes •national banking. American system - Henry Clay Adams-On's treaty Spoils System. Free soil party- oppose expansion Compromise of uso - Henry clay CIVIL WAR Spain gave up Florida to the US. western Territories "Republican Parry" Kansas - Nebraska Harpers ferry of slavery into new •Calmed tensions between N and S •ended Strict Fugglive slaves act •CA was a free state POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY Act- repeal led by John Brown -Slave rebellion •Federal arsenal in virginia 1861 101805 팬 Missori compromise A