


Chapter 1.1-1.4 notes AP world AMSCO




Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

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Social Political Interactions with environment Cultural Economic Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation, trade, and intellectual achievement. The Mongol conquest helped to create global unity and strength which especially came nto use after 1450 Developments in East Asia China had great innovations from liberal arts, and social structures to religion and even manufacturing capabilities. They had a bureaucracy since 20' BCE and as it expanded the dynasty got stronger. This came with civil service exams, allowing China to have the best social mobility of its time. Nonetheless, this strained the dynasty financially. The Tang dynasty grew rapidly with its infrastructural innovations and technology, especially used to encourage trade as shown through the Grand Canal. The technology of guns was also significantly spread across Eurasia. They also created innovation in agriculture production which lead to a surplus in food allowing a severe population increase. They utilized iron and steel which were extremely helpful in production and even agriculture. China experienced Proto- industrialization (Economic changes in which people in rural areas produce more than they can ell). There were large factories producing and selling mass amounts but rather there was individual and community-based production. China became the most commercialized society. The innovation of taxes allowed people to get paychecks for doing government work, strengthening the economy. They also implemented a system of tributes involving...

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other foreign states paying to respect the Empire. China was the first to have a scholar gentry of students studying Confucius, a philosophy that influenced a lot of the society. The Tang and Song dynasty embraced Confucius's belief in patriarchy and many during this time practiced "foot binding", the act of binding a woman's feet so they do not develop and restrict her movement. In the 7th century woodblock printing was created allowing Confucian scholars to produce many kinds of literature. Buddhism is a religion from India that is focused on the idea that craving creates suffering. There are three forms, Theravada, Tibetan, and Mahayana which flourished in china as the Chinese were able to relate this to Daoism. This caused some friction with the Tang dynasty. While the Song Dynasty initially preferred to keep Buddhism out of the picture and rather embrace their native traditions like Confucianism, however the Buddhism idea of Filial Piety that highlighted respect for others aligned with the beliefs of the Song dynasty. Buddhism spread greatly. Neo Confucianism was created between 770 and 840 and spread even beyond China's borders. New Confucianism focused on ethics. China's influence on neighboring countries was extremely strong, yet some smaller countries had trouble stopping China from overpowering their own culture. While Japan was separated by sea and thus was not as easily influenced by Japan, Buddhism and Chinese traditions still made way. Japan had feudalism without a centralized government. Japanese Feudalism vs European feudalism SIMILARITIES: a. Social Hierarchy peasants serfs sumari= nights Daimyo = nobles Shogun monarch b. The soldiers of both societies followed a code of chivalry. DIFFERENCES European knights gained land from their lords as payment for their military service; they had direct control of the serfs who worked that land. In contrast, Japanese samurai did not own any land. Korea was significantly influenced by Chinese culture, tradition, religion, and language. However, Korea's landed aristocracy was more powerful preventing reforms and social mobility Vietnam took in the Chinese writing system and architectural styles despite having an adversarial relationship with them. Vietnam's social structure was much different as they did not have a patriarchy or centralized government and embraced individualism. Vietnamese scholars usually stood for the peasants to fight the government. Despite these differences, Sinification eventually occurred. In the 8th century, Vietnam grew independent after battles where they used guerrilla warfare. Developments in Dar al-Islam. Islam reached places as far as India and Spain and showed a general tolerance for other theistic religions. The Abbasid Empire had scholars travel to Baghdad and learn at the House of Wisdom. Arabians purchased Egyptian Mamluks or enslaved people who would serve as soldiers and bureaucrats. This led to the takeover and establishment of the Mamlik Sultane. The Seljuk Turks were another Mulsim group that threatened the Abbasids with their title of sultan. The Seljuks were not tolerant of Christians passing by to reach Jerusalem, so the Christians organized a military called the Crusaders to fight this. The Mongols also attacked the Abbasid Empire causing it and the Seljuk's rule to end. Their expansion was stopped by the Mamluks Eventually, Bhagdad fell apart the trade patterns shifted north causing Bhafdad to lose all it's business and wealth. Turkish roots became a big part of Islamic empires Islamic scholars were ambitious and carried on the innovations of others. Many scholars from BHagdad made their mark such as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and A'shah al-Ba'uniyah. Sufism believes in finding truths that cannot be understood through learning. Islam placed importance on commerce and viewed merchants as prestigious. Some merchants were missionaries Until the 9th-century non-Arab Muslims faced some discrimination Muslims were allowed to have slaves but they were forbidden to enslave other Muslims, Jews, and Christian. However, often slaves would be freed once they converted to Islam. Female slaves usually were concubines that had more independence than regular women and could generally buy their freedom out of the money they make from dances. Head coverings were common before Muhammad and only solidified with Islam. Muhammad raised the status of women by advocating to stop female infanticide and also encouraging women to be educated and somewhat independent. While females' exact role in an Islamic society cannot be understood, they were definitely treated with more respect than women in Christianity or Judaism. In 711 Muslim forces invaded Spain but were turned back in their westward expansion in 732. The Ummaryard rulers coexisted with Christianity and Judaism in Spain, even learning from each other. They also encouraged trade. The Islamic State in Spain became a center of knowledge and education. Developments in South and Southeast Asia The interaction of Hindus and Muslims created an interesting and dynamic development in society and art. Buddhism also had a strong presence. In 550 when the Gupta dynasty fell India was in disunity. Hinduism was able to unite the region to some extent Southern India was much more stable with the prosperous Chola Dynasty from 850-1267 and the Vijayanagara empire from 1336-1646. After the fall of the Gupta Empire, Rajput kingdoms were formed which were independent kingdoms that often competed with each other. These kingdoms were vulnerable to attacks from the Muslims. In the 8th century, Islamic armies invaded India In the 11th century, they attacked Hinduism and Buddhism In the 13th century, they took over Delhi creating the Delhi sultanate. The Delhi Sultanate was not extremely successful in terms of influence and being liked. The Delhi Sultanate lost to the Mughal empire in 1526 Islam was incredibly different than existing religions in India Muslims eventually became peaceful and did not force Hindus to convert to Islam yet they did appeal to many Hindus out of their will. The Spread of Islam is the reason that Buddhism became a minority in its own country. The Muslims adopted to the class system of India. The Social Structure more or less stayed the same. Islamic scholars carried on the work of Indian minds and spread it. Islam also brought great architecture, using pre-existing Hindu temples to help them as demonstrated in the Qutub Minar. The entrance of Muslims into southeast Asia created the language Urdu, a mix of Hindi, Arabic, and Farsi. The Bhakti Movement began in the 12th century. This emphasizes on inner reflection to become close to a particular deity. This aligned with some beliefs of Sufi Islam. South Asia had much influence over southeast Asia, especially in terms of religion, through their trades that go back to 500 BCE. The Hindu Srivijaya Empire (670-1025) and Buddhist Majapahit Kingdom (1293-1520_ were two long-lasting kingdoms in Southeast Asia. In the Southeast, the Khmer Empire was formed in 802. It was heavily influenced by Indian culture and religion. It prospered economically. In 1431 the Sukhothai Kingdom forced the Khmers out. The first Southeast Asian Muslims were merchants who converted in the 700s for better trade relations. Sufi people's missionary work and tolerance for other faith appealed to people, having more southeast Asians convert to Islam. Developments in the Americas Missipian culture was the first large-scale civilization in North America It was known for creating mounds, most famously Cahokia. There was a strict class structure. Each town had a chief called the Great Sun Wealth was inherited from the Wife's side of the family The Mississippian civilization was abandoned by 1600. It is speculated that the reason for this was poor weather conditions causing agricultural failure. Another theory claims that diseases from Europe killed the population The Chaco and Mesa Verde cultures were known for their innovation in housing. Mayan civilization reached its height between 250 and 900 CE which held up to 2 million people. The Mayans fought for tributes and captives to be used as human sacrifices. Mayan kings were viewed as divine. They usually got power from their father, but kings were often overthrown. Mayan citizens contributed as taxpayers and even as soldiers in times of war. Mayans were very innovative in technology, which was usually fuelled by their interest in astronomy. The Mayans were religious and had priests who would conduct ceremonies to honor deities. The Mayan people also made offerings to deities. The Mexicas or Aztecs founded their capital, Tenochtitlan, in 1325 and eventually grew their empire from the gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. Tenochtitlan soon became one of the largest cities in the world. It had great infrastructural innovations such as Aqueducts, floating gardens, and ditches for irrigation. Aztecs insured dominance over Mesoamerica through a tribute system. They let local rulers stay in place and collect tributes so that they would not feel that the Aztecs are too powerful. Aztec officials and warriors were strategically dispersed and placed in areas to ensure peace and keep the empire going. The Aztec government was a theocracy and their society followed a strict hierarchy based on jobs. Aztecs worshipped many deities and performed many sacrifices. Women were relied on in society for their production of cloth. There were also a few noble women. The Aztecs declined in the late 15th century due to their lack of innovation and their desire for growth, even though they could not handle it. Also, their obsession with human sacrifices led to resentment from the citizens and a reason to rebel. The Incan empire was started in 1438 by a man called Pchacuty who conquered tribes along with his son, creating a new state. It rules over present-day Ecuador to Chile. The Inca Empire used a bureaucracy, splitting the state into provinces. They had a Mit'a system that required men between 15-50 to perform public service Incan religion revolved around the idea that there was a sun god name Inti and that the Inca rulers were his representatives on earth. This led to the formation of the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco. Incan rulers did not inherit land or property. Incan priests were highly valued in society and controlled many major decisions. The Incas performed human sacrifices sometimes. Animism, the idea that physical elements had supernatural powers, was a large part of Inca Religion The Inca had many great agricultural innovations and techniques to help them survive. They also constructed a roadway system called Carpa Nan with the labor of Captives. When the Spanish Conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, arrived in 1532 he was easily able to take over as the result of a weak army in the midst of a civil war or even because of European diseases entering. Many historians claim that all mesoamerican cultures are deeply related and that they are all based on the culture of the Olmec civilization. However, this idea is widely debated.

AP World History Modern: AMSCO Chapters 1.1-1.4 Summary




World History

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Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,
Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,
Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,
Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,
Interactions with environment
Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation,

These notes provide a straightforward summary of Chapters 1.1 to 1.4 from the AMSCO AP World History Modern textbook. Focused exclusively on these chapters, they offer clear and concise insights into key historical concepts and events. Here’s what you’ll find inside: - Chapter summaries that highlight essential content. - Analysis of social, political, environmental, cultural, and economic aspects. - Direct references to the AMSCO World History Modern textbook for easy cross-referencing. - Organized format to aid quick revision and understanding. - These notes are tailored to help students of AP World History Modern using the AMSCO textbook grasp the fundamental elements of these initial chapters, serving as a helpful study aid for class preparation and exams.

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Social Political Interactions with environment Cultural Economic Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation, trade, and intellectual achievement. The Mongol conquest helped to create global unity and strength which especially came nto use after 1450 Developments in East Asia China had great innovations from liberal arts, and social structures to religion and even manufacturing capabilities. They had a bureaucracy since 20' BCE and as it expanded the dynasty got stronger. This came with civil service exams, allowing China to have the best social mobility of its time. Nonetheless, this strained the dynasty financially. The Tang dynasty grew rapidly with its infrastructural innovations and technology, especially used to encourage trade as shown through the Grand Canal. The technology of guns was also significantly spread across Eurasia. They also created innovation in agriculture production which lead to a surplus in food allowing a severe population increase. They utilized iron and steel which were extremely helpful in production and even agriculture. China experienced Proto- industrialization (Economic changes in which people in rural areas produce more than they can ell). There were large factories producing and selling mass amounts but rather there was individual and community-based production. China became the most commercialized society. The innovation of taxes allowed people to get paychecks for doing government work, strengthening the economy. They also implemented a system of tributes involving...

Social Political Interactions with environment Cultural Economic Between 1200 and 1450 empires were growing more complex through innovation, trade, and intellectual achievement. The Mongol conquest helped to create global unity and strength which especially came nto use after 1450 Developments in East Asia China had great innovations from liberal arts, and social structures to religion and even manufacturing capabilities. They had a bureaucracy since 20' BCE and as it expanded the dynasty got stronger. This came with civil service exams, allowing China to have the best social mobility of its time. Nonetheless, this strained the dynasty financially. The Tang dynasty grew rapidly with its infrastructural innovations and technology, especially used to encourage trade as shown through the Grand Canal. The technology of guns was also significantly spread across Eurasia. They also created innovation in agriculture production which lead to a surplus in food allowing a severe population increase. They utilized iron and steel which were extremely helpful in production and even agriculture. China experienced Proto- industrialization (Economic changes in which people in rural areas produce more than they can ell). There were large factories producing and selling mass amounts but rather there was individual and community-based production. China became the most commercialized society. The innovation of taxes allowed people to get paychecks for doing government work, strengthening the economy. They also implemented a system of tributes involving...

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Alternative transcript:

other foreign states paying to respect the Empire. China was the first to have a scholar gentry of students studying Confucius, a philosophy that influenced a lot of the society. The Tang and Song dynasty embraced Confucius's belief in patriarchy and many during this time practiced "foot binding", the act of binding a woman's feet so they do not develop and restrict her movement. In the 7th century woodblock printing was created allowing Confucian scholars to produce many kinds of literature. Buddhism is a religion from India that is focused on the idea that craving creates suffering. There are three forms, Theravada, Tibetan, and Mahayana which flourished in china as the Chinese were able to relate this to Daoism. This caused some friction with the Tang dynasty. While the Song Dynasty initially preferred to keep Buddhism out of the picture and rather embrace their native traditions like Confucianism, however the Buddhism idea of Filial Piety that highlighted respect for others aligned with the beliefs of the Song dynasty. Buddhism spread greatly. Neo Confucianism was created between 770 and 840 and spread even beyond China's borders. New Confucianism focused on ethics. China's influence on neighboring countries was extremely strong, yet some smaller countries had trouble stopping China from overpowering their own culture. While Japan was separated by sea and thus was not as easily influenced by Japan, Buddhism and Chinese traditions still made way. Japan had feudalism without a centralized government. Japanese Feudalism vs European feudalism SIMILARITIES: a. Social Hierarchy peasants serfs sumari= nights Daimyo = nobles Shogun monarch b. The soldiers of both societies followed a code of chivalry. DIFFERENCES European knights gained land from their lords as payment for their military service; they had direct control of the serfs who worked that land. In contrast, Japanese samurai did not own any land. Korea was significantly influenced by Chinese culture, tradition, religion, and language. However, Korea's landed aristocracy was more powerful preventing reforms and social mobility Vietnam took in the Chinese writing system and architectural styles despite having an adversarial relationship with them. Vietnam's social structure was much different as they did not have a patriarchy or centralized government and embraced individualism. Vietnamese scholars usually stood for the peasants to fight the government. Despite these differences, Sinification eventually occurred. In the 8th century, Vietnam grew independent after battles where they used guerrilla warfare. Developments in Dar al-Islam. Islam reached places as far as India and Spain and showed a general tolerance for other theistic religions. The Abbasid Empire had scholars travel to Baghdad and learn at the House of Wisdom. Arabians purchased Egyptian Mamluks or enslaved people who would serve as soldiers and bureaucrats. This led to the takeover and establishment of the Mamlik Sultane. The Seljuk Turks were another Mulsim group that threatened the Abbasids with their title of sultan. The Seljuks were not tolerant of Christians passing by to reach Jerusalem, so the Christians organized a military called the Crusaders to fight this. The Mongols also attacked the Abbasid Empire causing it and the Seljuk's rule to end. Their expansion was stopped by the Mamluks Eventually, Bhagdad fell apart the trade patterns shifted north causing Bhafdad to lose all it's business and wealth. Turkish roots became a big part of Islamic empires Islamic scholars were ambitious and carried on the innovations of others. Many scholars from BHagdad made their mark such as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and A'shah al-Ba'uniyah. Sufism believes in finding truths that cannot be understood through learning. Islam placed importance on commerce and viewed merchants as prestigious. Some merchants were missionaries Until the 9th-century non-Arab Muslims faced some discrimination Muslims were allowed to have slaves but they were forbidden to enslave other Muslims, Jews, and Christian. However, often slaves would be freed once they converted to Islam. Female slaves usually were concubines that had more independence than regular women and could generally buy their freedom out of the money they make from dances. Head coverings were common before Muhammad and only solidified with Islam. Muhammad raised the status of women by advocating to stop female infanticide and also encouraging women to be educated and somewhat independent. While females' exact role in an Islamic society cannot be understood, they were definitely treated with more respect than women in Christianity or Judaism. In 711 Muslim forces invaded Spain but were turned back in their westward expansion in 732. The Ummaryard rulers coexisted with Christianity and Judaism in Spain, even learning from each other. They also encouraged trade. The Islamic State in Spain became a center of knowledge and education. Developments in South and Southeast Asia The interaction of Hindus and Muslims created an interesting and dynamic development in society and art. Buddhism also had a strong presence. In 550 when the Gupta dynasty fell India was in disunity. Hinduism was able to unite the region to some extent Southern India was much more stable with the prosperous Chola Dynasty from 850-1267 and the Vijayanagara empire from 1336-1646. After the fall of the Gupta Empire, Rajput kingdoms were formed which were independent kingdoms that often competed with each other. These kingdoms were vulnerable to attacks from the Muslims. In the 8th century, Islamic armies invaded India In the 11th century, they attacked Hinduism and Buddhism In the 13th century, they took over Delhi creating the Delhi sultanate. The Delhi Sultanate was not extremely successful in terms of influence and being liked. The Delhi Sultanate lost to the Mughal empire in 1526 Islam was incredibly different than existing religions in India Muslims eventually became peaceful and did not force Hindus to convert to Islam yet they did appeal to many Hindus out of their will. The Spread of Islam is the reason that Buddhism became a minority in its own country. The Muslims adopted to the class system of India. The Social Structure more or less stayed the same. Islamic scholars carried on the work of Indian minds and spread it. Islam also brought great architecture, using pre-existing Hindu temples to help them as demonstrated in the Qutub Minar. The entrance of Muslims into southeast Asia created the language Urdu, a mix of Hindi, Arabic, and Farsi. The Bhakti Movement began in the 12th century. This emphasizes on inner reflection to become close to a particular deity. This aligned with some beliefs of Sufi Islam. South Asia had much influence over southeast Asia, especially in terms of religion, through their trades that go back to 500 BCE. The Hindu Srivijaya Empire (670-1025) and Buddhist Majapahit Kingdom (1293-1520_ were two long-lasting kingdoms in Southeast Asia. In the Southeast, the Khmer Empire was formed in 802. It was heavily influenced by Indian culture and religion. It prospered economically. In 1431 the Sukhothai Kingdom forced the Khmers out. The first Southeast Asian Muslims were merchants who converted in the 700s for better trade relations. Sufi people's missionary work and tolerance for other faith appealed to people, having more southeast Asians convert to Islam. Developments in the Americas Missipian culture was the first large-scale civilization in North America It was known for creating mounds, most famously Cahokia. There was a strict class structure. Each town had a chief called the Great Sun Wealth was inherited from the Wife's side of the family The Mississippian civilization was abandoned by 1600. It is speculated that the reason for this was poor weather conditions causing agricultural failure. Another theory claims that diseases from Europe killed the population The Chaco and Mesa Verde cultures were known for their innovation in housing. Mayan civilization reached its height between 250 and 900 CE which held up to 2 million people. The Mayans fought for tributes and captives to be used as human sacrifices. Mayan kings were viewed as divine. They usually got power from their father, but kings were often overthrown. Mayan citizens contributed as taxpayers and even as soldiers in times of war. Mayans were very innovative in technology, which was usually fuelled by their interest in astronomy. The Mayans were religious and had priests who would conduct ceremonies to honor deities. The Mayan people also made offerings to deities. The Mexicas or Aztecs founded their capital, Tenochtitlan, in 1325 and eventually grew their empire from the gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean. Tenochtitlan soon became one of the largest cities in the world. It had great infrastructural innovations such as Aqueducts, floating gardens, and ditches for irrigation. Aztecs insured dominance over Mesoamerica through a tribute system. They let local rulers stay in place and collect tributes so that they would not feel that the Aztecs are too powerful. Aztec officials and warriors were strategically dispersed and placed in areas to ensure peace and keep the empire going. The Aztec government was a theocracy and their society followed a strict hierarchy based on jobs. Aztecs worshipped many deities and performed many sacrifices. Women were relied on in society for their production of cloth. There were also a few noble women. The Aztecs declined in the late 15th century due to their lack of innovation and their desire for growth, even though they could not handle it. Also, their obsession with human sacrifices led to resentment from the citizens and a reason to rebel. The Incan empire was started in 1438 by a man called Pchacuty who conquered tribes along with his son, creating a new state. It rules over present-day Ecuador to Chile. The Inca Empire used a bureaucracy, splitting the state into provinces. They had a Mit'a system that required men between 15-50 to perform public service Incan religion revolved around the idea that there was a sun god name Inti and that the Inca rulers were his representatives on earth. This led to the formation of the Temple of the Sun in Cuzco. Incan rulers did not inherit land or property. Incan priests were highly valued in society and controlled many major decisions. The Incas performed human sacrifices sometimes. Animism, the idea that physical elements had supernatural powers, was a large part of Inca Religion The Inca had many great agricultural innovations and techniques to help them survive. They also constructed a roadway system called Carpa Nan with the labor of Captives. When the Spanish Conquistador, Francisco Pizarro, arrived in 1532 he was easily able to take over as the result of a weak army in the midst of a civil war or even because of European diseases entering. Many historians claim that all mesoamerican cultures are deeply related and that they are all based on the culture of the Olmec civilization. However, this idea is widely debated.