


“Como la vida misma” – Rosa Montero

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"Como la vida misma" by Rosa Montero: AP Spanish Literature Study Guide


Welcome, literary enthusiasts and future traffic philosophers! We're diving into the chaotic, poignant world of Rosa Montero's "Como la vida misma" (1982). This short story is like a perfect cup of café—bitter yet awakening. Get ready to experience the grind of urban life in a way that's uncomfortably relatable yet profoundly introspective. 🚗💨

Storyline: Traffic Jam Confessions

Imagine you're stuck in morning traffic—tempers flaring, horns blaring, and patience tearing. Rosa Montero's power-packed narrative places you right in the thick of a vehicular battleground in an unnamed city, all to get to a holy grail of urban commuting: a parking spot.

The story opens with our main character embroiled in horrendous traffic. Clearly, she's not exactly Miss Sunshine as she lashes out mentally at the "terrible" drivers around her. Insults fly, and the frustration reaches boiling point, but salvation appears in the form of a parking spot and an equally distraught middle-aged man. Surprisingly, a simple "thank you" transforms the chaos, leaving both feeling a touch more human.

Context: Modern Life Through a Post-Franco Lens

In the 1980s, Spain was in the throes of monumental change. After Francisco Franco’s death in 1975, democracy bloomed like a rare flower in a previously autocratic garden. Literature mirrored this seismic shift, tackling themes of freedom, equality, and regionalism. This newfound liberty gave rise to politically charged works that wrestled with Spain’s turbulent path to stability.

During this vibrant period, feminist voices like Montero's began to rise. Contemporary Spanish literature took a sledgehammer to traditional narratives, opting instead for fragmented structures and multiple perspectives. Feminine literature flourished, spotlighting women's experiences and pushing for gender equality. In "Como la vida misma," Montero brings societal critique wrapped in the everyday ordeal of a traffic jam.

About Rosa Montero: The Mind Behind the Madness

Born in Madrid in 1951, Rosa Montero was a child prodigy of the pen, scribbling stories from a young age. She studied journalism and psychology and began her career at El País in 1976. Her debut novel, "La Crónica del Desamor" (The Chronicle of Heartbreak), hit the literary scene in 1979. Her work often dissects the human condition with a finesse that leaves you chuckling and contemplating life's ironies. 🖋️🔍

Photo of Rosa Montero circa 2014. Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Literary Elements: Making Mundanity Memorable

🚦 Title: "Como la vida misma" translates to "Like Life Itself," capturing the routine drudgery of daily life. Because who hasn't felt their soul slowly evaporate in a traffic jam?

⌚ Genre: The story is a crónica narrativa—a narrative chronicle that tells events in the order they unfold. Imagine your day diary if it were written by someone with Montero's flair.

🔗 Themes:

🌍 El Tiempo y El Espacio: Montero compresses the timeline into just 15 minutes, warping our sense of space and time to thrust us into the narrator’s cramped world. Feeling stressed yet?

🌳 El Individuo en su Entorno: The protagonist’s frustration encapsulates how our environments shape us. The second-person narrative makes every beep, curse, and sigh feel personal, enveloping the reader in the protagonist’s angst.

Fun Literary Devices: The Almighty Arsenal

Hyperbole: Ever felt like you were surrounded by "Doscientos mil coches" (two hundred thousand cars)? Yeah, Montero nails that all-consuming frustration with exaggeration that we'd swear wasn't far off reality.

Irony & Exclamations: The story drips with irony, showing us humanity's dual nature. The protagonist's question—"Why are people so aggressive?"—after a bout of road rage, is as delicious as dripping sarcasm. Irony underscores our tendency to expect patience from others while barely offering it ourselves. 🛑🤷

Imagery: “Semáforo en rojo, un rojo inconfundible" (Red traffic light, an unmistakable red)—Montero’s vivid description of mundane details slows time, emulating your brain’s wandering thoughts as you wait, wait, and wait some more.


Montero's "Como la vida misma" is a spirited dive into the trenches of urban existence. It’s a vivid, relatable depiction of everyday frustrations that reveals larger truths about human nature and societal constructs. So, the next time you’re stuck in traffic, channel your inner Montero and turn that monotony into a moment of introspection. 🚦🧐

Key Terms to Review

Crónica Narrativa: A literary genre blending fiction and journalism, often presenting real-life events with narrative flair.

Hyperbole: Exaggerations not meant to be taken literally, used for emphasis or dramatic effect.

Imagery: Descriptive language appealing to the senses, creating vivid mental images.

Irony: The contrast between expectation and reality, often adding depth and surprise.

Literatura Feminina y Contemporánea: Literature by contemporary female authors exploring themes related to gender, identity, and the female experience.

Rosa Montero: Celebrated Spanish author known for works exploring identity, feminism, and the human condition.

Good luck on your AP Spanish Literature exams! May your studies be as engaging and rewarding as Montero’s storytelling. 📚✨

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