


Deviation from Ideal Gas Law

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Deviations from the Ideal Gas Law: AP Chemistry Study Guide


Welcome to the wild, wacky world of gases! In this guide, we'll explore the curious quirks of gases that refuse to play by the rules. The Ideal Gas Law might seem straightforward, like a gas version of a “one-size-fits-all” hat, but in reality, gases sometimes deviate from this neat behavior. So, buckle up and prepare to delve into what happens when gases decide to be, well... less than ideal!

Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT) Refresher

Before we get into why gases misbehave, let's quickly revisit the Kinetic Molecular Theory (KMT), which is like the rulebook for gas particles:

  1. There are no attractive or repulsive forces between gas particles. So, no gas particles writing each other love notes or having a tug-of-war.
  2. Gas particles are so spread out and tiny that their volume is negligible. Imagine sprinkles in a football stadium.
  3. These particles move in random, straight-line motion, much like toddlers on a sugar high.
  4. Collisions between gas particles are perfectly elastic. They bounce off each other without losing energy, like billiard balls.
  5. The kinetic energy of gas particles is directly proportional to their velocity. So, more speed, more kinetic energy, simple as that.

Adulting Gases: Why Do Gases Deviate from Ideal Behavior?

Just like how adults sometimes don't follow "adulting" rules, gases also break the Ideal Gas Law when they're placed under certain conditions, usually when they're under high pressure or at very low temperatures. Here's why:

Close Encounters of the Gas Kind: Attractive Forces When gases are compressed (high pressure) or chilled (low temperature), particles are squished together, like passengers on a crowded bus. They start to notice each other, leading to attractive forces. This violates the KMT’s first rule.

At lower temperatures, gas molecules move slower, giving them more time to mingle and form attractions. This is commonly seen with larger and polar molecules. So, if a gas particle feels a tug from its neighbor, it won’t hit the container wall as often, resulting in lower pressure than predicted by the Ideal Gas Law.

Volume Matters: Size Does Count At high pressures, the volume of individual gas particles starts to become significant compared to the total volume of the container. Imagine a bunch of beach balls in a car; they take up a noticeable amount of space! This means the volume correction becomes necessary; sometimes, the volume of real gases is notably higher than the ideal gases.

Graphically Speaking Increasing pressure means more deviation. Plotting PV/RT against pressure, if PV/RT equals 1, we’d have an ideal situation. However, real gases usually show deviations from this neatness. It’s like gas particles saying, "Rules? What rules?"

The Van der Waals Equation: Mathematically Catching the Mischief

Chemists, like disciplinary parents, corrected these deviations using Van der Waals Equation. It might look like a math monster, but it just adjusts pressure (P) and volume (V) to account for these quirky gas behaviors.

Van der Waals Equation Essentials:

  • The '+' term corrects for attractive forces (because pressure in the real world is lower).
  • The '-' term corrects for the actual space gas particles take up (since volume in real gases is higher).

Don't sweat it: for your AP exam, you won’t need to crunch the numbers with this equation, just understand it conceptually.

Practical Tale: Real Gases in Action

Example Question: A student measures CO2's pressure at 425K and finds it lower than the Ideal Gas Law predicts. Why?

Sample Answer: CO2 molecules experience attractive forces, resulting in a lower pressure than the Ideal Gas Law predicts because these forces reduce the frequency of collisions with the container walls.

Diffusion and Effusion: Gases on the Move

Gases love to move, and their wandering ways can be classified into two types:

Diffusion: Gas Mixing Party 🏃 Diffusion is the flamboyant cousin where gases spread out to mix evenly. Temperature cranks up the party (higher temp = faster diffusion), and heavier guests (molecules) take their time to join the celebration!

Effusion: Gas's Sneaky Escape Effusion is more like a sneaky jailbreak, where gas particles slip through tiny openings into a vacuum. Temperature plays the DJ, speeding up the escape, while molecular weight acts as guard dogs (heavier molecules escape slower).

Graham's Law of Effusion: The rate of effusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the gas’s molar mass. Translation: lighter gases channel their inner Usain Bolt and effuse faster.

Key Terms to Know

  • Attractive Forces: The flirty forces drawing particles together (like atoms, ions, molecules).
  • Boyle's Law: At constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.
  • Diffusion: The great gas mingling adventure, spreading particles evenly.
  • Effusion: The covert escape of gas through tiny openings, moving from high to low pressure.
  • Graham's Law of Effusion: Lighter gases effuse faster than heavier ones.
  • High Pressures: Those times when gases are squished together, leading to deviations.
  • Ideal Gas Law (PV=nRT): The holy grail equation for ideal gas behavior.
  • Intermolecular Forces (IMFs): Forces acting between molecules, pulling or pushing them together.
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory: The go-to model for understanding gas behavior.
  • Low Temperatures: When it’s chilly, gas particles slow down, increasing attractive forces.
  • Molecular Weight: Sum of all atomic masses in a molecule, measured in amu.
  • Non-Polar Molecules: Molecules with balanced charges, no sticky ends.
  • Polar Molecules: Molecules with uneven charge distribution, giving them positive and negative ends.
  • Van der Waals Equation: The go-to fix for those cheeky deviations in gas behavior.


Gases: they're wild, unpredictable, and wonderfully quirky. Understanding when and why they step out of line can help you see beyond the Ideal Gas Law, making you the ultimate gas guru. Remember, even gases like to break the rules sometimes—embrace their wild side and shine in your AP Chemistry exam! 🌟

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