


Elementary Reactions

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Elementary Reactions: AP Chemistry Study Guide


Welcome, budding chemists! Today, we're diving into the magical world of elementary reactions. Don't worry—this isn't a front-row ticket to "Chemistry: The Musical," but it does involve some atomic-level drama! 🎭💥

What Are Elementary Reactions?

An elementary reaction is like the "keep it simple" mantra of chemistry. It's a chemical reaction that occurs in a single step with no detours, shortcuts, or surprise cameo appearances from other molecules. Imagine it as a blink-and-you'll-miss-it scene in a movie, where molecules collide, react, and form products all in one swoop. 🌟

You’ll need to remember that everything in this guide focuses on these single-step reactions, which set the stage for more complex chemical dramas. For instance, the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water, the decomposition of ozone, and the ionization of a gas are all elementary reactions.

Understanding Rate Laws: The Basics

Before we dive into the beautiful chaos of rate laws, let’s explain what one is. Given a reaction, let’s call it A → B, the rate law for this reaction can be expressed as R = k[A]ⁿ, where:

  1. R is the reaction rate.
  2. k is the rate constant—a bit like the speed limit of the reaction.
  3. n is the reaction order, which tells you how the concentration of A affects the speed of the reaction.

In simpler terms, a rate law is a mathematical way to describe how quickly something happens in chemistry. If you need a refresher on rate laws, there's a guide out there just for you!

Discovering Rate Laws Experimentally

Unfortunately, you can't just look at the stoichiometric coefficients (the handy numbers that balance your chemical equations) and guess the rate law. That would be like assuming you could become a concert pianist by just owning a piano. 🎹

To figure out the true rate law, you need to conduct experiments. Here’s the basic method: run the reaction multiple times, changing the concentration of one reactant while keeping everything else constant, and see how the rate changes. Important note: these experiments need to be run at the same temperature, or you'll get funky results due to temperature-dependent changes in the rate constant, k.

How Does Concentration Affect Rate?

Picture this: you have a reactant at a concentration of 1 M, and the reaction rate is 1 mol/Ls. If you double the concentration to 2 M and the reaction rate jumps to 4 mol/Ls, what's up with that? This shows a quadratic effect because doubling the concentration quadruples the rate. Here’s the nitty-gritty formula:

1 = k[A]ⁿ


4 = k(2[A])ⁿ

which simplifies to

4 = k(4[A]²)

showing n must be 2, indicating a second-order reaction.

To summarize the effects: if doubling the concentration doubles the rate, it’s first order. Quadrupling the rate means it’s second order, and if it octuples (yes, that’s a word, we think), it's third order. Pro tip: higher than second order is as rare as a unicorn at a chemistry convention. 🦄🔬

Example Problem

Let’s say you have the reaction: 2NO + 2H₂ → N₂ + 2H₂O, with some data at 1280 °C. Here's how you'd find the rate law:

Finding the Order of NO:

Compare experiments where [NO] doubles but [H₂] stays constant. If the rate goes up by a factor of 4, then the reaction is second order with respect to NO.

Finding the Order of H₂:

Now, compare where [H₂] doubles, but [NO] stays the same. If the rate doubles, then the reaction is first order with respect to H₂.

Putting It All Together:

Given the orders, our rate law is R = k[NO]²[H₂]. High five! Now try plugging in some values to find k.

AP Practice Time! 🎓

The College Board once asked: how does the ammonium salt of isocyanic acid decompose? They provided some intriguing data and a table.

To Confirm the Rate Law:

First, check if the reaction is first-order. You can either plot ln[CO(NH₂)₂] vs. time and see if it's a straight line or identify a constant half-life in the data. Spoiler alert: in this scenario, the half-life stayed the same, confirming a first-order reaction.

To Find k:

Use the formula t1/2 = 0.693/k. Plug in the half-life (10 hours), solve for k, and remember your units! Since this question used hours, express k in h⁻¹.

Advanced Experiment:

To determine if the reaction rate depends on OH⁻ concentration, change the OH⁻ concentration and measure CO(NH₂)₂ over time. Keep other factors like temperature steady and watch what happens!

Key Terms to Review

  • Concentration: The amount of a substance in a defined space.
  • Decomposition of Ozone: Ozone breaking into oxygen molecules and atoms.
  • First-Order Reaction: Rate depends on one reactant.
  • Half-Life: Time for half a substance to disappear.
  • Ionization of a Gas: Atoms or molecules gain/lose electrons to form ions.
  • Rate Constant (k): Factor relating rate of reaction to reactant concentrations.
  • Rate Law: Equation expressing the reaction rate related to reactant concentrations.
  • Second-Order Reaction: Rate depends on the square of one reactant or the product of two.
  • Stoichiometric Coefficients: Numbers balancing a chemical equation.
  • Elementary Reaction: Single-step chemical process.
  • Temperature Dependent: Influenced by temperature changes.


Elementary reactions may seem simple, but they’re the building blocks of complex chemical processes. Whether you’re reacting hydrogen and oxygen to form water or decomposing ozone, understanding these basics is key. Now that you've journeyed through rate laws, concentration effects, and experimental setups, you’re ready to tackle any elementary reaction that comes your way. Go forth, conquer the chemistry world, and may your reactions always be favorable! 🧪✨

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