


Integrating Using Integration by Parts

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Integration by Parts: A Delightful Dive into AP Calculus BC

Welcome to Integration by Parts

Hello, math wizards! Ready to add another trick to your Calculus spellbook? Today, we’re diving into Integration by Parts, a technique that can make even the trickiest integrals look as easy as pie (well, maybe Pi). This method is especially useful when dealing with integrals of the product of two functions. Think of it as the Swiss Army Knife of integrals! 🔪✨

Integration by Parts: The Basics

Imagine you have an integral that just won’t budge by regular methods like u-substitution. Enter Integration by Parts! This powerful technique is essentially a reverse application of the product rule from differentiation. Here’s a friendly neighborhood example:

[ \int x^2 \sin(x) , dx ]

After looking at this, you might feel like saying, "That's a tough nut to crack!" But fear not, Integration by Parts is here to save the day!

Unpacking the Product Rule

The product rule for differentiation says:

[ \frac{d}{dx} (uv) = u \cdot v' + v \cdot u' ]

Now, let's reverse engineer it. Integrate both sides, and we get:

[ uv = \int u \cdot v' , dx + \int v \cdot u' , dx ]

Rearranging the terms, we arrive at the Integration by Parts formula:

[ \int u , dv = uv - \int v , du ]

This, my friends, is the key to unlocking those tricky integrals!

Strategy and Application

To use Integration by Parts effectively, follow these magical steps:

  1. Select ( u ) and ( dv ) wisely. The choice of these parts is crucial. We generally use the LIATE mnemonic to choose ( u ), which prioritizes Logarithmic, Inverse trigonometric, Algebraic, Trigonometric, and Exponential functions.

  2. Differentiate and Integrate. Find ( du ) (the derivative of ( u )) and ( v ) (the antiderivative of ( dv )).

  3. Apply the Formula. Substitute ( u ), ( du ), ( v ), and ( dv ) into the Integration by Parts formula.

  4. Simplify and Repeat if Necessary. If the new integral is still complex, rinse and repeat the process.

LIATE Mnemonic

  • Logarithmic functions
  • Inverse trigonometric functions
  • Algebraic functions
  • Trigonometric functions
  • Exponential functions

This little mnemonic is your compass in the wilderness of integration! 🧭

Practice Makes Perfect

Example 1: (\int xe^x , dx)

  1. Choose ( u ) and ( dv ): From LIATE, ( u = x ) (Algebraic), ( dv = e^x dx ) (Exponential).
  2. Differentiate and Integrate: ( du = dx ), ( v = e^x ).
  3. Apply the Formula: [ \int x e^x , dx = x e^x - \int e^x , dx = x e^x - e^x + C ]
  4. Final Answer: [ \int xe^x , dx = xe^x - e^x + C ] Voilà!

Example 2: (\int \ln(x) , dx)

  1. Choose ( u ) and ( dv ): ( u = \ln(x) ) (Logarithmic), ( dv = dx ) (constant).
  2. Differentiate and Integrate: ( du = \frac{1}{x} dx ), ( v = x ).
  3. Apply the Formula: [ \int \ln(x) , dx = x \ln(x) - \int x \cdot \frac{1}{x} , dx = x \ln(x) - \int 1 , dx = x \ln(x) - x + C ]
  4. Final Answer: [ \int \ln(x) , dx = x \ln(x) - x + C ] Magic! ✨

Example 3: (\int x^2 \cos(x) , dx)

  1. Choose ( u ) and ( dv ): ( u = x^2 ) (Algebraic), ( dv = \cos(x) dx ) (Trigonometric).

  2. Differentiate and Integrate: ( du = 2x dx ), ( v = \sin(x) ).

  3. Apply the Formula: [ \int x^2 \cos(x) , dx = x^2 \sin(x) - \int 2x \sin(x) , dx ] We need to apply Integration by Parts again for ( \int 2x \sin(x) , dx ).

  4. Repeat Steps:

    Choose ( u = 2x ), ( dv = \sin(x) dx ).

    Differentiate and Integrate: ( du = 2 dx ), ( v = -\cos(x) ).

    Apply Formula: [ \int 2x \sin(x) , dx = -2x \cos(x) - \int -2 \cos(x) , dx = -2x \cos(x) + 2 \sin(x) + C ]

  5. Combine Results: [ \int x^2 \cos(x) , dx = x^2 \sin(x) - (-2x \cos(x) + 2 \sin(x)) + C ] Simplifying gives: [ \int x^2 \cos(x) , dx = x^2 \sin(x) + 2x \cos(x) - 2 \sin(x) + C ] You are a math ninja! 🥋

Challenge Problem

Challenge: (\int e^x \cos(x) , dx)

Try using Integration by Parts twice. Here's a hint to get you started: choose ( u = \cos(x) ) and ( dv = e^x dx ). Then, rinse and repeat!

If you follow through correctly: [ \int e^x \cos(x) , dx = \frac{e^x (\sin(x) + \cos(x))}{2} + C ]

With this challenge under your belt, you now boast the skills of an Integration by Parts master! 🌟


Great job, integration aficionados! 🎉 You’ve now mastered Integration by Parts, a nifty method that’s perfect when dealing with the product of two distinct functions. Keep practicing, and remember to carefully select your ( u ) and ( dv ) parts to make the process smoother. Soon, you’ll navigate through integrals as effortlessly as a pro skateboarder on a half-pipe! 🛹

Now go conquer those integrals, one part at a time!

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