


Logistic Models with Differential Equations

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Logistic Models with Differential Equations: AP Calculus BC Study Guide 2024


Hey there, future calculus wizards! Ready to dive into the fascinating world of logistic models and differential equations? Buckle up because we're about to take a ride through the mathematical jungle where populations grow, slow down, and sometimes just chill when they hit their limits. 🦁📈

Logistic Models with Differential Equations

Logistic models are like the Goldilocks of differential equations: they grow just right. Whether it’s a population of rabbits in a forest, bacteria in a petri dish, or any other self-limiting growth process, the logistic growth model is your mathematical tool of choice. It brilliantly describes how a population increases rapidly at first, then slows down, and eventually flattens out when it reaches its carrying capacity, which is the maximum sustainable population. It’s nature’s way of saying, “Don’t overstay your welcome!” 🍃

Imagine a graph showing population growth. On one side, you have exponential growth, which zooms upwards forever like a rocket—exciting but unrealistic. On the other, you have logistic growth, which levels off due to limited resources, like a balloon that can only hold so much air before it stops expanding.

Mathematically, the logistic differential equation is represented as follows:

[ \frac{dy}{dt} = ky(M - y) ]

Here, ( y ) is the population size, ( k ) is the growth rate constant, and ( M ) is the carrying capacity. An equivalent, handy form you’ll also see looks like this:

[ \frac{dy}{dt} = ky \left(1 - \frac{y}{M}\right) ]

This model is a favorite in ecology and biology, but it also moonlights in other fields where populations or quantities hit a ceiling. 🧬

Example: Solving a Logistic Model

Let’s roll up our sleeves and tackle an example! Imagine the population ( P(t) ) of germs in a petri dish, which follows this logistic differential equation (with ( t ) in hours and an initial population of 400 critters):

[ \frac{dP}{dt} = 2P\left(5 - \frac{P}{2000}\right) ]

Question 1: What is the carrying capacity of the population?

When ( t ) approaches infinity (which is math-speak for "a long, long time from now"), ( P(t) ) will settle at the carrying capacity because the change in population (( dP/dt )) approaches zero. Simplifying the equation:

[ 0 = 2P\left(5 - \frac{P}{2000}\right) ]

We have two cozy homes for ( P ):

  1. ( 2P = 0 ), meaning ( P = 0 )
  2. ( 5 - \frac{P}{2000} = 0 ), solving gives ( P = 10000 )

Thus, the carrying capacity is 10,000 germs. 🦠

Question 2: When is the population growing the fastest?

The population grows fastest at half the carrying capacity, kind of like that halfway point in your favorite video game where everything happens at double speed. Mathematically, it's where ( y = \frac{M}{2} ).

So, if ( M = 10000 ):

[ y = \frac{10000}{2} = 5000 ]

Thus, the population peaks in growth speed at 5,000 germs. 🚀

Practice Problem: Try It Yourself!

Your turn! Let’s give the bacteria population a workout with this logistic differential equation:

[ \frac{dP}{dt} = 4P \left(10 - \frac{P}{2000}\right) ]

If the initial population is 300 bacteria:

  1. What is the carrying capacity of the population?
  2. When is the population growing the fastest?

**Don't peek! Solutions are just below. 😉

Solution to Practice Problem

Carrying Capacity:

[ 0 = 4P \left(10 - \frac{P}{2000}\right) ]

We get:

  1. ( 4P = 0 ), which means ( P = 0 )
  2. ( 10 - \frac{P}{2000} = 0 ), solving gives ( P = 20000 )

Carry the capacity is a hefty 20,000 bacteria! 🔬

Population Growth:

At the point of fastest change:

[ y = \frac{M}{2} = \frac{20000}{2} = 10000 ]

So, the population’s size grows the fastest at 10,000 bacteria.


The logistic growth model is a powerhouse of analysis for self-limiting processes:

  • (\frac{dy}{dt} = ky(M - y)) tells us that growth is both proportional to the current size and limited by the carrying capacity.
  • When the initial population is less than the carrying capacity, it grows exponentially but slows as it approaches the limit.
  • At ( y = M ), growth ceases ((\frac{dy}{dt} = 0)).
  • The fastest growth happens when ( y = \frac{M}{2} ).

Congratulations! You’ve now mastered the art of predicting how things grow when nature imposes limits. Dive into unit eight with confidence and keep moving forward like a determined calculus pro! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

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