


Understanding and interpreting a narrator’s perspective

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Narrator's Perspective in Short Fiction: AP English Literature Study Guide


Welcome, budding literati and story aficionados! 🌟 Grab a comfy chair, maybe a cup of cocoa, and settle in as we unravel the mysteries of narrators in short fiction. We're diving into the nitty-gritty of who tells the story, why it matters, and how it changes everything. 🕵️‍♀️ Let’s jump right into the world of narrators – the secret agents of literature!

Narrator Basics

So, what’s a narrator anyway? Is it just some invisible wordsmith floating above the plot? Not quite! A narrator is the voice or persona that tells the story. This voice might belong to a character within the tale or an external observer who's not a part of the action, much like a friendly neighbor who’s always in the know. 📖

A narrator is different from a speaker, which is the voice you hear in a poem, song, or any other form of literature. The speaker might be the poet, a fictional character, or a unique persona conjured by the author. While both narrators and speakers play crucial roles, a narrator guides us through a narrative, while a speaker shares their musings and insights in more lyrical forms.

Is the Narrator the Author?

Here’s a plot twist! The narrator isn't necessarily the author. Imagine the author as a puppet master and the narrator as one of the puppets. The author creates the narrator, giving them life and a voice, but they remain two distinct entities. For instance, if your friendly narrator in a short story is recounting their escapades in a first-person perspective, it doesn’t mean it’s the author’s real-life diary. Some stories might even use forms like letters or diaries to relay a character's personal experiences and thoughts, but that’s still different from the author’s direct voice.

What is Point of View (POV)?

Ah, point of view (POV), the lens through which we see the world of the story! POV is the position from which a narrator or speaker relates the events. It’s like choosing between being an eagle soaring high for a broad view or an ant for a ground-level perspective. 🦅🐜

  1. First-person POV: The narrator is part of the story, using "I" and "me." It's like wearing VR goggles – you see and experience everything from the narrator's personal view.
  2. Second-person POV: This POV uses "you" and "your," making the reader feel like a character in the story. Think of it as an exclusive invite to an interactive adventure! 🎮
  3. Third-person POV: Here, the narrator uses "he," "she," "it," and "they," and positions the reader as an observer of the characters' lives. It’s like watching a drama unfold from the audience.
  4. Omniscient POV: The all-knowing narrator who has a backstage pass to everyone’s thoughts, feelings, and secrets. It’s like reading a gossip column that covers the entire cast of characters! 🤫

Test Yourself

Ready for a mini-detective case? Let’s practice! Examine Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart.” Who’s the narrator? What POV is used? I’ll reveal the answer at the end, so stay tuned!

Influence of Narrator/Speaker

Narrators and speakers have the magical power to shape our understanding of the story. Their voice, insights, and involvement can either draw us in or make us skeptical of their tale. If a narrator is a character sharing their perspective, we get an intimate, firsthand account, limited to their knowledge and biases. If the narrator is an external voice, we might get a broader, more objective view.

Consider the tone: a humorous narrator can make even a grave tale feel light-hearted, while a serious tone can add weight to a seemingly trivial event. The narrator’s relationship with the reader is vital, akin to a tour guide who can either make the journey memorable or leave us confused in the maze of the plot.

Influence of POV

POV dictates how deep our connection can be with characters and events. A first-person POV immerses us in the narrator's world, like seeing everything through their personal diary. For instance, in Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” we live Huck’s adventures right alongside him on the Mississippi River.🌊

A third-person POV, on the other hand, offers a bird’s eye view, showing multiple characters’ perspectives and events. George Orwell’s “1984,” written in third-person POV, lets us peek into the lives of different characters, unfolding the grim reality under Big Brother’s watchful eyes. 📚

Answer to Test Yourself Exercise

In "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator is an unnamed first-person character who narrates the tale of their obsession with an old man's "vulture-like" eye. This perspective is first-person limited, giving us a close, albeit unreliable, view of the narrator's twisted mind and actions.


We hope this guide made the world of narrators and perspectives clearer (and a bit more fun)! Remember, narrators are like our literary tour guides, leading us through the twists and turns of stories. The point of view they offer shapes our journey, coloring our perceptions of events and characters. 🌟

Next time you pick up a piece of literature, pay attention to who’s steering the narrative ship. Understanding the narrator’s perspective can unlock entire worlds and hidden layers within the story. Happy reading, and may your literary adventures be ever thrilling! 📚✨

Key Terms to Review

  • Character: Individuals who drive the plot, whether they’re people, animals, or even speaking objects with human-like qualities.
  • First-person POV: The narrator uses "I," "me," and "my," allowing readers to experience events through the character’s eyes.
  • Narrator: The voice or character relaying the story, providing insights and commentary on events and characters.
  • Omniscient POV: The all-knowing narrative perspective that reveals thoughts, feelings, and actions of all characters in the story.
  • Point of View (POV): How a story is told, determining whose perspective we experience and how it shapes our understanding of the narrative.

Stay curious, and see you in the next guide! 📖👋

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