


Open and Closed Systems: Energy

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Open and Closed Systems: Energy - AP Physics 1 Study Guide


Hello, future physicists and curious minds! 🚀 Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of energy systems in physics. Whether it's the boundless universe or your morning cup of coffee, everything around us involves the transfer and transformation of energy. So, let’s jump right into it like Einstein on a pogo stick! 🦘

Conservation Laws 👨‍💻

Physics is a bit like the universe's rulebook, and one of its most important rules is the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only change forms. Imagine energy as an overly enthusiastic shape-shifter at a costume party, constantly switching between different guises but never leaving the room. This means if one part of our system loses energy, another part gains it. 💡

This golden rule of physics applies to all forms of energy:

  • Kinetic energy: the "move it, move it" energy.
  • Potential energy: the "just hanging out" energy.
  • Thermal energy: the "hot stuff" energy.

Total Energy Changes 👨‍💻

Imagine your energy system like a family at a dinner table. They can pass dishes (energy forms) back and forth, but the total amount of food (energy) on the table stays the same. Interacting with other objects or systems can change the total energy, just like inviting the neighbors over would affect the food dynamics.

Systems vs. Objects 💡

In the great cosmos of physics, a system is like a comedy duo or an ensemble cast, where the group must be analyzed as a whole. Sometimes, these groups are open systems and can exchange energy and matter with their surroundings. Picture an open system as an all-you-can-eat buffet. Energy and matter are flowing in and out like hungry patrons at a holiday feast.

Closed systems can exchange only energy (not matter) with their surroundings, like a thermos keeping your coffee hot but not letting it spill or mix with your cereal. Finally, an isolated system is like a hermit crab in its shell, not exchanging energy or matter with the outside world.

Force Interactions 💡

Force interactions are like the galactic tug-of-war matches where objects exert forces on each other. These interactions can change the energy within a system and can come from inside the system (internal forces) or from outside (external forces).

What’s a System?

When talking about energy and work, defining the system is essential. Think of a system as the superhero team you’re focusing on. Whether it’s Spider-Man swinging between buildings or a baseball flying through the air, you need to know who’s in the spotlight.

Using systems helps distinguish between internal forces (like tension in a superhero’s web) and external forces (like a villain’s push).

Work, Work, Work

In physics, work isn’t about your 9-to-5 job. It’s about transferring energy via forces. Work happens when an external net force causes an object to move in the direction of that force. So, if you're pushing a giant boulder up a hill, you're doing a whole lotta work! 🏋️‍♂️

Work can be calculated with the formula: W = Fd cosθ where:

  • F is the applied force
  • d is the distance the force is applied over
  • θ (theta) is the angle between the force and the direction of movement

If you find this depiction easier, think of work as the secret to unlocking energy transformation in any Force vs. Displacement graph, where different shapes (rectangles, triangles) can tell you the work done!

By convention, if work is done on the system, it’s considered positive work, which means the system’s energy increases. Conversely, work done by the system is negative, draining its energy levels like an old school video game.


And now, let’s talk about power, the sibling who rushes through life. Power is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred. If energy were a bank account, power would be how fast you can earn (or spend!) those joules. It’s measured in watts (W), where 1 watt equals 1 joule per second (J/s).

Power is calculated using: P = E/t where:

  • E is the energy change (or work done)
  • t is the time it took for the change to occur

Power gauges how quickly a system or object is completing tasks or transferring energy. It’s like how many episodes you can binge-watch in an hour. 📺

Key Terms to Review

  • Closed System: Exchanges energy but not matter with its surroundings.
  • Conservation Laws: Fundamental principles where certain quantities remain constant over time.
  • Force Interactions: Mutual actions between objects through forces.
  • Isolated System: No exchange of matter or energy with surroundings.
  • Joules per Second: Another name for watts, measuring power.
  • Potential Energy: Stored energy based on position or condition.
  • Power: The speed at which work is done or energy is transferred.
  • Systems vs. Objects: A system is a collection of interacting objects studied as a whole.
  • Thermal Energy: Internal energy due to particle motion and vibration.
  • Total Energy Changes: Variations in the overall energy of a system.
  • Work: Energy transfer through force and movement.


Congratulations! You've just aced the basics of open and closed systems in energy. 🎉 The universe might be vast and complex, but you've got the knowledge to start cracking its secret codes. Remember, whether it’s conserving energy like a Spartan or understanding the push and pull of forces, you’re now equipped to handle these physics dilemmas with the confidence of a coffee-fueled Einstein. 💡👨‍🔬

Keep exploring, stay curious, and may the (physical) force be with you!

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