


Open and Closed Systems: Momentum

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AP Physics 1: Open and Closed Systems - Momentum Study Guide 📚


Welcome aboard, future physicists and momentum enthusiasts! It's time to embark on a thrilling ride through the world of momentum, where we'll uncover the secrets of open and closed systems. Buckle up, because things are about to get moving (literally and figuratively!). 🚀

Closed Systems vs. Open Systems

First things first, let's clear the fog surrounding closed and open systems.

Closed systems are like your favorite snack jar when you're trying to lose weight: nothing goes in, and nothing comes out (sorry, snacks!). When dealing with momentum, this means that the total momentum of all objects within this closed system remains constant, as there are no external influences to change it. 🎉

On the flip side, open systems are the wild teenagers of the physics world. They exchange energy, matter, and momentum with their surroundings like they're at a rock concert. This means that the total momentum of objects within an open system can change, as these exchanges make it hard to keep things constant. 🎸

Key Points About Closed and Open Systems:

In a closed system, the total momentum is conserved. Imagine you're juggling oranges (closed system): the total number of oranges (momentum) stays the same, assuming no one steals one mid-air.

In an open system, the total momentum can vary because momentum can be exchanged with external objects. Think of an open system as the Orange Juggling Championship, where oranges are flying in and out from all directions.

To analyze the momentum of an open system, factor in interactions with external objects, much like tracking all the oranges tossed by sneaky competitors.

Momentum of a System

When it comes to system momentum, remember that all forces occur in action-reaction pairs thanks to Newton's 3rd Law: for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. It’s like the universe's way of ensuring fair play in a cosmic tug-of-war. ⚖️

Internal forces always cancel each other out, so the total forces are essentially all the external forces combined. If these external forces sum up to zero, the net momentum is conserved. However, if there's some external force at play, expect some changes in the momentum game.

Example Problems (With a Dash of Fun)

Example Problem #1:

A car weighing 1000 kg travels at a velocity of 50 m/s, carrying a 75 kg passenger with it. What’s the total momentum?


The car’s momentum is calculated by multiplying mass and velocity: ( \text{momentum} = 1000 , \text{kg} \times 50 , \text{m/s} = 50000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) The passenger’s momentum is ( \text{momentum} = 75 , \text{kg} \times 50 , \text{m/s} = 3750 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Total momentum? ( 50000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} + 3750 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} = 53750 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Now that’s a carpool party with a momentum punch! 🚗💥

Example Problem #2:

A 1000 kg spaceship travels at 50 m/s, hauling 500 kg cargo moving at 25 m/s relative to the spaceship. What’s the total momentum?


Spaceship’s momentum: ( \text{momentum} = 1000 , \text{kg} \times 50 , \text{m/s} = 50000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Cargo’s momentum: ( \text{momentum} = 500 , \text{kg} \times 25 , \text{m/s} = 12500 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Total momentum: ( 50000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} + 12500 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} = 62500 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Houston, we have momentum! 🚀🌠

Example Problem #3:

A train of 10000 kg chugs along at 50 m/s, with 20 cars, each 1000 kg and moving at 50 m/s. What’s the total momentum here?


Train’s momentum: ( \text{momentum} = 10000 , \text{kg} \times 50 , \text{m/s} = 500000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Cars’ momentum (20 cars combined): ( 20 \times 1000 , \text{kg} \times 50 , \text{m/s} = 1000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Total momentum: ( 500000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} + 1000000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} = 1500000 , \text{kg} \cdot \text{m/s} ) Choo-choo! That’s one hefty momentum train! 🚂💨

Key Terms to Review

  • Closed System: A physical system that doesn’t exchange matter with surroundings but can exchange energy. Think of it as a perfectly sealed fruit jar.
  • Conservation of Charge: Total electric charge in a closed system remains constant over time. Nature’s way of ensuring no funny business with electrons. ⚡️
  • Conservation of Energy: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or transformed. The physics version of “No free lunch.”
  • Conservation of Mass: Mass cannot be created or destroyed in chemical reactions. Atoms are like stubborn mules—they refuse to vanish.
  • Momentum Conservation: Total momentum before an event equals total momentum after, provided no external forces mess with it. Cosmic balance, maintained!
  • Net Momentum: The result of adding up the momenta of all objects in a system. It’s like the grand total on a supermarket receipt—no sneaky extra charges (or forces)!
  • Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The universe’s way of playing fair in every cosmic tug-of-war. 🚀<->🌌
  • Open System: A system that exchanges both matter and energy with surroundings. Imagine an open door during a food fight—anything can happen!

Fun Fact

Did you know? Momentum is Latin for "the force that drives." Sounds like something straight out of a superhero movie, right? 🦸‍♂️🎬


There you have it! You are now armed with the knowledge to tackle the tricky concepts of open and closed systems in momentum. Remember, Conservation Laws are your best friends in physics—they help keep everything balanced, just like in your favorite superhero stories.🚀🌟

Good luck, and may the momentum be ever in your favor on your AP Physics 1 exam!

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