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Political Processes: AP Human Geography Study Guide


Greetings, future geo-experts! 🌍 Ready for a whirlwind tour of how political maps get made, mashed-up, and remade again? We're diving into the fascinating and often chaotic world of political processes. Let's trace the lines, check the boxes, and yes—throw in some history with a side of humor! 😉

The Ever-Changing World Map

Maps aren't just scrolls your old pirate ancestors used. Political maps have evolved dramatically over time, influenced by shifts in political boundaries, emerging nations, and the whims of tweaked names and borders. Take a look at one from the 1800s and you might wonder if it was drawn by someone aiming to turn geography into abstract art.

Throughout history, boundaries shifted due to wars, treaties, and—even more war. For example, Europe's borders danced more frequently than a contestant on “Dancing with the Stars.” The 1990s breakup of the Soviet Union into a bunch of new countries brought a whole new meaning to "political reorganization."

The Spark of Nationalism 💥

Hold on to your monocles, because nationalism arrived like an espresso shot for Europe's political landscape in the 1600s. Emerging from the Enlightenment period, nationalism emphasized unity, pride, and the idea that each nation deserved its own state—a bit like everyone suddenly wanting their separate apartment after years of enduring a noisy roommate.

However, too much nationalism can be like too much hot sauce on your tacos—it burns everything and leaves a mess, as seen in the devastating conflicts of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Colonialism & Imperialism: The Dynamic Duo

Imagine two over-zealous cousins, Imperialism and Colonialism, racing around the world and planting flags. Imperialism is about exerting control—militarily, economically, or culturally—like the ultimate game of Risk. Colonialism is about establishing colonies, essentially turning other territories into swag-laden fiefdoms.

Starting in the 1500s, Spain and Portugal embarked on quests for "God, Glory, and Gold," exerting influence and grabbing land faster than you can say "hola." They were quickly joined by England, France, and the Netherlands, all trying to outdo each other in the grand land grab.

The Berlin Conference: Redraw and Conquer

By the late 1800s, European powers collectively decided, "Why not just chop up Africa?" At the Berlin Conference, they redrew Africa's map with as much finesse as kindergartners wielding crayons, ignoring centuries of tribal and cultural lines. Historical spoiler alert: this led to a lot of trouble down the road.

World Wars: Reconfiguring the Globe

World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945) did a number on the global map. World War I originated from the assassination of Austria-Hungary's Archduke Franz Ferdinand—a small action snowballing into a global calamity. The aftermath saw the fall of empires and the birth of countries like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. It set the stage for even more drastic changes, like a prequel nobody asked for.

World War II followed, featuring a showdown between the Allies (USA, UK, Soviet Union, China) and the Axis Powers (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan). This war's real estate reshuffle saw Eastern Europe under Soviet influence, while Germany and Japan's rapid territorial grab was undone as quickly as a sandcastle at high tide.

The Cold War: Global Tug-of-War

From 1945 to 1991, the Cold War was a silent but strategic chess game between the US and the Soviet Union. Although it feels like a James Bond film plot, it saw proxy wars rage in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. There were no open battles between the superpowers, but their contests reshaped nations across the globe like Play-Doh in a high-stakes molding contest.

Decolonization: The Big Break-Up

World War II's end saw the era of decolonization kick off. Former colonies broke free from European shackles, leading to new nations and borders. Countries like India and Israel gained independence, though not without the consequential and often violent partitions and conflicts, akin to a messy celebrity divorce.

Post-Cold War: The Breakup of the USSR

In the 1990s, the Soviet Union disbanded faster than a one-hit wonder boy band, resulting in 15 new countries declaring independence almost overnight. This geopolitical shake-up happened largely without bloodshed, due to the USSR’s drained resources from their protracted Afghan war.

Key Terms to Review

Get ready, vocab warriors! Here are some terms you’ll need to memorize for those perfect AP Human Geography answers:

  • God, Glory, Gold: Motivations for European exploration. Think of it as the ancient Kickstarter.
  • Colonialism: Establishing colonies for economic, political, and cultural gain. A fancy term for national hoarding.
  • Imperialism: Extending a country's influence over others—like the global version of sibling bossiness.
  • Nationalism: Super pride for one’s nation. When it's good, you've got national pride. When it's bad, it's like your nation’s on an endless caffeine high.
  • Supranationalism: Multiple nations coming together for a common goal. Imagine the Avengers, but with countries.

Fun Fact

Ever wonder why some countries have names that don't make sense? Myanmar and Sri Lanka were both known by different names (Burma and Ceylon, respectively) until they decided a name change was in order. It’s like rebranding but with a whole nation behind it!


Navigating political processes is like playing an intricate strategy game with high stakes and unpredictable twists. From empires to colonies, nationalism to independence, the geopolitics landscape is always shifting. And guess what? It's still happening today.

So, grab your globes and maps, be ready to think critically, and maybe get a few laughs along the way as you tackle your AP Human Geography exam with newfound geopolitical savvy and a sprinkle of humor! 🌍📚✨

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