


Population & Migration

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Population & Migration: AP Human Geography Study Guide

Introduction to Population & Migration

Greetings, geographers and future world dominators! 🌎 Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of population and migration. Picture this: over 7 billion people scurrying about on our planet like an elaborate game of human bingo. Despite increasing access to healthcare and swankier living conditions, the majority of the world's population still resides in low-income, developing countries. Buckle up as we unravel the mysteries behind why people settle where they do and why some pack their bags for new horizons. 🏠✈️

Unit Preview

Here are a few mind-boggling questions to ponder:

  • Why does China have more people than a music festival on steroids?
  • What makes some regions feel like prime real estate while others are the 'bad neighborhoods' of the world?
  • Why do people move from one place to another like they’ve been subscribed to the world's largest moving service?
  • Why are so many migrants hailing from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia?
  • What's behind the turbo-charged population growth of the last century?
  • Why do developed regions attract migrants like moths to a flame?
  • How do factors like population density and spatial distribution influence where people plant their roots?

What Determines Where People Live?

Physical Factors 🌄💪🌅

Ready to channel your inner real estate agent? Let's break down what makes a location desirable, or less appealing than a root canal. For starters, consider the climate, proximity to water, and fabulous geographical landmarks like mountain ranges and fertile valleys. 🍃🏞️

Most humans gravitate towards midlatitudes (30°N to 60°N and 30°S to 60°S), areas boasting moderate climates and fertile soils. Think of these regions like the comfiest spots on Earth's couch. 🌍 People also prefer low-lying areas because they usually have superior soil quality and are closer to oceans or other bodies of water. Freshwater sources, like lakes and rivers, are another hot real estate tip – much like beachfront properties. 🏖️

Human Factors 👦👧👴👵👲👳

Let’s be real, despite all those alluring physical factors, modern humans aren't just chasing after good soil and water. They’re also hunting for safety, employment opportunities, and the comfort of being near family. Think job openings, security, and Aunt Marge's famous lasagna – these human factors can outweigh the best soils.

Types of Densities

Meet the Holy Trinity of population density metrics: Arithmetic, Physiological, and Agricultural population densities.

  • Arithmetic Population Density: This metric is as straightforward as pie – it's about the average number of people per square mile. For example, the US with its 330 million people spread over 3,841,999 square miles, ends up with about 84 people per square mile. Let's call it our "Basic People Count." 🧮

  • Physiological Population Density: This density goes a bit agricultural, calculating the number of people per unit of arable (farmable) land. Picture a crowded grocery store but only counting folks in the produce section. 🥕🍅

  • Agricultural Population Density: Now, this one counts the number of farmers per unit of arable land. Fewer farmers generally mean more efficient farming practices. This is the "Farmers' Efficiency Index," if you will. 🚜

Population Pyramids ⟁

Population pyramids are like the coolest bar graphs you’ve ever seen. These pyramids show the age and gender distribution of a country's population. They can reveal juicy details about birth rates, death rates, economic development, and even education levels. Population pyramids can make or break your exam, so get cozy with them. It's like reading the population’s biography. 📖

Check out for a visual treat that’s bound to make you see demographics in a whole new light.

Population Growth and Decline 📈👶📉

Hold onto your hats because population dynamics can be a wild ride. The Demographic Transition Model (DTM) is like the guidebook for understanding population changes over time. It's got four, sometimes five, stages depicting shifts in birth and death rates as countries modernize. Watch as birth rates, death rates, access to education, healthcare, and overall economic growth perform a delicate dance, shaping a country's demographic future.🕺💃

Why People Move 🏃

Push and Pull Factors

Ever been pushed out of your comfort zone or pulled towards a new opportunity? That’s the essence of push and pull factors in migration. Push factors are the unwanted housemates – war, terrorism, lousy economy, and overcrowding – that get people to leave their home countries. Pull factors are the welcoming new neighbors offering job opportunities, safe living conditions, and the chance to reunite with family. Imagine moving to a country where every day feels like a sunny day at the fair. 🎡

Key Terms to Review and Master

  • Agricultural Population Density: Counting farmers per unit of farmland.
  • Arithmetic Population Density: People divided by total land area.
  • Demographic Transition Model (DTM): A timeline of population change due to birth and death rates.
  • Freshwater: Freshwater is like the sparklingly pure water found in lakes and rivers – no salt allowed.
  • Global Birth Rates: Think of the scorekeeping for the number of babies born per 1,000 people per year globally.
  • Human Factors: Traits influencing human behavior and interactions with environments.
  • Low-Income Developing Countries: The economically challenged nations struggling with poverty and limited access to education and healthcare.
  • Midlatitudes: The comfy regions between 30° and 60° latitude.
  • Physical Factors: Natural environmental elements that influence human activities.
  • Physiological Population Density: People per unit area of farmable land.
  • Population & Migration: The grand numbers game of humans living in an area and shifting locales.
  • Population Pyramids: Graphical representations showing age and gender splits.
  • Pull Factors: Conditions drawing people to new areas, like a job offer from your dream company.
  • Push Factors: Conditions driving people to leave home, like a mandatory in-law experience.


Congratulations, you've now traversed through the mysterious lands of population and migration! Remember, the world's human landscape is ever-shifting, and now you have the tools to understand why. So go forth, tackle those exams, and may your geographical knowledge grow as splendidly as a well-fertilized field in the midlatitudes. 🌾👨‍🏫

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