


Refraction, Reflection, and Absorption

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Refraction, Reflection, and Absorption: AP Physics 2 Study Guide


Hey there, future physicists and light magicians! 🌟🎩 Fasten your seatbelts as we dive into the illuminating world of refraction, reflection, and absorption. It's going to be lighter than your homework load and brighter than your future! 🚀🔦


Reflection is like light’s way of saying, "I’ll be back," Arnold Schwarzenegger style. When light hits a surface and bounces off, that’s reflection for you. Think of it as the universe’s way of making shiny things even shinier! 💎✨ There are two main types of reflections:

  • Specular Reflection: This is the smooth operator of reflections. When light hits a mirror or a calm surface of water, it reflects at the same angle it came in, maintaining that perfect reflection in your lake selfies. 🔍💧

  • Diffuse Reflection: Imagine trying to reflect light off a disco ball. Instead of a smooth reflection, light scatters in all directions because of the rough surface. Party vibes? Yes. Clear image? Not so much. 🎉✨

When light hits a smooth surface, it reflects off at the same angle it arrived. This angle is between the incident ray (incoming light) and a perpendicular line to the surface (the normal line), forming equal angles on either side.


Absorption is like light’s version of "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," except light gets converted into another form of energy, usually heat. When light enters a material, it’s like knocking and getting invited in for a hot cup of cocoa. Once inside, it transforms into heat energy, and flashy light waves disappear. ☕🔥


Refraction is where the magic happens, making light seem like it’s bending like a contortionist in a circus. 🤸✨ Refraction occurs when light travels from one medium to another (like from air to water), changing speed and thus direction.

  • If light slows down entering a denser medium (like from air into water), it bends towards the normal (So disciplined!).
  • If light speeds up entering a less dense medium (like from water to air), it bends away from the normal (Rebels!).

The law that governs this bending process is Snell’s Law, which states:

[ n_1 \sin \theta_1 = n_2 \sin \theta_2 ]

Here, ( n_1 ) and ( n_2 ) are the refractive indices of the two media, while ( \theta_1 ) and ( \theta_2 ) are the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively. Think of it as the golden rule of light bending.

Total Internal Reflection

Total Internal Reflection (TIR) is light’s way of saying, "Nope, not crossing that boundary!" It happens when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense one and hits the boundary at an angle greater than the critical angle. At this point, all the light reflects back into the denser medium instead of refracting. It's like trying to do a dive but hitting an invisible trampoline and bouncing back. 🏊‍♂️⚡

The critical angle can be found using the equation:

[ \sin \theta_c = \frac{n_2}{n_1} ]

Only if ( n_2 < n_1 ) (which means the light is moving from a denser to a less dense medium).

Key Concepts to Remember

  • Angle of Incidence: The angle between the incoming ray and the normal.
  • Angle of Reflection: The angle between the reflected ray and the normal. According to the law of reflection, it’s equal to the angle of incidence.
  • Angle of Refraction: The angle between the refracted ray and the normal.
  • Index of Refraction (n): This tells us how much light bends in a medium. It’s calculated as [ n = \frac{c}{v} ], where ( c ) is the speed of light in a vacuum, and ( v ) is the speed of light in the medium.
  • Snell’s Law: Describes the relationship between the angles and refractive indices.
  • Total Internal Reflection: Occurs when the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, resulting in light being reflected back entirely into the medium.

Practice Problems 🧩

  1. What is the critical angle of a material? A) 0° B) 30° C) 45° D) 90° E) 180°

  2. What is true about the indices of refraction (n₁, n₂, n₃) as light passes between various media? A) n₁ > n₂ > n₃ B) n₁ > n₃ > n₂ C) n₂ > n₃ > n₁ D) n₂ > n₁ > n₃ E) n₃ > n₁ > n₂

  3. A laser beam emerges from a material and hits a target. What’s the refractive index n? A) 1.4 B) 1.5 C) 2.1 D) 3.5 E) 5.0

  4. What property of a wave NEVER changes when moving through different media? A) Frequency B) Wavelength C) Speed D) Angle E) All will change

  5. What is concluded about the speed of light in each medium? A) v₃ > v₁ > v₂ B) v₁ > v₂ > v₃ C) v₁ > v₃ < v₂ D) v₂ > v₃ > v₁ E) v₂ > v₁ > v₃

  6. Specular reflection occurs whenever light is incident on... A) A smooth surface B) A rough surface C) A boundary between high and low index of refraction materials D) Any transparent substance boundary regardless of index E) A surface of rough cheese


  1. D) 90°
  2. D) n₂ > n₁ > n₃
  3. B) 1.5
  4. A) Frequency
  5. A) v₃ > v₁ > v₂
  6. A) A smooth surface


Congratulations! 🌠 You’ve maneuvered through the mind-bending maze of refraction, reflection, and absorption. Remember, light isn't as straightforward as it seems. Whether it’s bouncing off mirrors, bending through water, or disappearing into materials, light keeps things bright and exciting. Now, go forth into the world of optics and let your understanding of light shine! 💡🔬✨

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