


Thermodynamics and Contact Forces

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Thermodynamics and Contact Forces: AP Physics 2 Study Guide


Welcome, budding physicists! 🌌 Prepare to journey into the strange yet fascinating world of thermodynamics and contact forces. These concepts might sound as exciting as watching paint dry, but we promise they’re filled with eureka moments and mind-blowing insights. Let’s dive right in and get physical!

Contact Forces: The Basics

Contact forces occur when two objects are touching each other, moving you from abstract physics concepts to tangible, real-world interactions. These forces include tension, friction, normal, spring forces, and everyone's favorite, buoyancy.

Key Contact Forces
  • Tension: Happens when an object is pulled by a rope, string, or chain. Think of it like a tug-of-war but where the rope always wins!
  • Friction: This force attempts to stop two surfaces from moving past each other. It's like the universe’s way of saying, “Slow down, partner!”
    • Static Friction: Stops an object from moving until you apply enough force to overcome it. Imagine trying to drag a stubborn dog on a leash.
    • Kinetic Friction: Stops a moving object, like sliding on ice with the elegance of a newborn giraffe.
  • Normal Force: This force is always perpendicular to the surface an object is on. If you’ve ever wondered why you don’t fall through the floor like the Kool-Aid man, thank the normal force.
  • Spring Force: Occurs when a spring or elastic material is compressed or stretched. It's like your bed’s springs when you flop down after a long day of studying.
  • Buoyant Force: The force exerted by a fluid on an object that's submerged. It’s like a pool party where heavier objects sink and lighter ones float—thanks, Archimedes!

Let's visualize these forces with Free Body Diagrams (FBDs):

  • Tension: Points in the direction the rope pulls.
  • Friction: Always opposes the direction of motion (like that one friend who never goes with the flow).
  • Normal Force: Always perpendicular to the surface (imagine a stick figure balancing a plate on its head).
  • Spring Force: Opposes the displacement of the spring.

Hooke's Law: The Stretchy Spring

Hooke’s Law brings order to the chaos of springs. It states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring is directly proportional to the distance it is stretched or compressed. Sounds like a law of polite physics manners.

[ F = kx ]


  • ( F ) is the force applied.
  • ( k ) is the spring constant (N/m).
  • ( x ) is the displacement from the original length.

Imagine applying Hooke’s Law while trying to stretch a particularly troublesome elastic band—suddenly, it all makes sense, or at least stays in place longer!

Friction: The Unsung Hero

Friction stands in the way of every sliding object. It's like the ultimate bouncer at a club—you don’t get to party without dealing with it first. Here's how to calculate it:

[ F_{\text{friction}} = \mu N ]


  • ( \mu ) is the coefficient of friction (static or kinetic, take your pick).
  • ( N ) is the normal force.

If you ever find yourself sliding on a "rough" surface, remember friction’s got your back, literally.

Buoyant Force: Archimedes' Floating Circus

Now, let’s sail into buoyancy, the force that keeps boats afloat and ensures ice cubes get to chill in your soda. Archimedes’ Principle states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

[ F_{\text{buoyant}} = \rho g V ]


  • ( \rho ) is the fluid's density.
  • ( g ) is acceleration due to gravity.
  • ( V ) is the volume of fluid displaced.

It’s why life vests are a thing and heavy objects usually hold a grudge against water.

Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces

Conservative forces like tension and normal force are like energy banks; they store energy that can be fully recovered. Non-conservative forces like friction and air resistance are the party poopers, converting energy into heat and never giving it back. Talk about selfish!

Practice Problems: Time to Flex Your Brain Muscles! 🧠

Example Problem #1: A 20 kg box on a horizontal surface resists a 60 N push. Calculate the friction force acting on the box.

Solution: The normal force (( N )) is the weight of the box, which is 20 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 196 N. As the force applied isn't enough to move the box, it equals the friction force. Therefore, the friction force is 60 N. Yes, the box says, "I shall not be moved!"

Example Problem #2: Calculate the weight of a pulley if a 200 N tension pulls a 10 kg mass downward.

Solution: Weight = Tension / g [ 200 N / 9.8 m/s² = 20.4 kg ]

Example Problem #3: Determine the buoyant force on a 0.02 m³ block with a density of 600 kg/m³ in water (density 1000 kg/m³).

Solution: Using Archimedes' principle: [ F_{\text{buoyant}} = \rho_{\text{water}} \times g \times V ] [ F_{\text{buoyant}} = 1000 kg/m³ \times 9.8 m/s² \times 0.02 m³ = 19.6 N ]

Key Terms to Remember

  • Archimedes' Principle: Describes the upward buoyant force on a submerged object.
  • Buoyant Force: Equal to the weight of the fluid displaced.
  • Coefficient of Kinetic Friction: Force required to maintain sliding motion.
  • Coefficient of Static Friction: Force needed to overcome initial friction.
  • Hooke's Law: Relationship between the force applied to a spring and its displacement.


Congratulations! You have now mastered the fundamentals of thermodynamics and contact forces. These concepts may seem daunting, but with every problem you solve, you step closer to being a physics legend. Good luck, and may the force be with you—both contact and otherwise! 🚀

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