


Carbon & Water Cycle






BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007
Carbon & water Cycle
The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle)

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BIOH 10.1.007 Carbon & water Cycle Transpiration Percolation The Hydrologic Cycle (Water Cycle) Condensation Precipitation Lake Snowmealt Evaporation Groundwater Flow Ocean Evaporation Ecology HYDROLOGIC (WATER) CYCLE -Water is constantly being cycled between the atmosphere, the ocean, and the land. Cycling is a very important process that helps sustain life on Earth. -There are 4 stages in the water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and transpiration. BIOH 10.1.007 Evaporation - The process where a liquid changes from its liquid state to a gaseous state - Some of the water in the oceans and freshwater bodies, such as lakes and rivers, is warmed by the sun and evaporates Condensation Opposite of Evaporation - Condensation occurs when a gas is changed into a liquid. These millions of droplets of suspended water form clouds in the sky or fog at ground level Precipitation - Air cannot hold more water and the water falls to the ground in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail - Snow, sleet, hail result from freezing temperatures in the air - Rain forms when temperatures are above freezing Transpiration "As plants absorb water from the soil, the water moves from the roots through the stems to the leaves -Once the water reaches the leaves, some of it evaporates from the leaves, adding to the amount of water vapor in the air. Water vapor lost from leaf pores in transpiration Water travels up through plant +Water absorbed by roots 0000 000 RAIN Ecology SNOW SLEET HAIL 2 BIOH 10.1.007 Runoff Runoff happens when precipitation falls to ground and runs downhill - Attempts...

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Alternative transcript:

to return to oceans, lakes, rivers, or other water sources Streamflow is water moving across the Earth's surface in streams Percolation - Rainwater soaks into (infiltrates) the ground, into the soil and underlying rocks layer Ecology 3 BIOH 10.1.007 Sunlight Photosynthesis Decay Organisms Dead Organisms & Waste Products CO₂ Cycle Animal Respiration ↑ Organic Carbon Factory Emission ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Fossil Fuels CARBON CYCLE What is carbon? -The basic of life on Earth -Found in rocks, oceans, atmosphere, and all living organisms -The same carbon atoms are used repeatedly on earth Photosynthesis - Plants use carbon dioxide (CO2) - Plants pull CO2 from the atmosphere and use sunlight with CO2 to make Root Respiration glucose. - This process is also called photosynthesis - Also gives off CO2 from cellular respiration energy Carbon dioxide CO₂ Ecology Minerals Photosynthesis Oxygen 0₂ Animal Respiration - Animals eat plants - When organisms eat plants, z they take in the carbon and some of it becomes part of their own bodies. They generate CO2 from cellular respiration (break down of glucose) and exhale this CO2 into the atmosphere Sugar 4 Water H₂0 BIOH 10.1.007 Animals Eat Animals - When animals eat animals, some of the CO2 stays - The other amount of CO2 is also released back into the atmosphere Plants and Animals Die Ecology When plants and animals die, most of their bodies are decomposed and carbon atoms are returned to the atmosphere Some are not decomposed fully and end up as deposits underground (oil, coal, fossil fuels, etc.) Carbon Can Return to the Atmosphere - Carbon in the rocks and underground deposits is released into the atmosphere. This process can take a long time (years) Carbon in Oceans - Oceans contain Earth's largest store of carbon CO2 passes into water from atmosphere - Plants & phytoplankton use for photosynthesis Many animals pull carbon from water to use in shells, etc. Animals die and carbon substances are deposited at the bottom of the ocean Burning Wood and Fossil Fuels - Releases carbon compounds in air, water, and soil 5 BIOH 10.1.007 CARBON & WATER CYCLE REVIEW 1. Which stages does liquid water from the ocean turn into water vapor? 2. What is it called when plants give off water vapor as a waste product? 3. What is the water cycle? 4. What is condensation? Ecology 6 Ecology 5. The circulation of the element Carbon among Earth's atmosphere, land, oceans, and organisms is called BIOH 10.1.007 6. In the oceans; algae, plants, and other organisms use carbon from the atmosphere for 7. Since the mid-1800's, 8. Most plant carbon is stored as activity has significantly altered the carbon cycle. 9. Oil and natural gas are produced from buried 10. Shells and coral are a part of which system? 7 BIOH 10.1.007 II. Coal is part of which system? 12. Carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean is a part of which system? 13. Which one of these sources of carbon is NOT a part of the biosphere? 14. Which one of these sources of carbon is NOT a part of the geosphere? 15. What are the two end products of burning fossil fuels? Ecology 8