


Water and It’s Unique Properties






Sรา ว37Ow
Atoms are composed of three
main subatomic particles.
protons, neutr

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Sรา ว37Ow
Atoms are composed of three
main subatomic particles.
protons, neutr

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Sรา ว37Ow
Atoms are composed of three
main subatomic particles.
protons, neutr

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Sรา ว37Ow
Atoms are composed of three
main subatomic particles.
protons, neutr

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ل. Sรา ว37Ow CHEMISTRY & WATER ARRANGEMENT OF SUBATOMIC PARTICLES: IONS Atoms are composed of three main subatomic particles. protons, neutrons, and elections. protons are positively charged electrons are negatively charged. neutrons have no charge (neutral) meaning of neutrons or protons, two or Imore atoms might bond to share! 13 an electron in order to become. Stable. This is how covalent bunds are formed. O 6 unstable FORMING MOLECULES AND IONS: when atoms are unstable, meaty that there are an excess. to ∞o unstable & unstable stable, changed electrons are negative, so removing. an electron would result in positive change .00 protons and neutrons. are in the nucleus ·00 unstable electrons orbit. around the nucleus stable? covalent bond An ion is an atom with a charge. To form an ion, an atom must gain or loose on electron goal is (is to become stable) Gaining or loosing elections creates an ion. If an election is lost, the charge is positive and vice versa. Then, an ionic bond forms, because two or more atoms are held together by their different charges.. PROPERTIES OF WATER: molecule All properties of water are due to polarity. Water is polar скудел because electrons are being shared between the and the hydrogen molecules, but not equally. Since water охуден has more protons, it has a greater pull on the elections, which results in water being a polar molecule, meaning. one region of the molecule has a positive charge while the other has a negative charge. that COHESION water molecules stick to leach other through hydrogen bonding- Cohesion means that water. is able to...

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Alternative transcript:

stick to itself. This also causes surface tension. Capillary Action: Due to polarity and hydrogen. bonds, water is able to move and defy small through spaces gravity. (Cohesion and adhesion are also involved). This is how transpiration. happens. Adhesion Water molecules stick to oppositely charged molecules and surfaces Adhesion means that water is able to stick to other surfaces. This is why water can form meniscuses. DENSITY: Cold water is denser because when it is cold, hydrogen bonds condense, and when it is not, hydrogen bonds. hot water to be expand, causing less dense. When water freezes, the molecules form a structure that has large air pockets, which is why ice is the least dense. The ice that floating in water acts as an insulator so that the fish don't die. SOLUBILITY: Because of water's pularity, Sitcan dissolve many polar substances (it's a miversal (solvent). Opposites Attract! This means that water is are to transport chemicals, nutrients. lete "PH (potential hydrogen)! below 7: acidic Zabove 7: basic. 1:neutral. H₂₂0 can break apart and (become Ht (acides) and OH (basic). Since there is an equal Zamount of each ion, water is the neutral. POLAR VS NON-POLAR: Polar molecules occur when there is a difference in HIGH SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY: water takes a long time time to heart up. This is because the energy from the heat must first be used to breaks. the hydrogen bonds before the water. can increase in temperature. Also, when the water temperature drops.. the hydrogen bonds have to reform. first, which realeases. -energy us h This helps maintain homeostasis, us heat and regulates the temperature on Earth between electronegativity the bonded atoms. UNEVEN DISTRIBUTION. Non polar molecules occur when the electrons are shared. equally between the bounded. citums. EVEN DISTRIBUTION HYDROGEN BONDING: A hydrogen bond is an attraction between two atoms that are already participating in other chemical bonds (such as covalent bonds). One. atom is hydragen, while the other one is an electronegative atom. hydrogen bonds are. * rupture easily. very weak and WATER CYCLE: Precipitation. The process of water falling onto earth. Ex: Snow, fog, rain, hail Infiltration when water percolates through the soil. Evaporation: When water fransforms from a liquid states to a gass Transpiration: Movement of water through plants L flows rivers Streams, oceans percipitation clouds show molt glaciers. runoff stores animals snow w caps Currents esturaries hydrogen band