


Cell Communication






1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response
changes in gene expression, process which info from
gene is used by cell to make functional product.
2. Cytoplasmic Resp

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1. Nuclear Response changes in gene expression, process which info from gene is used by cell to make functional product. 2. Cytoplasmic Response changes in cell's metabolic response, metabolic enzyme in cell become more or less active. 3. Change in Membrane Potential Ligands open ion channels in neurons that lead. to change in electrical charge across membrane. no ligand Response on off on off Response Pathway is off on off Response Protein at membrane activates protein in cytosol on off off [Response Ligand activates receptor on off on on Respose Protein in cytosol activates final target of pathway on on off off Response Receptor activates protein at membrane on on on on Response Final target protein causes response Cell Communication The ability to send & receive messages allows cells respond to changes in the environment. -Proteins on cell surface have shapes that can recognize & bind helping cells to understand & respond to the 2 kinds of Communication w/ cells Intercellular · Signaling - Communication between cells Notra cellular signaling - Communication within a cell Chemical Messengers relay the Signal to between Inside R Basics of Cell Signaling Signaling cells-Release chemicals signals through ligands; Ligand - A molecule that binds another molecule delivering a signal. Interacts w/ proteins in target cells Target cells-Cell that has receptor for a signal or ligand Receptor - Protein in or on a target cell that bind to ligands. Specific ligand will have specific receptor ligando Receptor RESPONSE The Stepwise process of Chemical interactions by which an external signal is Converted into a specific cellular response 1. Reception of the signal Cells can receive a signal on the external membrane or at an intracellular receptor 2. Transduction of the Signal A Series of chemical...

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Alternative transcript:

reactions that activale the target molecules 3. Cellular Response A change in metabolism, a change in charge across the membrane, & change in gene expression I Forms of Signaling Cells Sending the signal synthesize & secrete ligands, that will be recieved by the receiving cell at a receptor protein. Ligands can be proteins or steriods, where some bind to nearby. cells or to themselves. 4 Categories of chemical signaling: 1. Direct Contact Signaling-Signaling across gap junctions. 2. Autocrine Signaling-Self signaling 3. Parachne signaling- Nearby Signaling 4. Endocrine Signaling-Long distance Signaling. Direct Contact Signaling Gap junctions in animals & plasmodesmata in plants are connections between the plasma membranes of neighboring cells. • Connections filled w/ cytoplasm Signaling cell Gap 104 which allows diffusion of small ligands tions into neighboring cells •Molecular specificity of gap junctions. & Plasmodesmata ensures that the cells remain independent while allowing signals to be transmitted easily & quickly! Self = Autocrine Signaling] کھا ا ا ا ا ای کرکر کے cell targets itself Target cell connexions cell wall -cytoplasm -Vacuole LPlasmodesma Produced when signaling cell + target cell are the same/similar cell •Occurs during early development of an organism to ensure cells develop into correct tissues. Regulates: 1. Pain sensation. 2. Inflammatory Responses 3. Programmed cell death 4. cellorar differentiation during development Paracrine Signaling Signals that act locally between cells that are close together Paracrine Signals: 1. Diffusion through extracellular matrix 2. Quick responses that last a short time. 3. ligands degraded by enzymes or removed by neighboring cells Synaptic Signaling - the transfer of signals across synapses between nerve • When these impulses reach the end. of the axon, the signal continues on to a dendrite of the next cell by the release of chemical ligands called neurotransmitters •Signals within the nerve cells are grown by Past moving eletrical potses sending cell 2005 Neurotransmitter-chemical ligand that Cames a signal from one nerve cell to the next. Signaling cell Signaling cell bloodstream Target cell Endocrine Signaling orginated from Long-distance signals sent from distant cells (endocume cells Target cell neurotransmitter MEHM-receptor TReceiving cell •Slow response but long-lasting effect •Hormones released. Hormones travel large distances. between endocrine cells & their target. cells via bloodstream. Hormones get diluted & are present in low Concentrations 77777777 • Types of Ligands + Receptors. Types of Receptors Receptors are protein molecules in the target cell or on its surface that bind ligands 2 Types: Internal receptors & cell-surface receptors. intracellular or (hydrophobic) cytoplasmic Internal Receptors -Bind to ligands that pass through. Signaling Extracellular fluid SA Plasma membrane cytoplasm Intraceptor- Transmembrane Receptor Nucleus the plasma membrane MNM DNA •Located in cytoplasm • Bind to proteins that act as regulators of MRNA Synethsis to mediate gene expression. •Ligand binds to internal receptor, which exposes DNA-binding site on protein •Ligand-receptor complex moves to nucleus, then binds to chromosomal DNA GInitiate transcription wmil you'll awasilis of quera glogy anh Cell-Surface Receptors - Plasma membrane integral proterns that bind to a ligand outside the cell. • Transmits signal from outside of cell to inside ligand doesn't enter ↳ Signal Transduction 4. Subclasses of Receptors: Cell-Surface Channels →1. Ion channel linked receptors -open in response to ligand Protem 2. Enzymatic Receptors - Enzyme activated by ligand 3.G₁ Protein-linked (coupled) Receptor - Assits transmitting the signal GTP $4. Tyrosine kinase Receptors - Mediate cell to cell communication bound to Ilon channel-linked receptors - Bind a ligand + open a NOWMAN 2269 MAN tuo nediskanale 240 2 channel through membrane that allows. specific ions to pass through.. •Membrane spanning region. •Hydrophilic inside allows passage. of water & iono لسله الجن • Change in protein's structure allows other rons to pass through •Transfer phosphate group to tyrosine moteates. • Signating molecules loond to extracelular domain of 2 RTK. • Receptors bind together. •Phosphates added to tyrosine on intracelular domain of receptors. Ballery velg N MAHMOUR WIS Enzyme-linked Recepfors- intracellular domams that are w/ hydrophsoic an enzyme. •When ligand binds to extracellular domain, signal transferred through mumbovane, activating enzyme. Tyrosme kinase Receptor (RTK). kinase-enzyme that transfers phosphate from ATP to another protein. 8 y & vomit you 003 are c ap G Protein- linked Receptors -Bind ligand & activate membrane Protein called "G-Protein". G-Proten-Potem bound to GTP & Protem-coupled receptor - recepiter bound to fr Proten. Hedve Land GTP GOP socia Active upied of Myys Hormonesho ✪ How Four poke orvertoonvertoont 7. •fitp on active "d" is hydrolyzed to GDP. Encon •By suomit deactivated •Subunits gather •Inactive G-Protem bind to new Site on receptor • change in shape activates G- Protend paten • Releases GIDP, picks up GTTP •Subunits; a + By Steroid Hormones- Small hydrophobic ligands can diffuse to form inactive G-Protein way po baveus ferens 201 [relating vist – Juki Sharq Steroids are cholesterol-based lipids made of hydrocarbon skeletons w/ different fonctioner groups •Non polar, lipid-soluble structure through the membrane & interact w/ receptors inside the cell. intracellular receptors Lon Peptide Hormones - Polar, water-soluble ligands. Can't pass with a through membrane unaided. •Bind to cell-surface receptors. z60/q/85 Transduction A cell's response to a signal often involves activating or hadivating proteins. Phosphorylation is common way to change the activity of protein. Protein kinase-activation Phosphatase-Enzyme romoves phosphate from protem (deactivation) Kinase cascade -series of protein kinases that phosphorylate. each other in succession -1-0-1-0-1-) 201-B-0 MAP kinases - Activated by kinase cascades Amplification - Results b/c a few signal molecules elicit large cell response Adrenaline Rush sale Epinephrine is released & liberates gweose from glycogen •When epinephrine binds to receptor on muscle cell → triggers signal. transduction cascade Second messenger molecule called cyclic AMP CAMP is used •Cascade Heads to phosphorylation of 2 metabolic enzymes Phosphorylation cascade-Sequence of signaling pathway events. of where I enzyme phosphorylates another. Second Messengers-molecules that relay signals recieved at receptors on cell surface to target molecules in cytosol or nucleus. •Amplify the Strength of signal. N 11 MAIN