


Cells and Organells Notes






J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S
Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells
D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope,
Nucledus Nucleus, DNA

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J a d f d d d d d d d S S S S ORGANELLS Nucleus Where? - Plant + Aurimal Cells D Structure? + Nuclear Envelope, Nucledus Nucleus, DNA Function ² -Contains DNA +RNA, control center/growth + reproduction sito protiens -Nuclear Envelope- D -pore -Nucledus ONA Goly: Apparatus Where? Plant + Animal Cells D Structure? Fatty tube Suck Function? Recieved from ER, Protiens are packaged/sorted -Secretory veside - Forming vesicle Ribosomest Animal + Plant Cells... Made From RNA + Profiear, Small Flarge Subunits, 2 RNA Complexes Proffer Sutheris, make more Large Subunit MRNA Small Subit -Incoming Transport Veside -Lumen. साहशाल Endoplasmic Reticulum Plant't Animal Cells •R: In Nuclear Membrane, Ribosomes 5: Tube Structure, by cell periphery R: U/ ribosomes, malu proties S: Synthesises lipids Rough ER Nuclear Envelope Ribosomes Lumen Smooth ER Fadhell may anadaM SER Membrane Broke Antid mani RIBOSOME L ORGANELS Vacuola Wahal? Plant + Animal Cells. Structures Large Sack. Functions Maratain Water + Waste -Vacole Enzymes ▷ Lysosone ▷ where? Animal Cells. ▷ Structure? Membrane lined sphee. w/ eregnes membrare -contained fluid ▷ Function ? Cell digustive System Transport proteins Cell Membrane Plant + Animal Semipunable phospholipil bilage Holds organeller, allows in taut Mitochondriae ▷ Where? Allimal + Plant cells. ▷ Structure ? Membrane lined ▷ function ? Makes ATP Enegy phospholipek Secretary Vesiale plant + Animal Cells -exocytosis-formed, transports mothers Phospholinies fluid Marc Chloroplas & Plant cells. Containes pigment + food produces Energy + growth -Outer membrane Outer Membrane. •Imer membrane Stroma Cristae - Matrix Imer меньшил Thulasides organells Cytoplash Strudure? Jelly-like cell inside. Function! Hold's Organells -Cytoplasm D Centrioles Animal Barrol-Shaped 9 Microtubes skeletal system, deformats organell kraten a tubes Cytoskeleton ▷ Where? Animal & Plant Cells. ▷ Structure? Cell divilim, internal Support Function ? Holds orginells to cytoplasm -cyloskeleten -Cell Membrane Plant...

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Alternative transcript:

Cells Pectin, Larella, 1st layer Primary protection Middle Lameta Pectin Cellulose Microbberit cellulose sa maliit napada ▷ Cytoskeleten ΔΔΔΔ CELES PLANT Cookin perosasune mithun chlooplast Cytoplaine cell membre mitochondrin by po Centiles DNA Animal nackdus Cell Mom brom ribosone niesterters Nacin Ermelope Stroth En ribosoles Fough En Cell willit ~ nuclear envelope lysosome -Shooth ER golgi apparatus Cytoplash rough ER -ana F A ENDOMEMBRANE System making, packaging, transporting protiens. Ribosomes makes protiens. EN Golg: Apparatus protiens are Sorted /packaged. sma) (s Cell Membranes yoks Prothers released from cell taly wad-duch synkowird falt Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, produces protions (w/ ribosomes) Vesicle transports protions Work Together to make PROTIENS and LIPIDS S. Endosgrabiotic Theory * How organells became organisms / eukaryotic D* Mitochondria + chloroplants consumed became a symbiotic relationsbio 7 • Specific Reproductive Systen • Make own Energy • DNA Comparason • Double Membrane in Mitochondria + Chloroplast home A ▷ Cell Theory 3 parts All organisms are made of 1+ Cell •Basic unit of Life " All cells come from cells. ▷ Who? •Robert Hooke-Coined "Cell", discovered looking at Cork •Brex Anton Van Leewerhoek-Saw first living Microrgmishs • Matthi's Schleiden - After looking at plants, stated all living things are made of Cells • Theodor Schwam - Look at Animal cells, "all animals made of cells?" • Rudolph Virchow-Cells come from Cells"" • Zacharius Janssen - first microscope •Robert Brown - Found the Nucleus in cells.