


Types of Nuclear Reactions and Radioactivity: Explained with Examples (PDF)






<h2 id="discoveryofradioactivity">Discovery of Radioactivity</h2>
<p>In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays. Later, Marie Pierre Curie i

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<h2 id="discoveryofradioactivity">Discovery of Radioactivity</h2>
<p>In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays. Later, Marie Pierre Curie i

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<h2 id="discoveryofradioactivity">Discovery of Radioactivity</h2>
<p>In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays. Later, Marie Pierre Curie i

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Discovery of Radioactivity

In 1895, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays. Later, Marie Pierre Curie isolated the components emitting the rays and identified two new elements: polonium and radium. For their work, she and her husband Pierre Curie were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Radioactivity is the process by which particles give off rays. These are the penetrating rays or particles emitted by a radioactive source.

Radioactivity in Chemistry

Radioactivity involves isotopes of atoms with unstable nuclei. This instability arises from having too few or too many neutrons. Radioactive decay occurs when unstable nuclei lose energy spontaneously by emitting radiation to attain more stable atomic configurations. Transmutation refers to the conversion of one atom of one element to an atom of a different element, and radioactive decay is one way this occurs. The type of decay that a radioactive isotope undergoes depends on its neutron-to-proton ratio and/or its general size.

Types of Radioactivity

There are three types of radioactivity: alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation.

Alpha Radiation

Alpha radiation involves the emission of alpha particles, which are composed of helium nuclei. These particles have a charge of 2 and a mass of 4 atomic mass units (amu). They have low penetrating power, requiring only a paper or clothing shield for protection. An example of alpha decay can be represented by the equation: $$^{219}{92}U \rightarrow ^{214}{90}Th + ^{4}_{2}He$$

Beta Radiation

Beta radiation involves high-energy electrons, with a negative charge, that turn a neutron into a proton. They have a mass of 1837 amu and moderate penetrating power. An example of beta decay results in no change in the mass number, but an increase of 1 in the atomic number.

Gamma Radiation

Gamma radiation consists of high-energy electromagnetic radiation with no mass and no charge. They have high penetrating power and require lead or concrete shielding. Gamma decay does not result in any changes to mass or atomic numbers and usually accompanies alpha and beta radiation in nuclear equations.


The half-life of a radioisotope is the time required for half of its nuclei to decay into its products. This concept can be used to calculate the remaining mass of a radioisotope over time. For example, if we have 10.0g of strontium-90 with a half-life of 29 years, we can use the equation $m₂ = M₂ (0.5)^{t/29}$ to calculate the remaining mass.

Nuclear Reactions

In nuclear reactions, fission refers to the splitting of a nucleus, while fusion involves the combining of nuclei. Fission releases energy slowly if controlled, as seen in nuclear reactors, and radiation control depends on reducing the speed of neutrons and absorbing extra neutrons. On the other hand, fusion, which does not occur under standard conditions, has advantages such as being inexpensive with no radioactive waste. However, it also has disadvantages, including the need for a large amount of starting energy and being difficult to control. One example of fusion's energy output is seen in stars, as well as in nuclear power plants and hydrogen bombs.

Summary - Chemistry

  • Radioactivity is the process of particles emitting rays
  • Radioactivity involves unstable nuclei and radioactive decay
  • There are three types of radioactivity: alpha, beta, and gamma radiation
  • The half-life of a radioisotope is the time required for half of its nuclei to decay
  • Nuclear reactions include fission and fusion, with examples in nuclear reactors and stars


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Frequently asked questions on the topic of Chemistry

Q: What is radioactivity and how was it discovered?

A: Radioactivity is the process by which particles give off rays. It was discovered by Wilhelm Röntgen in 1895, and later, Marie Pierre Curie isolated the components emitting the rays and identified two new elements: polonium and radium.

Q: What are the three types of radioactivity?

A: The three types of radioactivity are alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation.

Q: What is the difference between alpha radiation and beta radiation in terms of penetrating power?

A: Alpha radiation has low penetrating power, requiring only a paper or clothing shield for protection, while beta radiation has moderate penetrating power.

Q: What is the concept of half-life in radioisotopes?

A: The half-life of a radioisotope is the time required for half of its nuclei to decay into its products. It can be used to calculate the remaining mass of a radioisotope over time.

Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear fission and fusion?

A: Fission releases energy slowly if controlled, as seen in nuclear reactors, while fusion, which does not occur under standard conditions, has advantages such as being inexpensive with no radioactive waste, but also has disadvantages, including the need for a large amount of starting energy and being difficult to control.

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