


Topic 6 Summary Cards







The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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The rate and extent of chemical change
-1) Rate of reaction
2) Factors affecting rate
3) Catalysts + rate
4) Required practical

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Chem TOPIC 6 The rate and extent of chemical change -1) Rate of reaction 2) Factors affecting rate 3) Catalysts + rate 4) Required practical I 5) Required practical 2 6) Reversible endo and exothermic reaction 7) Reversible reactions. 8) Le Chatelier's principle - Rate of Reaction How fast the reactants are changed into products. Find it by recording the amount of product formed or the amount of reactant used up over time. the reaction. The steeper the line, faster the rate of Line becomes less steep as realtants are used up Quickest reactions = steep est lines + become flat in the least time. rate depends on: collision frequency (the more. collisions, the faster the reaction) + energy transferred during a collision iparticles have to collide with enough energy for the collision to be successful) Flat lines show the reaction has Finished Time Activation energy = minimum amount of energy partides need to react. Factors affecting rate Temperature = when increased, particles move faster, colliding all more. The faster they move, the more energy they have, so more of the collisions will have enough $18 COLO energy. Pressure / concentration = higher concentration = more particles to ㅎ & collide with higher pressure: same ; (0) number of particles in a smaller space, making collisions more frequent. Surface area = is a realtant is solid, breaking it into smaller pieces LOW HIGH will increase its surface area to volume ratio. S6 the same volume of solid, particles will have more to work on,...

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Alternative transcript:

increasing collisions. ne HOT O>> HO 9 Catalysts + Rate Catalyst = a substance that speeds up a reaction without. being used up. -Different catalysts are needed for different reactions, but they all work by decreasing the activation energy. done by providing an alternative reaction activation energy. pathway with a lower EXAMPLE: Enzymes (biological) Catalyse reactions in living things. Болаша without catalyst 4--1 with. cataly it. Reaction progress Products Activation energy without catalyst Activation energy with catalyst (3 Required Practical I Colour change / precipitation Method I = put a mark. under the = can record visual change if initial solution is transparent and the product is a precipitate that beaker with the clouds the solution. initial solution. Add the reactant and see how long it takes for the mark to dilapear - the faster it dissapears, the quicker the reaction. method 2= if reactants are coloured and the product are colorless for vice versa), time how long it takes for the sountion to lose or gain its colour. 1 Results are subjective and a rate of reaction graph can't be plotted. Required Practical 2 5 volume of gas given off = the more gas given off during a period of time, the reaction. faster the Method = place solution + react ants in. a beaker. Place a bung / punger in the top and insert the gas syringe. Start the timer, then stop after I minute. Take a reading on the syringe. •You could also take measurements at regular intervals and plot a rate of reaction graph using this method. --If the reaction is too vigorous, the plunger / bung Can be blown out of the beaker. Reversible Endo + Exothermic Reactions - If the reaction is endothermic one way, it will be exothermic the other way. · Energy transferred from the surroundings by the endothermic reaction is equal to the energy transferred into the surroundings by the exothermic reaction.. E.g. Thermal decomposition of hydrated copper sulfate endo₂ hydrated copper sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate + water дехода Reversible Reactions A+B= C + D The products can react to form the reactants. at the -As reactants react, their concentrations fall, so the forward reaction will slow down, as more products are made and their concentrations rise, the backward reaction will speed up. Equilibrium = the forward + backward reactions are going same rate. Can only be reached if reaction takes place in a closed system inothing can get out or in). Dynamic equilibrium = both reactions are happening but there is g reactants no overall effect - concentrations + products are balanced and won't 7 change. - Equilibrium right = products > reactants - Equilibrium left = products < reactants Depends on = temperature, pressure, concentration + the reaction itself Le Chatelier's Principle - If you change the conditions of a = reaction aut. equilibrium, the system will counteract the change. Temperature = decrease the temp, equilibrium moves Produce more heat (exo thermic). Means more products for exo and less for endo. Pressure = only affects equilibrium involving gares. Increase the pressure, equilibrium reduces it (moves where there's less gas molecules). Decrease pressure, equilibrium increases it (moves where there's more gas molecules). = Concentration change concentration of either reactants or products: system won't be at equilibrium - system responces itself back to equilibrium. Increase reactant Concentration = more Producks. Decrease product concentration - reduces reactants. to (8