


Criminology mind maps for biological, individualistic and learning theories of crime






Id, ego.
+ superego.
Bandura - people learn by
observing behaviour of others
= we are more likely
to imitate behavi

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Id, ego.
+ superego.
Bandura - people learn by
observing behaviour of others
= we are more likely
to imitate behavi

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Id, ego.
+ superego.
Bandura - people learn by
observing behaviour of others
= we are more likely
to imitate behavi

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vicareous Id, ego. + superego. Bandura - people learn by observing behaviour of others reinforcement. = we are more likely to imitate behaviour of others that has been rewarded INDIVIDUALISTIC Similar in gendler, Status, older man' me obscrver. this means their a wear Superego means the person cant feel guilt. id will dominate Role models 1 leads to criminal acts. our personality. is made- of 3 parts. SOCIAL LEARNING more likely to repeat be haviour from role models. Supergo=1 THEORY Id= instinctive ego=mediator = moral conscious. we learn criminal behaviour ・ways: directly through reword + punishment indirectly mrough observing another person being rewarded/punished. + imitacing mat mey still shape our behaviour. PSYCHODYNAMIC People with high neurotics experience high levels of emotion meaning they would be likely to commit Crimes in an emotionally charged situation. operant Conditioning Boutby -maternal de privation. behaviour is determind by rewards + punishment behaviour. Freud Compared me mind to an ice burg. unconscious mind = memories, instincts + desires mat Cause us anxiety + Shame so have been repressed. Eysenus PEŇ model Eysenck said personality traits injurence an individuals. PSYCHOLOGICAL Susceptibility to frasoro repeat rewarded behaviour Freud said all behaviour is a result of our unconsuu mind. Psychoticism Extraversion Neuroticism engage in criminal behaviour. -high psychotics are more likely to commit crimes as they are agressive ta lack of conscience Amygdala = emotional Control Centre NEUROCHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL damage to orbyfrontal cortex damage to me amygdala = Could be criminal yChromosome develops. testes in an embryo хуу Chromosome is linked to agression + Competitiveness • large jaw • high cheekbones • glut nose mesomorph = hightened testosterone levels = more agressive. Offenders have primitive features •Jeshy lips ·large ears. PHYSIOLOGICAL SHELDON extrai ч Chromosome = extra restosterone Criminals were mesomorphic LOMBROSO GENETIC 1 in 1000 men in general population have xy4 15 in 1000men in prison have x44 research found 2. ectomorph - violent many. & min + • fragile worried, sensetive + introverted, regarded as •Founder of modern Criminology atavistic form. 1. endomorph- * fat + soft Sociable & relaxed 3main body types. Compares adopred Children to both argued Criminals are a seperate species 3. Mesomorph- Compares muscular thard A agressive tadventurous. biological t /adopred parents D2 twins. TWIN STUDIES MZ twins + which also done on twins raised seperatly. found a high proportion of boys...

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Alternative transcript:

wim criminal Convichons had too. Criminal parents ADOPTION STUDIEST inguence biology or has more male Female environment? Studied 14,000 adopred children Hutchins mednick Concordance (Probability of both twins displaying Same 21% Character 2 MZ I DZ 35% 13%. 8% doesnt account For Free will Skinners study on animals snow we learn from reinforcement behaviour based on rewards + punishments IJ Crime has more reward man punishment people will do it OPERANT LEARNING Id we are punishe we wont repeat. Study on animals so Can we generalise it to humans, Sutherland Crime often runs in families people with Criminal parents are likely to become them. Criminals If we are rewarded we are likely to repeat (an learn Crime directly through reword + punishment LEARNING Is a crime has more reward man punishment we will do it. white collar Crinu = groups low abiding THEORIES normal SOCIAL LEARNING DIFFERENCIAL people learn even If someone values from among has more criminal asociates than m/c mese around THEORY vicarious reinforcement ASSOSIATION learn from others net mey will see crime positively f Crime will = normal. Can learn crime indirectly through observing someone else be rewarded or punished + imitating cirisens experiences just our ·lab shidy is low ecological validing Observe role models +imitate mem. Prisons = universityinen Criminals learn good techniques of how to commit not everyone exposed Crimes from to criminal other influences becomes a Criminculs. Criminal.