


Criminology Unit 3: Validity of Trial Transcripts - Model Answers and Examples






<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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<p>When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how tr

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When examining information for validity, it is essential to rank sources of information in order of trustworthiness. To determine how trustworthy a source is, it is important to consider factors such as whether the information is accurate or inaccurate, whether it is factual or opinion, and whether it is biased or impartial.

  1. Testimony of experts
  2. Forensic evidence
  3. Eye witnesses
  4. The police
  5. The judiciary's judgements
  6. Tabloid press
  7. Social media

Each of these sources has varying levels of trustworthiness, and it is crucial to provide reasons for the assigned order.

Assessing Validity

In the context of criminology unit 3 topic 3.1, a critical approach to the information given is crucial. Key elements for assessing validity include currency, circumstance, accuracy, bias, and opinion. These must be considered when discussing case studies and the brief.

  • Circumstances: Refers to the circumstances in which the evidence was gathered, received, or noted down.
  • Currency: Pertains to how current or up to date the evidence and information are.
  • Bias, Opinion, Accuracy: Synonyms for these words should be identified and applied throughout the assessment of validity.

Validity of Trial Transcripts

Trial transcripts are recorded proceedings in Crown Court trials and are used to ensure the rights of the accused and to aid the Parole Board in assessing the risk posed by the defendant on release. When applying the validity rankings, trial transcripts are expected to be highly valid sources with minimal problems such as poor sound or technical malfunctions.

Validity of Court Judgements

When examining the validity of court judgements such as those made in the first and second inquest of Hillsborough and the inquest of Mark Duggan, factors such as bias, accuracy, currency, opinion, and circumstances must be carefully considered.

Validity of Law Reports

The principle of precedent is fundamental to the legal system. Law reports play a crucial role in ensuring justice, fairness, and consistency in legal decisions. They provide a detailed account of relevant information, including case details, a summary of case law, the court's decision, and the precise words used by the judge. Weekly law reports are made to keep legal experts updated, with only 2% of cases being documented due to their novelty. These reports serve as a guide for future legal decisions, ensuring the continuity of legal principles and decisions.

Summary - Criminology

  • Criminology unit 3 topic 3.1 focuses on the validity of trial transcripts and the factors influencing jury decision making
  • When assessing validity, important factors to consider include currency, bias, opinion, accuracy, and circumstances
  • Trial transcripts are expected to be highly valid sources with minimal technical problems
  • Factors such as bias, accuracy, currency, opinion, and circumstances must be carefully considered when examining the validity of court judgements
  • Law reports play a crucial role in ensuring justice, fairness, and consistency in legal decisions by providing a detailed account of relevant information, including case details and the court's decision
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Frequently asked questions on the topic of Criminology

Q: What are the key elements for assessing validity in criminology unit 3 topic 3.1?

A: In the context of criminology unit 3 topic 3.1, key elements for assessing validity include currency, circumstance, accuracy, bias, and opinion.

Q: What factors should be considered when examining the validity of trial transcripts?

A: When examining the validity of trial transcripts, factors such as bias, accuracy, currency, opinion, and circumstances must be carefully considered.

Q: Why are trial transcripts expected to be highly valid sources?

A: Trial transcripts are recorded proceedings in Crown Court trials and are expected to be highly valid sources with minimal problems such as poor sound or technical malfunctions.

Q: What role do law reports play in the legal system?

A: Law reports play a crucial role in ensuring justice, fairness, and consistency in legal decisions. They provide a detailed account of relevant information and serve as a guide for future legal decisions, ensuring the continuity of legal principles and decisions.

Q: What are the sources of information that must be ranked in order of trustworthiness for validity assessment?

A: The sources of information such as testimony of experts, forensic evidence, eye witnesses, the police, the judiciary's judgements, tabloid press, and social media must be ranked in order of trustworthiness for validity assessment.

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