Clothing Vocabulary in French and English
This page presents a comprehensive list of clothing-related vocabulary in French with English translations. It serves as an excellent resource for students learning les vêtements en français et anglais.
The document is organized into two main sections: clothing items and related verbs. Each French term is accompanied by its English equivalent, making it easy for learners to associate the words in both languages.
Vocabulary: Les vêtements - Clothes
The list of clothing items includes:
- Un manteau - Coat
- Un pantalon - Pants
- Un chemisier - Blouse
- Une robe - Dress
- Une jupe - Skirt
- Un costume - Suit
- Une chemise - Shirt
- Une cravate - Tie
- Un soutien-gorge - Bra
- Un pull - Sweater
- Une veste - Jacket
- Tenue - Outfit
- Un imperméable - Raincoat
- Un look décontracté - Casual look
Highlight: The inclusion of both everyday clothing items and more specific terms like "un imperméable" (raincoat) makes this vocabulaire sur les vêtements en français particularly comprehensive.
The document also includes verbs related to clothing:
- Porter - To wear
- Repasser - To iron
- Essayer - To try on
Example: Using these verbs in context: "Je vais essayer cette robe" (I'm going to try on this dress) or "Il faut repasser ma chemise" (I need to iron my shirt).
This les vêtements en français PDF is an invaluable tool for language learners, providing a solid foundation for discussing clothing in French. It can be used as a reference for vocabulary building, as a basis for les vêtements en français exercices, or as a study aid for creating les vêtements en Français worksheets.
Definition: "Tenue" in French refers to an outfit or attire, encompassing the overall appearance of one's clothing ensemble.
The bilingual presentation of this vocabulary list makes it particularly useful for English speakers learning French, as it allows for easy comparison and memorization of les noms des vêtements en français avec photos or visual associations.