


Cone Gatherers- Theme quotes






Theme of war
In the Silence that had followed
gunshots that cracked far off into
the wood
P9 1
2> Even though the forest is miles
away from

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Theme of war
In the Silence that had followed
gunshots that cracked far off into
the wood
P9 1
2> Even though the forest is miles
away from

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Theme of war
In the Silence that had followed
gunshots that cracked far off into
the wood
P9 1
2> Even though the forest is miles
away from

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Theme of war
In the Silence that had followed
gunshots that cracked far off into
the wood
P9 1
2> Even though the forest is miles
away from

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Theme of war In the Silence that had followed gunshots that cracked far off into the wood P9 1 2> Even though the forest is miles away from the war, the chance of threat still lingures in the forest 2) Shows how the forest is a microcosim of the war outside There are more men than trees being struck down [..] dead man 27 explains that the threat and thought of war cannot be avoidable and many innocent men are dying for nothing Theme of Death Though he smiled he was dead 2 Refers to calum's death ↳ Reflection to good v evil L> calum's death allows the Duror the evil to triumph momentarily. 2 Duror's Suicide allows calum's death to be seen as a sacrifice so good can flourish <> death was inevitable creatures he loved should kill one another ↳ Reveals calum's compassion for other creatures and his lack of understanding nature cruelty L> unconfortable that animals kill eachother for food • To Roderick, growing in a time of universal war [..] common place Release from the noose of disgust and despair L> Imagery of noose -despair felt by Duror so strong that choke him like hangman's rope <> The conflict of the war has been going on since Roderick was young and emotions so strong that suffocating the conflict has escalated ↳ foreshadows his inevatible fate at the end of the novel suicide Theme of Isolation Stars so remote and so...

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Alternative transcript:

oblivious of his infinetly petty existance LAs Duror looks at the Stars, he realises that he is only a small part of this universe and he feels unimportant → suggests his isolation from the world around him Calum and Neil are at the bottom of the class which shows inequality ↳ Positition makes them feel isolated as they are seperated from humans and animals Theme of Class Divide We are human beings just like them we need space to breath in Duror was alone in his obsession ↳ Duror has such aminosity towards the cone gatherers ↳ Quote implies that he experiences his intense hatred without confiding in anyone <> Neils desire for equality, everyone is numan class divides determines who should live better L ↳ wants social order to change so ordinary people like him and calum can have a better life They were to be like insects, Rot bees or ants which could sting and bite, but tiny flies which could do no LRC is shocked to find the cone harm gatherers in her beach nut 2 Neil is afraid and doesn't speak Up ↳ Class divide as lack of control over the social system in which they live A lifetime of frightened submissiveness held it down It's taken centuries of breading to produce our Rind. For god's sake don't get us mixed 2 Roderick being friendly to the cone gatherers wornes LRC ↳ she recalls to herself and reminds Roderick about her husbands determination to preserve strict social class barriers Theme of conflict In the silence that nad followed that cracked far off into the wood" Peacful nature of the woods disrupted by the sound of conflict and war forest miles away from war but threat still lingures ↳ forest is microcosim of outside war She cannot treat us like dogs and then the next day order us to do ner bidding "Neil conflict with LRC ↳ Does not think it's right that she coun order them about because they are in the Lower class Human beings are more important than dogs" 27 LRC e Roderick conflict as they disagree on treatment of lower class L> Roderick → equal LRC - see them as inferior Theme of Religion His going there must be a destruction, an agony, a crucifixion" L> Imagery of christs crucifixion -> Implies calum's death is opening the possibility of hope and others to lead better lives "I find no fault in them " ↳ words resembled to pontious pilate ↳ Mr Tulloch believes LRC is in the wrong and not the cone gatherers He nung therefore [..] though he smiled he was dead L> Jenkins description of calum's position suggests crucifixition emphasises that calum's sacrifice has banished the evil which is Duror Theme of good revil "yet he could find no solution or solace in hating her for her strange inconsistency" L> Despite all the horrible things LRC has done to him and Neil, he has ended up not hating her ↳ shows how calum is good as he is uncapable of hating someone good * "He hung therefore [...] though he smiled he was dead" "Duror, with his face shattered and bloody lay dead" L> calum's murder commited by Duror and then his own suicide illustrate the consequences of evil "He described it breifly, enjoying the fascinating embarrasment" Duror spreads wes about calum ↳ Shows how he wishes to damage calum's reputation and have calum thrown out from woods Durorenjoying the reaction shows evil Theme of Nature was as indigenous as In it he a squirrel or bird" 2 shows Calum's association with nature <> "Indigenous" suggests that he is native to his habitat as the wildlife that live in it • Explains why calum is so protective of animal and nature.