


Macbeth-Plot Summary






Saturday 26th October
Macbeth - Plot summary:
Act One →
three witches plan to meet.
•Macbeth and Banquo meet
tell Macbeth

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Saturday 26th October
Macbeth - Plot summary:
Act One →
three witches plan to meet.
•Macbeth and Banquo meet
tell Macbeth

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Saturday 26th October
Macbeth - Plot summary:
Act One →
three witches plan to meet.
•Macbeth and Banquo meet
tell Macbeth

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Saturday 26th October Macbeth - Plot summary: Act One → three witches plan to meet. •Macbeth and Banquo meet the be Banquo •The tell Macbeth he then king. They tell will 2150 too. is be king. will Macbeth frame Macbeth agrees. Duncan makes Macbeth Starts to wonder prophecy about him being king will true Macbeth Thane is about men cont macbeth. Witches, who Thane of Cawdor, his descendants Macbeth tells lady macbeth about the prophecy to murder Duncan. She plans Duncan comes to Stay with the Macbeths. Macbeth reluctant to kill him, but Lady. convinces him that Duncan's Servants for the of if the to because makes and Cawdor. witches' plan. come they can the Act two & three → •Macbeth murders Duncan and Lady Macbeth plants blood-Stained daggers on Duncans Servants. Macduff arrives The Icings Scotland lives- this Murder. Rosse and murder. discovers the kings Body. Sons, Malcolm & Donaldbain. leave they fear for their them look guilty of Duncans old man discuss and unnatural things that happening since Duncans murder. Macbeth to be Support the have Strange been crowned, but the noble him. • Macbeth is king. the witches phrophecy but hes worried by about Banquo's descenda -nts being kings. He orders Some murderers to kill Banquo and his Son, Fleance. The murderers kill Banquo, but Fleance. escapes, Macbeth hosts 2 feast and sees Banquos ghost. He decides to see the witches again. 0 Act four → • Macbeth visits the witches again and Summon three apparitations. Each apparation makes Macbeth warns tells him. harm him he 0 now a prophecy, the first about Macduff, the second no one born from a woman. can and the third tells him that cannot to be Dunsinane beaten untill • Maccluff his • In Malcolm, and English King has Soldiers to fight that Macbeth has to avenge their they moves Hill. • When Children Macbeth demands to know if Banquo's the witches. 2 line of will ever rule Scotland Show him Banquo's ghost and king who seem be Birnam Wood to has Banquo's descendants. fied to England. Macbeth Sends murderers to kill Macduffs wife & children. Eng land, Macduff proves his Loyalty to Malcolm that reveals him the thousand learns given ten Macbeth. Macduff killed...

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Alternative transcript:

his family, and vows deaths. five → Macbeth has gone mad. She sleep walks blood of keeps washing in visable hands. Act • Lady an d her Scottish Lords. plan to meet the English. attack Macbeth. the approaching English. because of The army at Birnam • Macbeth hears. army. He isn't predictions. Malcolm branches Wood and about Scared the Soldiers to the witches. tells from Birnam them as they march towards Macbeths casto. prepares for the Macbeth that Lady Macbeth Out has • Macbeth and Macduff meet on the battlefield. Macbeth is Sure that he'll win, untill he finds Macduff was born of a caesarean (c-section) so he isn't born from a woman. out that They fight and Macbeth is killed. •Malcolm is made king of Scotland. cut Wood and down hide behind battle and finds killed herself.