


A Christmas Carol - Scrooge in Stave One: Key Quotes and Analysis






Scrooge in Stave One: Key Quotes & Analysis
evocative quotation.
does not share
his thoughts of feelings
sounds sinister, haunting

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Scrooge in Stave One: Key Quotes & Analysis
evocative quotation.
does not share
his thoughts of feelings
sounds sinister, haunting

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Scrooge in Stave One: Key Quotes & Analysis
evocative quotation.
does not share
his thoughts of feelings
sounds sinister, haunting

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Scrooge in Stave One: Key Quotes & Analysis evocative quotation. does not share his thoughts of feelings sounds sinister, haunting and eerie (Sibilance ( "secret and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster" triadic simile list independent and keeps himself to himself tells us that Scrooge is unpleasant Scrooge can be described as recluse, a hermit or a misanthrope. does not rely on others. and rarely has them around him. compared to a dark, strange and ugly sea creature, something that outwardly barely seems. alive beyond the tough outer shell, there is a pearl hidden deep inside. Scrooge (like an oyster) ( alluding to the fact that the potential for something better and more kind is somewhere. within Scrooge •shows no sympathy "If they would rather die [...] they had better do it and decrease the surplus population." business-like language ) encourages the poor's death. excess 1 Scrooge doesn't see the poor as people but as numbers instead -Malthusian theory. WRITERS INTENTION: Dickens, having seen life inside & outside of poverty was very sympathetic towards the poor and wanted to present anyone who dismissed them as being in the wrong. As such, Dickens has used the unsympathetic Scrooge as a means of demonizing the political views that he saw as being everything. that was wrong with victorian society. social hierarchy created this. inequality 1 "Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?" rassociates poverty with criminality series of questions shows his dismissive attitude angry tone ) prison before workhouses as he feels they belong their first / harsh conditions workhouses were like a prison Poor Law people forced into work. labour and Shows Scrooge doesn't amass...

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Alternative transcript:

wealth so he can live a life of luxury ( "Darkness is cheap and Scrooge liked it" shine) rather than light a candle or oil lamp and disper the eerie air and presumably Soothe his nerves, scrooge would rather save money and walk through darkness