


a christmas carol- theme redemption






being saved from
error or sin. J
-The nope of scrooges transformation is used by.
Dickens to create and build tension throughout

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being saved from
error or sin. J
-The nope of scrooges transformation is used by.
Dickens to create and build tension throughout

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being saved from
error or sin. J
-The nope of scrooges transformation is used by.
Dickens to create and build tension throughout

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being saved from
error or sin. J
-The nope of scrooges transformation is used by.
Dickens to create and build tension throughout

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being saved from
error or sin. J
-The nope of scrooges transformation is used by.
Dickens to create and build tension throughout

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being saved from error or sin. J redemption -The nope of scrooges transformation is used by. Dickens to create and build tension throughout the. novella, the reader anticipates if he will actually be. redeemed -scrooge is initially presented as: 'covetous old sinner" and "hard and sharp as flint " This makes it hard for readers to believe that he will be redeemed so increases the suspence. -Dickens also increases dramatic tension through foreshadowing In the opening of the novella scrooge is described as "Solitary as an oyster." suggesting to the reader that scrooge has something to uncover Scrooge simply has a treasure inside that needs to be uncovered. -In Stave 2 Fan informs scrooge that their father "is much kinder than he used to be perhaps to highlight to the reader that scrooge too will be able to change In both of these examples Dickens uses foreshadowing to increase the tension as the reader eagarly awaits Scrooges transformation theme deuccopment dickens foregrounds the theme of redemption through. the structure of the text. he creates a direct contrast between the start and end of the play. theme development Charity collectors in the opening of the novella scrooge dismisses everything the gentlemen have to say to him he says the suffering of other people isnt his 'business' This is completely contrasted in stave 5 Scrooge runs after the gentleman "quickening his pace" this highlights the active nature...

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Alternative transcript:

of his redemption causing the reader to apriciate the extent of his change Furthermore Dickens could be presenting this idea that readers should be more forthcoming in their own redemption by glorifying scrooges behaviora attitudes to christmas when scrooge discusses christmas in the opening stave with Fred he tells him that. every idiot who goes about. with 'merry christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. This violent hyperbolic asseersion convers conveys the extreme nature of scrooges batred. towards christmas. This makes it difficult for readers to envision a -In the final stage Dickens presents an improved attitude He reveals also in a hyperbolic fashion it was always. said that Scrooge "knew how to keep christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowlage." This polarised Calvided) presentation of scrooges displays the substantial change that scrooge nas undergone, as he moves from one extreme to the other. character temprature and weather. dickens uses a plethora of imagery and descriptions in the opening stave to convey the cold and gloomy A A A A A A A A A redempuran theme weather DNS Temprature and weather as Dickens uses a plethora of imagery and description in opening stave to convey the the cold and gloomy atmosphere of the setting. He describes the climate cold, bleak, biting weather." and goes on to explore the fog which intruded into peoples homes. "pouring in at every chink and keyhole. This presents the hostile enviroment as intrusive and uncontrollable, allowing it to dominate the tone of the stave However in the final stave Dickens writes that there was no fog and no mist "no fog, no mist." and that the sky was clear bright and jovial. "clear, bright jovial" and filled with "golden sunlight." use of pathetic fallacy dramatically alters the tone of the stave highlighting scrooges sucsessful redemption. - this is further prooven by the fact that Scrooge contributed to the cold temprature in the opening Stave the cold within him. was so powerful it had the ability to freeze his "old features" In the final stave it is arguably his "glowing" and "fluttered" State of mind which is reflected in the weather, presenting his redemption as absolute. narration the narrative voice in the opening stave is utterly unsy -mpathetic epitomised by the relentless list of verbs which describe scrooge "sauleezing, wrenching, grasping.. scraping, clutching, covetous oid Simber." - the tone of narration dramatically changes by the final stave which reflects on scrooges transformed character instead of a dissapointing tone the narrator redemption narrator adopts a a increasingly positive and optimistic voice This allows scrooges change to become more apparent stave 6 opens with the exclamation "yes! " establishing the change in tone from the offset of the stave. Then followed by a description of scrooges "good intentions." and a detailed analysis of his laugh "Splendid most illustrious laugh" which was the "father of a long line of brilliant laughs." provides - reader with a sense of hope as it implies that scroogen Change is permanent due to the prediction of more Laughs ultimately creating the impression that Scrooges 1 redemption was convincing and comprehensive. 1 exam questian Starting with this extract now does dickens present the theme of redemption TUTOE - in the extract and play as a whole. to F - paragraph 1= Thesis + analysis from extract = paragraph 2 dickens use of aramatic tension paragraph 3 Scrooges attitude towards Christmas para graph 4: temprature and weather paragraphs narration paragraph 6 = Conclusion L ΠαππΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠΠ exam question Thesis statement: A Christmas carol by Charles Dickens, teaches humanity many important life lessons. These lessons are taught to Scrooge as he visits his past, Sees the present and previews his future. Dickens does this to share the moral message that all numan beings have the opportunity to behave in kinder ways towards eachother. Scrooge acts as a mouthpeice for this as at the start of the novella scrooge is presented as "hard and sharp as flint." and " as solitary as an oyster: his eyes become opened with the messages from the 9 spirits he gains redemption and becomes "as happy as a school boy." In the extract it is at the real turning point for Scrooge and his reformation, Scrooge sees himself and his life after he has died. Scrooge is immediately intimidated by the ghost ne states "i am not the man I was. This suggests Scrooge doesn't want to have the fate his previous personality. would have lead him to have. Dickens shows Scrooges redemption as a key focus throughout the Novella to Show the audience that everynuman can be nicer to one another. The nope of scrooges redemption is continually. used to create and build tension