


An inspector calls






Prisday's ViewD
ambigious +mysterious-
Vagueness of character
reveals what he isn't rather
than what he is - 4 don't
play golf - inspector g

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Prisday's ViewD ambigious +mysterious- Vagueness of character reveals what he isn't rather than what he is - 4 don't play golf - inspector gode- sounds like ghoul-knows alot about someone who died 2 hrs ago - possible supernatural being. There's little detail on him which helps focus less on him and more on the message he brings -allegory. biblical link adds to supernatural aspect. -Has power over Birlings using Anadiplosis. Mrs Burling her husband's 'social Superior-bossy + dem. anding. Language abrupt and dismissive. Buting Priority is his wealth Bourgeoisie -capitalist opening speech - dramatic urony Errors make his opinions instantly devalved - war, economic growth and titanic fails, to accept responsibility and ends play in same machner. -focuses on getting his money back from Eric rather than his grandchild. Dismissive tone Name drops to impress his social superior-Gerald Exclamatory sentences - Passionate long monologues. Realistic - colloquial language Most resistant to confess- tension domestic staff - used to doing things in 'old ways' Archaic thinking fragmented thinking speech - collapse of self confidence. social snobbery -no remorse absurd - puts her own guilt ·Stage change - "triumphantly' to alarmed'. onto her son. directions CHARACTERS Gerald Sheila Prestly uses her to explore power of individuals in biased + Sexist Society. First presented as ummature+ materialistic inferior in male dominated Scarly. More protected than Eva. Dramatic Shift in personality. Governed by logic Priestly's tool to reveal flaws of the UC. Aligns with Mr B- CAPITALIST attitude towards life is ummature prioritises himself t appearance Marrie's Sheila for business + convenience. "Suicide business '- cold hearted. rather than emotions. contrast to parents. Shallow and spoilt. Eva Smith Common last name 'Smith'- Symbolises...

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Alternative transcript:

all women "Daisy'-symbolic - cheap and pretty rention' rents her body Prostitution - symbolism. often described by her appearance. regarded as source of pleasure to men. Inspector Summarides how women were treated as objects. Hard worker, strong moral values. Double standards -Commited suicide whereas men faced no consequences. Uses Eva to convey this message of social responsibility. -Marxism-B profit from plabour. AN INSPECTOR CALLS Picestly criticising, older gen. 'mummy' - petulant. Eric immature-shy- assertive. Shows capitalist Society is untrustworthy by making Eric seen as a neg character. alcoholic - lack of responsibility (rape) person-distances KEY QUOTES Dramatic usny 'The Titanic-She soils next week- [...] unsunbable, aba absolutely ansinbable Responsibility 'the way some of these cranks talk and write now, you'd think everybody has to look after everbody Keep 'them' down "If you don't come sharply on some of these people, they'd soon be asking for the Earth. Jealousy "But she was very pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself. 1 I couldn't be sorry for her Social class "I don't suppose for a moment that we can understand why the girl commited suicide Girls of that class' Hipocrisy "I didn't install her there so that I could make love to her' third Responsibility humself from Situation. "theres every excuse for both what reveals distress. lack of detail your mother and I did' - cant bring himself to admit. challenges fathers opinion /ideas. -Contradicting , accepts responsibility.