


Eden rock annotations






Eden Rock
The use of the present tense makes me
Scene he's describing feel more vivid
as if it's frozen in his memory
1 They are waiting for

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Eden Rock The use of the present tense makes me Scene he's describing feel more vivid as if it's frozen in his memory 1 They are waiting for me somewhere beyond Eden Rock: My father, twenty-five, in the same suit Of Genuine Irish Tweed, his terrier Jack The narrator remembers derails present apout is Still two years old and trembling at his feet. Hose parents -details are The intres of the parents mirror each other and reflects the asseness of their TCIGA from he 5 My mother, twenty-three, in a sprigged dress past These are ordinary things, but he As if describing Stanzas- It's like a neavenly light Drawn at the waist, ribbon in her straw hat, Has spread the stiff white cloth over the grass. Her hair, the colour of wheat, takes on the light. neavenly. Pure colour remembers a prorograph the detons She pours tea from a Thermos, the milk straight were From an old H.P. sauce bottle, a screw - 10 important as he cares about the Of paper for a cork; slowly sets out The same three plates, the tin cups painted blue. parents did things This controstsThe sky whitens as if lit by three suns. with descriptions My mother shades her eyes and looks my way of the FS 315 Over the drifted stream. My father spins A stone along the water. Leisurely, Even the stream is peaceful. The smeam is symbolic They beckon to me from the other bank. I hear them call, 'See where the stream-path is! is...

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Alternative transcript:

ne being comeda Crossing is not as hard as you might think.' from the other side as in beyond the grave 20 I had not thought that it would be like this. labic language creates a one of child-Pike simplicity Charles Causley (1917-2003) Regular Structure Hints that this is imagined. Gives us a hint of mystery Biblical reference to the Garder Eden -a perfect place which Suggests that for the narrator, this place with his parents is perfect and peaceful GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS The beautiful details snow now precious the memory of his mother is to the narrator The light in his mother's nair is an angelic imoge 'sicwly sers'. Like we're watching it in SKCW motion. Alliteranen The way the parents do things are tranquil and peaceful Coesura Sious down the pace-emonasises the feeling of peace Enjamoment 3 suns could show that the family of 3 have been reunited. it could also be related to the Trinity we don't know what the " actually is. He may be referring to preparing to be bom or die, or he may be talking about the afterlife. creates a pouse which imitates me leisurely way the narrator's parents beckon to him Adverb-suggests there's no rush Possibly a metaphor for crossing into deaHA The narrator's parents comfort and encourage nim-a rypical parent's cale First 4 Stanzas nove 4 lines, but the pattern is broken at the end with a solitary line after 3 lines Fact:in Greek mymology people who died had to cross the river. Styx Biblical reference Enjamoment Adverb Caesura Meraphor Monosyllabic Aliteration Present tense 15