


how is presented the power in ‘ozymandias’ and ‘my last duchess’






last duchess and
Both poems 'azymandias' and ` my
last Duchess
explore the theme of the power of humans. In
the poe

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last duchess and
Both poems 'azymandias' and ` my
last Duchess
explore the theme of the power of humans. In
the poe

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last duchess and
Both poems 'azymandias' and ` my
last Duchess
explore the theme of the power of humans. In
the poe

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last duchess and
Both poems 'azymandias' and ` my
last Duchess
explore the theme of the power of humans. In
the poe

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Colourbook my last duchess and Ozymandias Both poems 'azymandias' and ` my last Duchess explore the theme of the power of humans. In the poem, the duke is angry because he feels that his wife was too easily impressed and that her' looks went everywhere". Throughout the poem Browning implies that the duke couldn't stand the way the Duchess treated him the same as everyone else. The Duke's anger increases throughout the poem as he struggle, to control his wife. The duke craved power and control over his wife and when be couldn't have it he gave commands'; then all smiles stopped together. Although this line is very ambiguous, it leads the reader to believe that the suke bad his wife killed. Even after her death, the Auke still felt the need to have power over his wife. The Duke even controlled who saw the painting of her: 'none puts by the curtain I have drawn for you, but I? This illustrates that the power hungry Duke saw his wife as Just another one of his possessions to be collected and admired and that he now controls her when she's dead because he couldn't control her when she was alive. Similarly, `ozymandias also explores human power but the temporary nature of human power. The Poem describes a statue in a dessert of a king who ruled over a past civilisation, His face is proud with...

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Alternative transcript:

a sneer of cold command and he boasts. about his power on the inscription, Housever, the oxymoron tells us that the statue is now a colossal wreck' with a' sbattert d'visage. This is ironic because even a power full human can't control the damaging effects of time. Ultimately, nature has ruined the statue suggesting that nature and time have more power that human can ever have and all human power is temporary. The last line, `the lone and level sands stretch far T 1 I I 1 Colourbook away/emphasizes the insighificance of Ozymandias because the desert is vast and survives for longer that the broken. statue. The poem 'Ozymandias' is a sonnet but it doesn't follow the regular sonnet rhysse scheme. This reflects the way burran power and structure can be easily destroyed. This is also indicated through shelley is use of Lambic pentameter which is often discrupted and reflects how human power is easily destroyed. On the other hand, My last duchess' is written with chyming couplets which helps to create a rigid form, this indicates how the subse controls the poem dost like he controlled bis wife's fate the rigid thyme scheme also allows no space for change or questioning, cust as the buts & chooses 'never to stoop! In the poem were know that the buke is having a conversation with a visitor. The porem is written in Lumbic pentumeter which reinforces the impression that the buke is having conversation and gives chatty tone. 3