


Power and Conflict poetry - Checking out me History






Checking Out Me History
Dem tell me repition creates a sense of them and us"
Dem tell me
Wha dem want to tell me
(b. 1949

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Checking Out Me History
Dem tell me repition creates a sense of them and us"
Dem tell me
Wha dem want to tell me
(b. 1949

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1 Checking Out Me History Dem tell me repition creates a sense of them and us" Dem tell me Wha dem want to tell me 10 15 John Agard (b. 1949) Attempt to hide history. Image of Bandage up me eye with me own history bondage is cronic - should and healing, but here they caused blindness. Shows heritage and personal identity are 5 Blind me to me own identity connected. 20 44 Form Structure Metaphors of vision and blindness Oral poetry features Toussaint a slave voice links to identity. Phonetic spelling of Caribbean accent - narrators Oismisses British history, Dem tell me bout 1066 and all dat dem tell me bout Dick Whittington But Toussaint L'Ouverture and he cat →→ Uses pantomime as example - makes British history seem friviou compared to Touissaint no dem never tell me bout dat →→ Double negative sounds assertive and angry Slows the pace - suggests he's breaking off from his main point to recall this memory Napoleon battalion with vision his formal education. Images of light and vision contrast with the blindness of lick back Strong rhymes and broken syntax shows importance of oral communication and first Black Republic born Toussaint de thorn Repitition makes it sound like a chant, creating a confident and forceful mood... to de French Toussaint de beacon of de Haitian Revolution Uses nursery rhymes as an example of British history-makes it seem trivial but also links it to the tradition of reciting poem out loud. Dem tell me bout de...

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Alternative transcript:

man who discover de balloon and de cow who jump over de moon Dem tell me bout de dish ran away with de spoon 25 but dem never tell me bout Nanny de maroon AGAG English Develop your learning on ADA English e-Library e-Library •The simple rhyme scheme emphasises the silliness of the white history he's been taught. Rhymes build up to last line - highlights what he wasn't taught. 30 fire-woman struggleSuggests that she is passionate. Linked to warmth and to seems to freedom river Spiritual person. She's also associated with hope and liberty. Dem tell me bout Lord Nelson and Waterloo European coloniser compared to native ci but dem never tell me bout Shaka de great Zulu Amenican cultures that resisted slavery -restriction contrasted with freedom. Also a Dem tell me bout Columbus and 1492 reminder that there's always more than one 35 but what happen to de Caribs and de Arawaks too version of history, but he's only. always been taught one - that of De 40 45 Nanny see-far woman Linked to vision-She can see into the future of mountain dream GCSE ENGLISH LITERATURE PAST AND PRESENT: POETRY ANTHOLOGY Dem tell me bout Florence Nightingale and she lamp and how Robin Hood used to camp makes Florence Nightingale's work Dem tell me bout ole King Cole was a merry ole soul Sound unimportant and basic. "Linked to folklore and nursery C but dem never tell me bout Mary Seacole rhyme chakermines her, characters in stanza- From Jamaica she travel far to the Crimean War →Seems more real and relevant than the scenes of white history. she volunteer to go and even when de British said no →→ she still brave the Russian snow a healing star among the wounded a yellow sunrise to the dying 2→ Suggests shes defiant and brave Metaphor links her to the wider universe. Images Sung "suggest light , hope, str Repeats phonetic lines from first stanza- 50 Dem tell me Dem tell me wha dem want to tell me reminds us of the narrators anger. But now I checking out me own history I carving out me identity → Emphatic final word - sums up the main theme He's going to use his own history to create his identity.