


When We Two Parted annotations






peast tense : looking back
at the moment they
When We Two Parted separated.
Truly that hour foretold

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(1788-1824) peast tense : looking back at the moment they When We Two Parted separated. 1 Secret. Lord Byron 5 Truly that hour foretold enjambomen Sorrow to this. (runs on.) ended bitterly. When we two parted In silence and tears, Half broken-hearted To sever for years, only one of them was violent verb, Painful end. Pale grew thy cheek and cold, repetition of /K/ (hard sound) Colder thy kiss; She's a Corpse towards. him. Context link between past and present. The dew of the morning- Sunk chill on my brow-between them. 10 Shift intolt felt like the warning Present Of what I feel now. Thy vows are all broken, And light is thy fame; Toteulo 25 In secret we met - In silence grieve, feels it like death. That thy heart could forget, angry, accusatory med Jongensfoscore Thy spirit deceive. If I should meet thee 30 After long years, Shift to How should I greet thee? wondering about his reaction future. With silence and tears. 2 reflection of the coldness not over her. Circular structure. (end + Start with Same words) Byron was infamous 'Playboy' and womaniser, in this poem, he remembers a secret affair with Lady Frances Webster, the wife of a friend. vows to her husband or to the speaker (or both) 15 I hear thy name spoken, And share in its shame. →guilty of being in the affair. Sibilance-reflection of secrecy (shhh sound.) They name thee before me, A knell in mine ear; bell thats rung for funeral (metaphor) dead relationship. A shudder comes o'er me - hetoric Why wert thou so...

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Alternative transcript:

dear? → reflective, pensive. They know not I knew thee, Who knew thee too well- Long, long shall I rue thee, repetition to emphasise how long he'll regret it. Too deeply to tell.