


Othello Essay Plans






Essay plan
· Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona
have a very loving relationship.
An old black ram is tupping

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Essay plan
· Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona
have a very loving relationship.
An old black ram is tupping

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Essay plan
· Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona
have a very loving relationship.
An old black ram is tupping

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Essay plan
· Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona
have a very loving relationship.
An old black ram is tupping

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Essay plan
· Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona
have a very loving relationship.
An old black ram is tupping

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C Essay plan · Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play Othello and Desdemona have a very loving relationship. An old black ram is tupping your white ewe" "I Love the gentle Desdemona" RELATIONSHIPS • Main body 2-lago cames on manipulating Othello which makes him believe there's something going on between Desdemona and Cassio. •"Ha! I like not that " •"My Lord is not my lord" · Main body 3- Othello continues to believe lago's lies and blames himself for his marriage failing, which is the start of the couple being torn apart. •"I am black" ." "Honest logo" ・Main body 4 - lago's lies cause Othello to completely turn against his wife. •"The handkerchief" ."I'll tear her to pieces" - Main body 5- Othello takes violent action against Desdemora, leading to the couples deaths. ."Che strikes her]" • ² killing myself, to die upon a kiss" O Essay plan 1.Main body 1- Throughout the play, Othello expresses his fatal flow which is being too trushing of lago. •"I am not what I am" "The moor already changes with my poison" . - Main bady 2-lago's manipulation carries on as he makes Othello believe there's something going on between Desdemona and Cassio. •"Ha! I like not that " 4 The Lord is not my lord" FATAL FLAW Main body 3- Othello continues to believe lago's lies and blames. himself for his marriage failing. •"I am black" •"Honest lago" •Main body...

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Alternative transcript:

4- lago's lies cause Othello to completely hum against his wife. •"To abuse Othello's ears" •"I'll tear her to pieces" - Main body 5- Othello takes violent action against Desdemona, leading to the couples deaths. "The shikes her]" •"Killing myself, to die upona kiss" Essay plan · Main body 1 - In Act 3, Scene 3 the huming point begins which. leads to the climax of the play. "Ha! I like not that" •"The moor already changes with my poison" •Main body 2 . GRIEF BETRAYAL Further on in the scene. Othello starts to really believe that his mariage is crumbling before his eyes. •"I am black" •"Honest lago" • Main body 3 - Throughout the tuming point scene there is the occasional appearance of the plays motif, the handherchief. "The handherchief!" •"My Lord is not my lord" - Main body 4 - Nearer the end of the play we start to see that this effect on other characters including has had great Desdemona. • "I'll tear her The strikes her]" to pieces" to - Main body 5- At the end of the play lago's plan to get revenge still cames on as Roderigo hums into the bate. 4 •"O blood, blood, blood." Killing myself, to die upon a kiss" At the end of main body 1 and 2 'this leads to / expresses/ say benefits the turning point of the play. Essay plan •Main body 1 - At the beginning of the play, Othello shows positive qualities and is held in high regard. •"I love the gentle Desdemona" "Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them? GOOD & EVIL Main body 2- The good side to Othello dramatically changes as lago's manipulation overwhelms him. "The moor already changes with my poison" "O blood, blood, blood." ・ Main body 3- Othello's fatal flaw of trusking lags kicks in as he changes from good to evil. "The handkerchief" •"Honest lago" • Main body 4 Othello ends up huming against his wife due to believing lago's lies. "To abuse Othello's ears" •"I'll bear her to pieces" •Main body 5- Othello begins to get violent against Desdemona. whilst continueing to trust lago. "The strikes her]" • Killing myself, to die upon a kiss" Essay plans. •Main body 1 - In the opening scene lago reveals true nature and the conflict be has with Othello to the audience. ." I am not what I am" ." An old black ram is tupping your white ewe" · Main body 2-lago's conflict with Othello clearly has consequences. for Othello and Desdemonas relationship. • "I Love the gentle Desdemona" "1 Ha! I like not that" . •Main body 3- The conflict between lago and Othello has disastrous Act 3, S3. consequences for Othello. •"I am black" 'The Moor already changes with my poison" CONFLICT DRAMATIC SCENE EFFECTIVE OPENING/ENDING TURNING POINT my •Main body 4-The turning point scene is crucial as here we clearly see the consequences of the conflict. •"The handkerchief!". · "My lord is not! lord" - Main body 5-Perhaps the most important consequence of the conflict is that it drives the play forwards towards the dramatic final scene. •"The strikes her]" • "killing myself, to die upon a kiss" is at it's peak. this say • up to the turning point scene where conflict For a key scene - At the end of main body 1 and 2 leads