


Weimar Constition, Treaty of Versailles and opposition to Weimar government






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Starter: Compare the views - green jotter Step 1: Write down the title: Evaluate the usefulness and Compare the views Step 2: Scan the QR code that you think is best for you. Answer question 2 which is the COMPARE THE VIEWS question. 362 D If you feel confident, scan this QR code! Missed a few lessons? Try this one! ゼロ Title: Revision of Hitler and Nazi Germany - Weimar Constition, Treaty of Versailles and opposition to Weimar government Learning Intentions To understand the opposition the Weimar government faced. Success Criteria: By the end of the lesson, you will be able to: Describe the Weimar constitution. ● F • Describe the Treaty of Versailles. Explain the reasons why most Germans opposed the Weimar government. ● Prelim Dates: Friday 3rd of December Friday 10th of December Scottish Wars of Independence Atlantic Slave Trade ● Nazi Germany Starter: Padlet Weimar Constitution The Social Democrats won the January 1919 elections • They held the first meeting of their new government in a town called Weimar - and got the nickname "The Weimar Government" • Their first job was to write a new constitution for Germany 4 Weimar Constitution Their new rules included o Everyone over the age of 20 could vote to choose members of the Reichstag People voted for MPs who would sit in the Reichstag (German Parliament) o The Reichstag would suggest and vote on new...

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Alternative transcript:

laws, and decide how taxes would be spent o Members of the Reichstag could vote to remove members of the O government, such as the Chancellor o The Chancellor would be head of the Reichstag and would be voted for every 4 years o There would be a President who would choose the Chancellor and keep control of the army and he would be voted for every 7 years Weimar Government - a democracy? YES Question: Why could it be argued the Weimar government was a democracy? ● All Germans given an equal vote. • Reichstag and President both elected ● Small parties elected means more voices heard ● Various rights guaranteed in law Weimar Government - a democracy? NO Question: Why could it be argued the Weimar government was NOT a democracy? ● Article 48 (allowed the President to declare national emergency and rule as a dictator - could pass any laws without asking the Reichstag) Chancellor was not elected by the people - chosen by President • Voting rights not equal - age Weimar Constitution: Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths of the Weimar Constitution Very fair, particularly the voting Allowed lots of people to have their say State governments would ensure local issues were addressed Wouldn't allow one person to take over the Chancellor and President balanced each other A poor Chancellor or President would only be around for a limited time -1 Weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution Proportional Representation meant that there were loads of different parties in the Reichstag - it was difficult to get them to agree on anything Article 48 could be abused so that the President stopped listening to the Reichstag State governments could pass laws that went against what the Reichstag wanted Treaty of Versailles - June 1919 • Signed in June 1919 and punished Germany. Germany was forced to sign it or face the prospect of war being restarted. • Covered various punishments for Germany included: o Germany's military o Germany's territory/land o Blame for war o Cost for war (C) =)) Treaty of Versailles - June 1919 • German military o Germany's army limited to 100,000 men soldiers o Took away their tanks, submarines and planes o Army conscription was banned o Banned German navy submarines and an air force o Size of navy limited • Germany territory o The Alsace-Lorraine area was given to France o Germany was divided to create the Polish Corridor o The Sudetenland was given to Czechoslovakia o Forced to demilitarise the Rhineland (border with France) o Forbidden German from uniting with Austria Treaty of Versailles - June 1919 • Blame for war o One of the most controversial parts of the Treaty was Article 231 - the so called 'War Guilt' E o This forced Germany to accept full responsibility for causing the war and any consequences of the war. . Cost of War o Due to the 'War Guilt' Germany forced to pay for the costs of war - reparations o Making Germany pay £6.6 billion in reparations for the war Reaction to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles - June 1919 Question: What was the reaction of the German people towards the signing of the Treaty? Why do you think this was? • The Germans were outraged. They called the Treaty a "diktat" (dictated peace) and accused the Weimar Government of "stabbing them in the back" by agreeing to such harsh terms ● People began to look to other politicians to rule Germany better than the Social Democrats. ● ● ● Read this... Other Opposition to the Weimar Government The German communists continued to create riots around Germany, even after the Spartacist Revolution failed Freikorps had to be sent round to fight them and stop them. The right wing also hated the Social Democrats The Freikorps themselves went against Ebert in 1920 when they supported Wolfgang Kapp in his attempt to take over the country (Kapp Putsch) It was only the workers of Berlin going on strike and refusing to help the Freikorps that stopped the Putsch. • Over 200 people connected to the Weimar Government were assassinated between 1919 and 1923. The most famous was Walther Rathenau, the politician who had been involved with the armistice and the Treaty of Versailles • These assassinations showed how much people disliked their new government and also made people feel that they were doing a bad job as they weren't stopping violence on the streets. Beginnings of the Nazi Party • Anton Drexler had a party called the German Workers Party Hitler joined in 1920 and soon had become its leader ● He re-named it the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP/Nazi Party) • He gave the party a new flag and a new private army to protect it (the SA/Brownshirts) ● The party was small and would meet in beer houses. It began to attract attention because of Hitler's powerful speeches, especially his rants against the Treaty of Versailles. The SA would also beat up opponents, especially the communists. Munich Beer Hall Putsch - November 1923 • Hitler chose November 1923 as the moment to attempt his Munich Putsch. • He thought people were so fed up of their situation that they would support another leader. ● • On the night of 8 November 1923, Hitler and 600 supporters burst into a political meeting at the local Beer Hall in Munich. • Hitler stood on a chair and fired a shot in the air and announced "The National Revolution has begun". He made an impassioned speech and gained support of those in hall. • Hitler forced the Bavarian leaders present to agree to rebel by bringing them onto the stage to make it look like they supported Hitler. Munich Beer Hall Putsch - November 1923 ● Eventually, Kahr and Lossow managed to escape and blamed the rebellion on Hitler. • Ludendorff ordered the army/police to end the rebellion • The next day (9 November 1923) Hitler and his Nazis went into Munich on what they thought would be a triumphal march to take power • The Bavarian police and army reinforcements blocked the path of the rebels. There was a shoot out between the two groups. Nazis and 4 policemen were killed in an exchange of gunfire • Hitler was injured and fled. The Putsch had failed and Hitler was arrested two days later. He was sent to jail where he wrote Mein Kampf Plenary: Title: Describe - Munich Putsch skill question green jotter Question: Describe the events of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch in 1923. (4 marks). Plenary On your whiteboard, decide which emojis best represent what you have learnt today. Make sure to explain why you have chosen that emoji. TEXNOL 17 -- ADMIT ONE END BACK SOON wwww i 905 + Sos 100!!!! ✔ z² OK i 1 10 6 ► #1X+ SA Plenary On the padlet, write down one question you have about today's lesson and one fact you have learnt about! ?