


hsc unit 1 - human lifespam development.






Unit 1 Human Lifespam Development
People go through to different stages:
0-2 years = Infancy
3-8 years = Early childhood.
9-18 years = Adole

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Unit 1 Human Lifespam Development
People go through to different stages:
0-2 years = Infancy
3-8 years = Early childhood.
9-18 years = Adole

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Unit 1 Human Lifespam Development People go through to different stages: 0-2 years = Infancy 3-8 years = Early childhood. 9-18 years = Adolescence 19-45 years = Early adulthood 46-65 years = Middle adulthood 65+ years : Late adulthood. milestone = ability achieved by most Children at a certain age. definition: increase in measurable quantities Growth → change in physical (it's measureable!) - Increase in mass / weight / length - variable across different parts of the body. Development → complex changes in skill, abilities and capabilill (all around) Head to toe, inside out, hullltic, same sequence diff rates. PIES- Four main areas of skill acquisition: 127 P = Physical development (glos + fine motor skills) I = Intellectual development (language) E = Emotional development S = social development. Observation = involves assessed. large Ismall murcie movement. of child's abilitice, learning. +behaviour so child is making expected Progier. Principles of growth: is a variable across different parts of body (measured w/ height, weight, dimenisons) Principles of development: follows an orderly sequence, aquiring skills, ability + knowledge. Life stage: phares of life that individuals pass through. gross motor skills = large movement that invoive using large mulicher of the body which are required for mobility e.g. railing over fine motor skills smalled movements that requile more precise direction (dexterity) and user smaller murcles e.g. picking up pencil Age Newborn 1 month 3 months 6 months. 9-10 months 2-13 months 18 months 2 years 2½2 years Gross Motor skills Primitive leflex -...

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Alternative transcript:

glaip Lift chin, some head control Lying on frent, Lift bead I chelt Rolls over, sit up for a bit. Crawls begin to cruise Stand alone, walk w/o help. Climber onto furniture Throws large ball Jump from low step / kick ball. Fine motor skills. Hold; thumb tucked Open hand graip finger. brisfly graip rattle move object hand? hand. use finger / thumbl place, toys build short tower turns pager user spoon / fork.