


Psychodynamic Approach:




Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

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Psychodynamic Assumptions: Influence of Childhood •we develop in with own > frustration → needs not met Poverindulgence - needs provided too much • either problem will and hinder development fixation at the stage's. pleasure point which influences personality cause Oral >18m 5 psychosexual stages, each pleasure point. Anal 18m-3 gr a Phallic 3-5 yrs Genital Latet 5-puberty puberty< Psychodynamic Assumptions : Unconscious Mind.. our mind is like an conscious section is visable Psychodynamic Assumptions: Tripartite Personalities. adult personalities have 3 parts. id. instincts and pleasure seeking (pleasure principle), present at birth. tego. reasoning that balances demands of id a to maintain appropriate norms. Age 2. superego, our morals and ideal self that aims to stay perfect + civilised. Age 4. Psychodynamic Relationships: iceburg, only the small oral indulgence = needy Psychosexual Development. • tripartite must be formed at phallic stage to be capable of love • Oedipus Complex unresolved = gay. preconcious is accesable (therapy) → unconscious is entirely unaccessable warm & consistant Parent-Child Bonds maternal deprivation hypothesis- ability to we cannot fully understand our subconscious. but it expresses through symbols in dreams mother during early life. form meaningful bonds relies on •It consists of unresolved conflict + pleasure •Bowlby's 44 thieves seeking which doves all our behaviours affectionless character. linked to seperation from mother, PSYCHODYNAMIC Assumption #1: ~Influence of childhood experiances. Your childhood shapes our adult personalities as we develop in 5 key stages. -these are called psychosexual stages where each stage is fixation of libido (drives/ instincts, on a body part. →problems during a stage will cause a long-term fixation on the of focus which influences...

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Alternative transcript:

their adult current body part characteristics due to frustration. ► problems developing are or overindulgenc frustration → needs are not met, child's not satisfied. overindulgence → needs met past point of Stage Oral >18 months. Focus mouth Anal 18m-3 yrs Phallic genitals. 3-5 yrs (masturbates) Latency 5-puberty Genitals genitals puberly< (intercourse) anus ice none satisfaction, reluctance to move on. Events breastfeed potty stubborn, training possesive, tidy Dedipus. Complex understanding world Frustration pessimism, envy, sarcasm попе Overindulged optimism, needy _gullibility messy, reckless problems with sexuality + maintaining relationships no fixations as no focus well-developed adult personality TIP:: Old Age Pensioners Love Guinness. (18m) (3yrs) (5yrs) (Puberty) (Life) logical pleasure seeking PSYCHODYNAMIC ·Unconscious mind (iceburg). Assumptions #2: conscious -thoughts / feelings we're aware of →preconscious unconscious - what we are not aware of but could access (therapy). what we cannot access our mind is like an keburg, with few part visable above the surface whilst most is occuring where are unable to see. the unconscious mind drives our behaviours based on unresolved conflicts and pleasure this can express itself through seeking. dreams as symbols so as not to frighten or shame いる。 the unconscious also relates to defense ego mechanisms. conflict between id, ego, and superego causes anxiety so ego protects. itself by manifesting in unconscious. eg child feels maternal rejection when sibling is born so regresses to earlier stage. Other Defenses: displacement transfers impulse to other focus. projection thoughts attributed to someone else repression forcing memories down to unconscious. PSYCHODYNAMIC Assumptions #3: -Tripartite Personality. Adult personalities have 3 parts that develop at different stages. and the The id reasoning. impulses. Present at birth, it is impulsive drives. want for immediate gratification, aka pleasure principle. The ego - reasoning. in an Around age 2 we develop rational. logic to figure out realistic ways of balencing demands of the id and superego. appropriate way. It's governed by the reality. principle. 8 embodies The Superego-morals. Latest development at Mes it our idea of right or wrong as well. the child's ideal self so seeks to + civilise behaviours, perfect →id and superego are often in conflict so ultimate judge.. this ego acts is described as structural model although the 3 influences are symbolic of the process, PSYCHODYNAMIC explanation of relationships Psychosexual Development: the idea of fixations can explain the nature of relationships. for example, overindulgence at oral stage can make you a 'needy' partner and lead to unhealthy dependency.. the phallic stage is significant as tripartite personality should be almost. fully developed so fixations here so could. the cause person to stage also which could properly resolved. be incapable of love, this the Dedipus complex. homosexuality if not. contains cause Example: Parent-Child Bonds. the thieves Bowlby studied often had an affection less character which showed little. for others. most of these also had prolonged separation from their mothers at young age.. care emotional + lead to development of maternal deprivation. the ability to form, hypothesis idea that meaningful social bonds relied warm + consistant relationship with mother figure in early years of life. distruption. of this impairs ability to form all kinds of (healthy) relationships. on personality is an innate drive and instinct Considers nature and nurture we are influenced by multiple factors holistic approach PSYCHODYNAMIC evaluation. shaped by childhood experiances useful ↓ reflects complexity, ✓ others (bio.) are reductionalist, human compl lead to entice. Frued seeks deeper meanings and wast understands influences other psychological approaches /beliefs. therapies - dream analysis, free association awareness of signifigance of childhood complexity first person to link physical Symptoms to psychological cause ↓ evidence Supports this 'mechanic reductionism autism explained as distant mothers, large simplification simplifies complex human behaviour to mechanics of mind ignores other influences (biochem, genetics). approach 2 determinist infant behaviour determind by innate forces (libido) plausable excuses for awful behavion X₁₂ no free will or independee over personal behaviours reductionalist - + oversimplified Cannot be disproved ✓ 'all men have homo. desires. -if you disagree, you have no evidence as your desires. are repressed

Psychodynamic Approach:







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Comments (2)

Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too
Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too
Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too
Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too
Psychodynamic Assumptions:
Influence of Childhood
•we develop in
with own
> frustration → needs not met
Poverindulgence - needs provided too

Assumptions + Evaluation

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Psychodynamic Assumptions: Influence of Childhood •we develop in with own > frustration → needs not met Poverindulgence - needs provided too much • either problem will and hinder development fixation at the stage's. pleasure point which influences personality cause Oral >18m 5 psychosexual stages, each pleasure point. Anal 18m-3 gr a Phallic 3-5 yrs Genital Latet 5-puberty puberty< Psychodynamic Assumptions : Unconscious Mind.. our mind is like an conscious section is visable Psychodynamic Assumptions: Tripartite Personalities. adult personalities have 3 parts. id. instincts and pleasure seeking (pleasure principle), present at birth. tego. reasoning that balances demands of id a to maintain appropriate norms. Age 2. superego, our morals and ideal self that aims to stay perfect + civilised. Age 4. Psychodynamic Relationships: iceburg, only the small oral indulgence = needy Psychosexual Development. • tripartite must be formed at phallic stage to be capable of love • Oedipus Complex unresolved = gay. preconcious is accesable (therapy) → unconscious is entirely unaccessable warm & consistant Parent-Child Bonds maternal deprivation hypothesis- ability to we cannot fully understand our subconscious. but it expresses through symbols in dreams mother during early life. form meaningful bonds relies on •It consists of unresolved conflict + pleasure •Bowlby's 44 thieves seeking which doves all our behaviours affectionless character. linked to seperation from mother, PSYCHODYNAMIC Assumption #1: ~Influence of childhood experiances. Your childhood shapes our adult personalities as we develop in 5 key stages. -these are called psychosexual stages where each stage is fixation of libido (drives/ instincts, on a body part. →problems during a stage will cause a long-term fixation on the of focus which influences...

Psychodynamic Assumptions: Influence of Childhood •we develop in with own > frustration → needs not met Poverindulgence - needs provided too much • either problem will and hinder development fixation at the stage's. pleasure point which influences personality cause Oral >18m 5 psychosexual stages, each pleasure point. Anal 18m-3 gr a Phallic 3-5 yrs Genital Latet 5-puberty puberty< Psychodynamic Assumptions : Unconscious Mind.. our mind is like an conscious section is visable Psychodynamic Assumptions: Tripartite Personalities. adult personalities have 3 parts. id. instincts and pleasure seeking (pleasure principle), present at birth. tego. reasoning that balances demands of id a to maintain appropriate norms. Age 2. superego, our morals and ideal self that aims to stay perfect + civilised. Age 4. Psychodynamic Relationships: iceburg, only the small oral indulgence = needy Psychosexual Development. • tripartite must be formed at phallic stage to be capable of love • Oedipus Complex unresolved = gay. preconcious is accesable (therapy) → unconscious is entirely unaccessable warm & consistant Parent-Child Bonds maternal deprivation hypothesis- ability to we cannot fully understand our subconscious. but it expresses through symbols in dreams mother during early life. form meaningful bonds relies on •It consists of unresolved conflict + pleasure •Bowlby's 44 thieves seeking which doves all our behaviours affectionless character. linked to seperation from mother, PSYCHODYNAMIC Assumption #1: ~Influence of childhood experiances. Your childhood shapes our adult personalities as we develop in 5 key stages. -these are called psychosexual stages where each stage is fixation of libido (drives/ instincts, on a body part. →problems during a stage will cause a long-term fixation on the of focus which influences...

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Alternative transcript:

their adult current body part characteristics due to frustration. ► problems developing are or overindulgenc frustration → needs are not met, child's not satisfied. overindulgence → needs met past point of Stage Oral >18 months. Focus mouth Anal 18m-3 yrs Phallic genitals. 3-5 yrs (masturbates) Latency 5-puberty Genitals genitals puberly< (intercourse) anus ice none satisfaction, reluctance to move on. Events breastfeed potty stubborn, training possesive, tidy Dedipus. Complex understanding world Frustration pessimism, envy, sarcasm попе Overindulged optimism, needy _gullibility messy, reckless problems with sexuality + maintaining relationships no fixations as no focus well-developed adult personality TIP:: Old Age Pensioners Love Guinness. (18m) (3yrs) (5yrs) (Puberty) (Life) logical pleasure seeking PSYCHODYNAMIC ·Unconscious mind (iceburg). Assumptions #2: conscious -thoughts / feelings we're aware of →preconscious unconscious - what we are not aware of but could access (therapy). what we cannot access our mind is like an keburg, with few part visable above the surface whilst most is occuring where are unable to see. the unconscious mind drives our behaviours based on unresolved conflicts and pleasure this can express itself through seeking. dreams as symbols so as not to frighten or shame いる。 the unconscious also relates to defense ego mechanisms. conflict between id, ego, and superego causes anxiety so ego protects. itself by manifesting in unconscious. eg child feels maternal rejection when sibling is born so regresses to earlier stage. Other Defenses: displacement transfers impulse to other focus. projection thoughts attributed to someone else repression forcing memories down to unconscious. PSYCHODYNAMIC Assumptions #3: -Tripartite Personality. Adult personalities have 3 parts that develop at different stages. and the The id reasoning. impulses. Present at birth, it is impulsive drives. want for immediate gratification, aka pleasure principle. The ego - reasoning. in an Around age 2 we develop rational. logic to figure out realistic ways of balencing demands of the id and superego. appropriate way. It's governed by the reality. principle. 8 embodies The Superego-morals. Latest development at Mes it our idea of right or wrong as well. the child's ideal self so seeks to + civilise behaviours, perfect →id and superego are often in conflict so ultimate judge.. this ego acts is described as structural model although the 3 influences are symbolic of the process, PSYCHODYNAMIC explanation of relationships Psychosexual Development: the idea of fixations can explain the nature of relationships. for example, overindulgence at oral stage can make you a 'needy' partner and lead to unhealthy dependency.. the phallic stage is significant as tripartite personality should be almost. fully developed so fixations here so could. the cause person to stage also which could properly resolved. be incapable of love, this the Dedipus complex. homosexuality if not. contains cause Example: Parent-Child Bonds. the thieves Bowlby studied often had an affection less character which showed little. for others. most of these also had prolonged separation from their mothers at young age.. care emotional + lead to development of maternal deprivation. the ability to form, hypothesis idea that meaningful social bonds relied warm + consistant relationship with mother figure in early years of life. distruption. of this impairs ability to form all kinds of (healthy) relationships. on personality is an innate drive and instinct Considers nature and nurture we are influenced by multiple factors holistic approach PSYCHODYNAMIC evaluation. shaped by childhood experiances useful ↓ reflects complexity, ✓ others (bio.) are reductionalist, human compl lead to entice. Frued seeks deeper meanings and wast understands influences other psychological approaches /beliefs. therapies - dream analysis, free association awareness of signifigance of childhood complexity first person to link physical Symptoms to psychological cause ↓ evidence Supports this 'mechanic reductionism autism explained as distant mothers, large simplification simplifies complex human behaviour to mechanics of mind ignores other influences (biochem, genetics). approach 2 determinist infant behaviour determind by innate forces (libido) plausable excuses for awful behavion X₁₂ no free will or independee over personal behaviours reductionalist - + oversimplified Cannot be disproved ✓ 'all men have homo. desires. -if you disagree, you have no evidence as your desires. are repressed