


biology notes






。 a microscope is an instrument.
that produces a magnified.
image of objects that are too notes
Small to be seen by the naked

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。 a microscope is an instrument.
that produces a magnified.
image of objects that are too notes
Small to be seen by the naked

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。 a microscope is an instrument.
that produces a magnified.
image of objects that are too notes
Small to be seen by the naked

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。 a microscope is an instrument.
that produces a magnified.
image of objects that are too notes
Small to be seen by the naked

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。 a microscope is an instrument.
that produces a magnified.
image of objects that are too notes
Small to be seen by the naked

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BIOLOGY 。 a microscope is an instrument. that produces a magnified. image of objects that are too notes Small to be seen by the naked eye. • Magnification mearsures how much bigger a Sample appears to be under the microscope than it is in real life. • Resolution is the ability to distinguish between two points on an image : the 'clarity of the image. Increasing the magnification does not increase the resolution of the image. light microscopes are most widely used because they are cheaper and easier to use. centimetre Ccm) millimetre emm) K micrometre! (um) 10 9 = xio 10 1x1000 = 1000 nano metre & lock (nm) I АЖ М size Actual age 1 ÷ 1000 Magnification Image size • Cells are the building blocks of life, they can be Specialised and unspecialised. сеи membrane cytoplasm nucleus •michrocondria nucicus - Centrels the cell and centains genetic material 0 mien recondria- where respiration happens. O G Cytoplasm- a jelly - like Substance where the chemical reactions in a cell take place. Cell membrane- a barrier around the cell. It controls what goes in and out of the cell. Ribosomes- make new protiens for the cell. nucleus veievole C ↳ Respiration is a reaction that transfers. energy for the organism chloroplast mitochondria cell wall ceu membrane 22, they can. brone plasm be is genetic sa ansfers organism It cell wall - Strengthens the cell and provides Support. Made of a tough fibre called callulose, which makes a rigid wall. vacuole - contains a watery liquid called cell sap. It keeps the cell firm. enteroplasts - this is where photosythesis happens. chloroplasts contain a green substance called. chlorophyll, which traps energy...

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Alternative transcript:

transferred from the sun. • Bacteria have simpler structure than animal, -plants and fungi, lacking organeles such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Pili ・flagellum Slime Capsule yox Plasmid I cell wall cell membrane "genetic material riboseme cytoplasm Permable- allow Something to pass through to a sponge is permable to water Selective to eneose cell membranes are selectively permable dippusion - when particles diffuse from high. concentrated areas to low. rate of diffusion = surface area x concentration. thickness of membrane asmosis - diffusion of water. __osmosis is the movement of water from a dilute to a selectively permable cell membrane.. -isotonic - a eeu is isotonic to it's enviroment when the concentration of solutes around it is the same as that in the cell: esmosis does not occur. Cell wall the cell a water bu Hypotonie- a cell is hypotonic to it's enviroment when the concentration of solutes around it is greater than that in the cell: water diffuses out the cell by osmosis. Hypertonic- a ceu is hypertonic to it's enviroment, When the concentration of Solutes around it is less than that in the cell: water diffuses into the cell by asmosis. pass through water _permable e from high oncentration. lembrane ter from a eli membrane.. enviroment around it is smosis does enviroment und it is diffuses enviroment dit is es into Cell Wall Vacuole. the cell abserbs. water by osmosis... x cytop- -Tasm and coll membrane. but the cell wall. stops the cell expanding more creating turger pressure