


Cellular Energetics






Cellular Energetics
The cellular process by which organisms

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Cellular Energetics
The cellular process by which organisms

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Cellular Energetics
The cellular process by which organisms

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Cellular Energetics
The cellular process by which organisms

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ATP- adenosine NADPH- reduced nicotinamide inucleotide phosphate Cellular Energetics Photosynthesis The cellular process by which organisms capture and store energy f from the sun to produce sugar. photosynthetic pigments: Chlorophyll Xantophylls Carotenoids the study of how energy is captured and. used by living systems 5-triphosphate this is the net reaction for photosynthesis ; several intermediate. reactions also take place that involves producing energy-rich molecules. such as ATP and NAPPH. In general ATP is the currency of energy. Many biological reactions break apart ATP to generate enough f energy to fuel the chemical reaction forward. many of these intermediate reactions take place in the chloroplast. 2 Phases of Photosynthesis :. Phase 1: Light Reactions → energy from the sun is required Phase 11: Calvin Cycle (light independent reactions) → energy from the sun is not required Photosynthesis Equation: glucose light energy + H₂O + CO₂ → C6H₁₂O6 + 0₂ photosynthesis is not orbe reaction, it involves multiple coupted. reactions where the products of one reaction become the reactant of the next. Light-dependent reactions Takes place in the thylakoids of chloroplast (where photosynthetic pigments are) When light energy reaches the pigment molecules, it energizes the electrons. (trapped) by electron acceptor molecules within them, and these electrons are pushed to an electron transport chain in the thylakoid membrane.] e. Every step in the electron transport chain then brings each electron to a lower energy state and harnesses its energy by producing ATP and NADPH. ADP ATP but other molecules gain energy NADP+ NADPH Light...

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reactions yield ATP and NADPH used to feel the reactions of the Calvin Cycle. Meanwhile, each chlorophyll molecule replaces its lost electron with lan electron from water; this process, essentially splits water molecules to produce oxygen. Scanned with CamScanner F F F F F F F F F F F F F F P P P P P P I I I I O usually any carb The Calvin Cycle light-independent or "dark" reactions Takes place in the chloraplast stroma.. ATP and NADPH that is generated m in the light reactions are used to fuel the reactions in light- independent reactions. Inputs: first step in the Calvin Cycle Dight сс energy This takes CO₂, breaks it apart, and reassembles the carbons into carbon fixation glucose. Calvin Cycle Simplified: ATP, NADPH, and CO₂ from light reactions from atmosphere Outputs: Glucose (APP +P and NADP + H# are recycled) add to-net gain 3 of photo- se diagram doest+ Carbon Fixation - the process in which inorganiczaynthesis carbon dioxide (gas) is made into an organic molecule (glucose) waste product H₂O -0₂- inner NADP+ ADP membrane 8 -{-} 29 outer membrane CHLOROPLAST CO₂ .. (photosynthesis) ATP-7 NADPH 7 CHLOROPLAST that needs to be knowne thyrakord 10 Calvin Cycle lamella by using the ATP and NADPH from reactions *Simple Sugars CH ₂0* Stroma serves as fuel thylakoid commonly seen as Alucose or fructose (C6H1200) monosacchande мишший Scanned with CamScanner aerobic opposite 82-36 photosynthes -C6H12O6 + 0₂ → CO₂ + H₂O + ATP requires oxygen anaerobic Cellular Respiration + Fermentation Cellular process performed by all living organisms that convert energy from biological macromolecules into energy in the form of ATP that can be used by the cell. Net Equation Cellular respiration is called a catabolic process The main steps are: set of metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller its means splug Glycolysis - Stage 1 (happens in the cytoplasm). thay are (loses electrom) oxidised to release energy, or used in other anaboli reactions gaining Delectron - glycolysis, krebs cycle(pyruvate oxidation), and the electron transport chain Coxidative phosphorylation). found in both aerobic and anaerobic metabolism the breakdown of glucose into ATP, NADH, and pyruvate (pyruvic acid), → doesn't use oxygen → produces 2 ATP contributes to net gain ATP Pyruvate molecules produced during glycolysis then enter the mitochondria. They undergo a series of chemical reactions with oxygens. ・only aerobic The Kreb's Cycle "Citric Acid Cycle"-Stage || (mitochondria) The purpose of this cycle is to transfer potential energy from the pyruvic acid into another source of patential energy: ATP + NADH+ FADH2 contributes to net gain ATP only aerobic Electron Transport Chain - Stage III Kones Aggiorn (Specifically NADH FADH₂) Takes place in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. Electron carriers produced from the krebs cycle pass their electrons to the electron transport chain, which results. in the synthesis of a lot of ATP, (32-36) and results in water, The enzyme ATP synthase is responsible for generating ATP when H+ ions move through this channel. The final electron acceptor of derobic respiration is oxygen.. Scanned with CamScanner 9 - by taking away electe from NADH O intul Iorcenord + zautarinn Fermentation Canaerobic respiration). The main purpose of angerabic respiration is to replenish NAD + for glycolysis, when there is no oxygen available. · fermentation occurs in the cytoplasm - just like glycolysis only produces 2 ATP, so it's not sustainable for very_long_ 2 Types of Fermentation. Alcoholic Fermentation •yeast cells use this process to form ethyl alcohol and CO₂ as waste products - Causes bread dough to rise -how most alcoholic beverages are made glucose → alcohol + CO₂ + ZATP^ - 3 -2-ADP- ZATRE het gam glucose 2AD-F NADH 2 pyruvate -ZNADH . 2 NAD+ from glycolys is -actic acid) Lactic Acid Fermentation € S 3 2 ADP A 2ATPE TT Lactic Acid Fermentation • occurs in bacteria. - how cheese, yogurt, and pickcles are made • occurs in Imuscle cells during rapid exercise --when your body runs out of oxygen your muscle cells must produce in 2230 Glucose Some ATP using fermentation and glycolysis -lactic acid build-up casses muscle soreness or burning after intense activity 2 NAD+ F 2 NADH 2 pyruvate 2 CO₂ ✓ 2 NADH G₂ NAD+ 2 Acetaldehyde 2 Ethanol ALCOHOLIC FERMENTATION D from glucose → lactic acid + 2 ATP glycolysis Scanned with CamScanner