


higher geography - glaciated land use conflict solutions






Removing Bins
-In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly.
Bins can overflow which can

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Removing Bins
-In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly.
Bins can overflow which can

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Removing Bins
-In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly.
Bins can overflow which can

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Removing Bins
-In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly.
Bins can overflow which can

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Removing Bins
-In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly.
Bins can overflow which can

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Di L GLACIATED LAND USE CONFLICT. SOLUTIONS Removing Bins -In rural areas bins are difficult to empty regularly. Bins can overflow which can encourage further littering or allow wildlife to scavenge. solution: Removing bins completely encourages people to take litter home with them instead. how effective? This is effective as there will be less of need for bins to be lemptied if there are no bins for rubbish to be put in. However people might just leave their rubbish in rural areas. meaning they will be littering instead of taking it home because. there are no bins. Littering - Littering can be a huge issue with so many visitors to the National Park. J IM L Di colution: National Park Rangers are given the authority to issue fines to anyone caught littering. These fixed penalty notices of up to £75 can be issued for litter and £50 for not cleaning up dog mess. how effective? This is effective as many people will bin or take their litter home as they will not want to risk having to pay a fine if they are caught littering. example: Luss One Way Systems and Restrictions - Small rural villages can become gridlocked during the summer months. This can become destructive for locals. solution: manage huge Temporary one way systems are put in place to volumes of traffic. This helps the flow of traffic avoiding congestion Restrictions on parking can also be put in place...

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to reduce the number of cars in the area. the how effective? This is effective as congestion will not build up and become a nusance to the locals as it would have if there were no restrictions. However one way systems and restrictions changing summer months to the winter could get confusing and become annoying for the locals. from the 7! Farmers Field Car Parking - Small rural villages rarely have large car parks available. Narrow streets and historic villages make it difficult to expand parking. solution: Some farmers may open their unused fields for parking. This reduces on-street parking, improving the flow of traffic. Farmers can also charge for this and add to their income. how effective? This is effective as the traffic flow is increased meaning there is less traffic and congestion through the village. Speed Limits on Loch Lomond 1-Speed boats can lead to beach erosion over time, destroying. habitats and the natural scenery. solution: Speed limits have been introduced on the loch, especially near the shore and protected areas. This has helped to reduce damage without banning the activity. how effective? This is effective as the beach erosion will be reduced and will happen over a longer period of time rather than happen quicker without speed limits. Zoning around Loch Lomond • With so many different activities in and around Loch Lomond there can often be conflict between tourists. Different zones have been created around the loch to separate different activities. This allows everyone to use the loch safely. 7! !G how effective? This is effective because it keeps people apart. People will have space to do their activity without feeling like they are in the way. However its not effective because you can't stop someone from going into an area. National Park Rangers -Loch Lomond attracts people from all over the world, some who are unaware of the damage caused or issues land users. created by SO many solution: The National Park Rangers are employed to educate visitors. They offer talks, guides, leaflets and operate visitor centers to educate the public. how effective? This is effective as tourists will be educated and learn what they should and shouldn't do and will be happy they are. being catered for. National Park Bylaws • Despite other solutions, many visitors still choose to be disruptive or can cause accidental clamage to the area. Bylaws have been introduced to manage behaviour such as camping and camp fires. If someone is caught camping in a Management Zone without a permit they can be removed or fined. 7! how effective? to pay This is effective as people will not want to risk having a fine by being caught so hopefully they will just not do it. Spring Loaded Gates Tourists can often accidentally leave gates open. This can allow livestock to escape, impacting the farmers time and money. Farmers can install spring loaded gates which automatically close. This removes the need to educate or inform tourists. how effective? This is effective because this the way farmers I will not have to loose money and waste time by having to purchase or find their lost animals. 'Natural Forestry This Traditional forestry includes growing foreign species of trees. in lines or blocks as this is most effective for felling. however looks odd and unnatural, ruining the landscape. is Commercial forestry encouraged то forestry either with native species or more naturally or sporadic. grow 'natural' forestry spaced how effective? This is effective because it will help the landscape to look more. natural and prettier compared to the unnatural and ugly traditional forestry.