


paper 2 geography case studies






Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
•Scheme.poved roools, accessio
Warer Supply, improved Sanitation
cable car system, Pacifying
Police unit.
Why was it

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Rio De Janeiro, Brazil •Scheme.poved roools, accessio Warer Supply, improved Sanitation cable car system, Pacifying Police unit. Why was it needed. -Olympics demdished Some favelas Thouses are wedle and were mode on sreep slopes to keep up with woon Sprowl. Guanabara, bay is highly fallured air pollution & traffic congestion due to urloon sprawl. lors of crime-20 per 100 murderers. Unemployment 20%, average income less than £75 a mont Problems with Scheme -newly built infrastore not maintained -residents lock Skills & resources to make repairs. -training needed to improve literacy for employment. However, quality of life, mobiling and employment has improved. employment-more job local economy Tourism has provided nearly 200 000 -tourism conmibuted to 24% of Jamaica's GDP income from louism is US $2 bilion each year and hos con roue further to the development of a carby Quoting of life-In rans have a high standard of living, however People live nearby in poor hasing with inadeo pre access to fresh water, healthcare and education. Bristol Problems Solution ricts & artists revitonising area, and social cancil darained coney behavia grants. Urban Sproul developing brownfield Siles, rapidly growing 6% greenfield Sives. Population waste disposal non-recyclable waste generales Proceso Sm energy waste treatment plant, Fonnes of wose Income generated from recycled materials to power PROCES almospheric Pollution app for public transport, wolle Cycle -200μl de promovely venicie programme. route to city centre, elecric Paper 2 Geography human case advantages Provided direct employment Pfor 65 000 wors. .91% of all shell contracts have been placed with Nigerian companies. Quarrying in sammater • Torr quarry is one of eight limestone quarries in Somerset. Nigeria TNCs Shell oil •Supplies 2.7% of the world's...

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oil 5th largest contributor to UN Peace keeping missions. disadvantages Oil Spills hove caused worer Pollution & Soil degradation, damaging agricurve fishing industries. frequent oil flores send toxic fumes into the air. advantages disackontages •Provides thousands of regular jolos a single quarry can contribute £15 million to on economy ecom year transport for Limestone is becoming more environmental- Usingrains & frams. •Involves heacy machinery Sometimes explosives, which convibutes to noise and dust pollution. •Agricultural land is lost and valuare halaitars can be last during quarrying and to construct roods for transportation. Freiburg Freiburg is a city so passionare about me Environment that there was a 9 month long profes •Freiburg's Sustainabiliy Social groups of children are invalied in guing Medloocle and offering their opinion for all new develops in the City. economse jobs in Green Technologes and environmental induting, and businesses have an obligation to be responsible for their impacts to me environment. environmental: -2x as many bikes as cars. Freiburg Rosta a daily formers marter. Thing busing legal produce Food miles are redidosa, lowering Cartoon emissions. -The local foorball stadiue is powered by totorpare as well as the