


Passive cell transport (unit 3)






Passive Cell Transport
(Pt.1) ()
Passive cell transport
Equilibrium-equal concentration of solutes on both sides of the membrane
@ Cells

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Passive Cell Transport
(Pt.1) ()
Passive cell transport
Equilibrium-equal concentration of solutes on both sides of the membrane
@ Cells

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28 Passive Cell Transport (Pt.1) () Passive cell transport Equilibrium-equal concentration of solutes on both sides of the membrane @ Cells want to reach equilibrium Passive transport-no energy required -Molecules move down the concentration gradient from area with a HIGH concentration. of Solutes To an area of Low concentration 27 "Must have a concentration gradient (unequal amounts of solute on each side) to occur. Simple diffusion Simple diffusion movement of molecules (fluid or gas) from an area of HIGH to Low concentration. until equilibrium is reached Ex. Qygen, carbon dioxide, and other small molecules. Osmosis Osmosis- simple diffusion of water across the cell membrane Water molecules move down a concentration gradient - from an area of HIGH water potential, to Low water potential -HIGH water potential & low solute concentration. "Low water potential = high solute concentration. · "Water slide" water moves from HIGH & LOW, doesn't require energy. (you can silde down. a water side from high to low without much energy.). Osmosis: Isotonic Solution. Isotonic equal concentrations of solute in and out of the cell @water will move both IN & OUT of the cell at an equal rate. O cell is at equilibrium. 6 Enviorment O Osmosis: Hypotonic Solution. Hypotonic Solution - Solute concentration is lower outside of the cell than the inside of the cell HLO water will rush INTO the well; cell swells like a hippo cell O D O 0 cell Solute O solute 0 € Passive...

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Alternative transcript:

Cell Transport (Pt.2) Osmosis: Hypertonic Solution @Hypertonic solution - Solute concentration is greater outside of the cell than inside O P 600 of the cell od water will rush out of the cell; cell will shrivel up/ Shrink Facilitated Diffusion Facilitated diffusion like simple diffusion, but uses the help of transport proteins (Channel or carrier) O H₂O O 0 Salute .0 0 31 29 O Cell Proteins and molecules that hormally could not pass or fit ("facilitate" their movement) Still moves from HIGH LOW concentration Ex.) Glucase or amino acids moving into a cell. Facilitated diffusion: Channel proteins. Channel proteins (type of integral protein) are embedded in the cell membrane Have a pove that materials use to cross is the pattern of we Molecules move randomly through these pores. Facilitated diffusion: Carrier Proteins Carrier proteins (type of integral protein) change shape to move material from one side to another Some carrier proteins extend through the membrane while others do not.. Facilitated dition Transport: Glucose Glucose is large enough that it needs help moving across the membrane • Moves from high low glucose concentration gg.using. EITHER a channel or carrier protein.