


AC2.1 Physiological Theories






AC 2.1: Describe Physiological Theories
Lombroso Theory
Lombroso was one of the first to analyse crime as before explanations were religious

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AC 2.1: Describe Physiological Theories Lombroso Theory Lombroso was one of the first to analyse crime as before explanations were religious & saw criminals as sinners He measured & recorded facial features of criminals & said that criminals could be Physiological Assumption Criminality is caused by the physical traits of an individual Genetic Assumption: Criminality is inherited from family members Brain injury Assumption: Criminality is caused by abnormalities compared to non-criminals Biochemical Assumption: Criminality is caused by hormones & other chemicals Atavistic People who are less developed by evolution Somatotypes Types of body shape . pointed out based on their physical features Features like large jaw, high check bones & flat noses were what Lombroso identified as features of a criminal as well as linking to types of crime (beaked nose = murderer) Strengths Weaknesses . He was one of the first to truly study crime because without him today we wouldn't have the knowledge His theory led to more focus on examining records due to him gathering documents of offenders His argument of criminals not freely choosing their behaviour led to the focus of reforming prisoners rather than punishing Sheldon Theory He believed that different features of personality are linked to body type He found that Mesomorph are most likely to commit crimes whilst Ectomorphs the least likely Ectomorph He asked people to rate photos from 1 to 7 on how mesomorph they were The photos included college students & juvies - juvies had higher rating...

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Alternative transcript:

than college students Somatotypes Description Personality traits Mesomorph There is bias towards this study as his ideas came from his own research & no other secondary research Describe a physiological theory of criminality (4) Choose either Lombroso or Sheldon No evaluation He didn't have a control group so anyone could have those features but as he only focussed on offenders there is no general population Research after Lombrose's has found no link between facial features &criminality (Goring 1913) Thin, lean, low muscle & low body fat Endomorph Strengths Some support from later studies found link between physique & crime (Sammons 2002) Muscular, strong limbs, broad shoulders Sheldon used a large sample & had a control group to compare results Glueck (1956) found 60% mesomorphs in their delinquent sample but only 31% in non-delinquents Round lack of muscle & wide hips @louisestudies Self-conscious, fragile, emotionally restrained Adventurous, risk taker, domineering Sociable, relaxed & outgoing Weaknesses People's bodies change throughout their live's Sheldon can't explain how endomorphs & ectomorphs can be criminal as well Those with a mesomorph physique at the time could of been the culture to look like that but not actually commit crimes