


english poetry ‘a marriage’ annotations






structure = 21 lines, I single stanza
incipe of poem is like
a feather feathers
love gentle & light
- Simular to her.
reminising on
their li

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structure = 21 lines, I single stanza incipe of poem is like a feather feathers love gentle & light - Simular to her. reminising on their lives tome is between the speaker. and his love / wife it seems like his life begon after this joyful and complimen moment. f imagery imortgy honesty, pecice and purity < happiness and joy plural pro -noin snous this is a leve poem they have abruptly realised how fast time has gone! enjambment - lines flau seamlessly into elegiac metaphor one another -allows -tone for the act poem to pick up speed) t reflects passing time. tune is not derogatory / complimenting her through out perfection to him - shows now deeply he loved her now life is insicnificent Sadnes dying never doubted the perfection of their relationship. A Marriage RS Thomas We met underashower Of bird-notes. Fifty years passed, love's momen in a world in servitude to time. She was I kissed with my eyes as young closed and opened them on her wrinkles. sensie of finatily - She is dead and their marriage has ended. Come,' said death, choosing her as his partner for the last dance. And she, who in life had done everything with a bird's grace, opened her bill now for the shedding C of one sigh no 7 a connotations of togetherness. and feeling close heavier than a feather. metaphore creates imagery of their meeting! place and connects their love with nature the harmoney of notes reflects harmoney in relationship Ideath is personification. (command) / simplistic / imagery imeragy of marriage (speed of poem is quick due to a quick life) slaves to time / used time on earth because they enjoyed to leve - metaphor imagery of birds and nature long time me/a lifetime go...

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Alternative transcript:

years has passed so quickly passed quickly metaphoric phrase → time flashing by → blinking VERASAL romantic "ea "magery - life the и kiss death is inevitable enjumoment- wonts new to be at peace and nave. a quick death/ he doesn't want her to be in pain. Ï theme of birds throughout the poen (stort and end) passing length of started murrage with a donceE - parallel to last donce Wents us To Sex hear an freeg! and gentle now she decid She has ne warries - light as a feamer