


Macbeth Act 1 Scene 3






Witches meet with Macbeth and
Share the prophecies
Banquo is more sceptical of prophecies
"the instruments of darkness tell us truths"

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Witches meet with Macbeth and Share the prophecies Banquo is more sceptical of prophecies "the instruments of darkness tell us truths" "Thougn nis bark cannot be lost, Yer is shall be tempost-tossed" ↓ the witches can't interfere with fate completely but can meddie with MB - easily manipulated instruments: they will play/medale with nim darkness: they are sevil.dark "Win us with nonest triples, to betray's in deepest consequence" tries to warn MB of supernatural - this all comes true-foreshadowing messages but is lost in nit ambition Macbeth: So foul and fair a day"-paradox ecnoes witches in 1:1:12 empnasising Link between MB + witches Witches: "All nail Macbeth... Thane of Glamis current title "All nail Macbeth... Thane of Cawad.or "All nail Macbeth, that snart be ning nereagrer" Thane of cawdor → dramatic irony- the audience know no will receive this title from Act 1: 2 King the witches don't actually le to him, they set in motion his temptation ACT 1 scene Banquo then asks for his prophecies "if you to could look into the seeds of time" ~Stirring of ambition? ~B's Children will be Rings-Immediate threat to MBB Stage direction ¹³t Aside - his own We see MB's ambition start to unfold own thoughts "the greatest is bening" ^If the 1st propnecy came true, will the last ? CONTEXT: • James I wrote anyone who acts 2nd Aside : - MB is conflicted- wants prophecy to come true but doesn't know how "Against the use of nature?" -ne isn't actively planning...

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Alternative transcript:

murder yer • thought out of regicide is evil- against God/GCOB / DROK • acknowledges consequences emphasises confusion.conflict in lots of punctuation (1..) his thoughts "lesser than Macbeth, and greater" B will not rise as nigh as MB nut won't sink Clothing could imply concealment+ disquise as low-dies nonourable Divine right of kings' - states against Ring is acting against God •MB's thoughts of regicide would go against DROK would also disrupt natural order- GCOB a contemporary audience would know this - it would be very shocking unusual •would appeal to james as snakespeare intended Snakespeare starts to develop imagery of clothing "borrowed ropes" - MB acknowledges there is already a aing ne nasn't earnt the title, it would be "borrowed" - if something is borrowed, he will lose it eventually foreshadowing -later on, Macbeth nides behind his kingsnip- nis robes as it were Banque compares new title "Thane of Cawdor' to strange garments" -reducing his responsibilities to clothes "Strange" → unusual, odd -again this title feels wrong, ne isn't worthy of it or masn't earnt it