


men should weep - character of alec quotes






→→ Alec willazy?
2 "I'll ger ye anythin ye want!"
→Alec mes
→→→→Alec i manipulanue
to buy loa love-he
doon't make any effert te

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→→ Alec willazy?
2 "I'll ger ye anythin ye want!"
→Alec mes
→→→→Alec i manipulanue
to buy loa love-he
doon't make any effert te

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ALEC →→ Alec willazy? 2 "I'll ger ye anythin ye want!" →Alec mes →→→→Alec i manipulanue 2"Ch (( to buy loa love-he doon't make any effert te bry + fill no empry promises he makes me" Mammy, ye're that quid tae me → He uses Magque knowing that she will take wo sicle + lock after him - he doesn't care about the impact the will have on her/ no respect for her Alec i elhone. ↳ he never askecs abour Berive once during the play →→→ Alec w 4 he is only concerned about himself! his relanchohip with loa L"I love obsessed with Wa log. ye, Love ye. The paws her)" la doem's love him back-he mes to announce to love ао тие па pessible to she won't leave him →→→ Alec has woves w/ his masculining. "You awa mes be kill Isa. 27 Alec mes to I wonare a man Mh/chokes/ he prove 1) masculine through invecers/aggression/ violence when no masculining challenged - pameric. →Alec has anger wove). L" You say Pere kob to to me again an I'll kall ye! I truall wall. I'll keill ye!! He canner cenord hu anger - especially when realew. He mrearen Isa bo be worened be →→ Alec ho mements of intense anger that he tries to apeleqpe for instantly. 4" I not be red!"" <he deson't mink about the consequence no aeriano + sue origgles it centra no emcrion - causes him to. g push people away/ nust them →Alec u defensive of loa ↳ "I'll noter ye...

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Alternative transcript:

gpeace agoinor her. 2D Alee doemi Ler anyone specus ill of her, even mough the doesn't mear him well. →Alec o weake / pragple when he is cupser L"la! laa! Isa!. (He & on his knees bende + her, rocking himself like a baby weeping)" 4 he can't centra no emchons - he's parnenic & dependant on Isa and canner bee bave, dea him. of her leaving