


To Kill A Mockingbird Notes






Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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Maryanna Sameich
English 9, 3rd
November 28, 2022
ткам сh. 22
Chapter 22
not a
As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to c

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247 Maryanna Sameich English 9, 3rd November 28, 2022 ткам сh. 22 PP.1 Chapter 22 not a As they walked home from the trial, Jem started to cry. He was saying "It ain't right" as they walked over to Affious.. D.d. Atticus was under the street light, as if nothing had happened.. 4. his vest was buttoned, his collar and He were neatly in place, his watch - chain glistened, he was his impassive sel again" (242). impassive: not feeling or showing emotion "No son, it's not right "(242). - Atticus said to Jem, before they walked home. when they got home, they found Aunt Alexandra waiting up for them in her night gown." I'm sorry brother" (242). - she had never called him brother before. Scout wondered if Jem thought Atticus was somewhat. responsible for Tom's conviction. V When Atticus went to bed he said "If I don't wake up in the morning, don't call me" (243). - I wonder what he meant when he said this. Aunty had asked if Jem was ok, and Atticus had said that it was just a little strong for him. Aunty said that she didn't think that they shouldve gone, but Atticus said that it was their home and they need to learn to cope with it. "17 I It's just as much Maycomb County as missionary teas" (243).-what did he mean by this? 2 M. Schleich Engl. 9, 3rd NOV....

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Alternative transcript:

28, 2022 TKAM Ch.22 PP. 2 The next morning Calpurnia had fixed chicken for breakfast. Tom's daddy had sent it along with rolls. from Estelle at the hotel. The kitchen table was full of food; hunks of salt pork, tomatoes, beans, and scoppernongs which are like grapes. Cal said it was all on the back steps when she got there, they apriciate and were grateful for what he did. When Dill got there, they heard Miss Roachel's reaction to the night before. "If a man like Atticus finch wants to butt his head against a stone wall it's his head" (244). -Miss Stephanie Crawford was on the front porch talking to i Miss Maudie Atkinson and Mr. Avery about last night. She said that it was all over town that they had been sitting in the "Colored balcony. "Miss Stephanie wanted to know who let them sit there? Did Atticus put them up there? Wasn't it with all those -? Did Scout understand it au? Didn't make them mad to see Atticus beat? Miss Maudie stopped her and invited them to go eat cake. While they ale, "we sensed that this was Miss Mardie's way of saying that as far as she was cancerned, nothing had changed. She sat quietly in a kitchen chair watching us" (245).- Scout She told them "I simply want to tell you that there are Some men in this world who were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father's one of them "(245). - Jem later said that he thought Maycomb folks were the best in the world. "We're the safest folks in the world. We're so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we've got men like Attias to go for us, " (246). - Miss Maudie replied. M. Schleich Engl. 9, 3rd Nov. 28, 2022 TKAM Ch.22 Pp. 3 Many people in Maycomb did things to help tom. Like Judge Taylor naming Atticus to defend Tom. Miss Maudie thought that Atticus had no shot at winning but he's the only man. around that could "keep a jury out so long in a case like that Dill said that he thought he word would become a clown. "there ain't one thing in this world I can do about folks a except laugh, so I'm gonna join the circus and laugh my head off" (247) to realize that sem was bered se of Mr. bowel Attiers told sem la Miss Stephanie and Miss Rachel waved them over. Miss Rachel told Bill to go to the back yard and stay there, there was danger coming. Miss Stephanie told them "this morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life" (247). Miss Maudle said that Atticus couldn't win. She also said he was making a baby-step. She's talking about overcoming -Segregation & discrimination. Chapter 23 Maryahna Schleich English 9, 3rd November 28, 2022 TKAM ch. 23 pp.1 Atticus didn't have anything to say about Bob Ewell, except for that he wished Bob wouldn't chew tobacco. Miss Stephanie said Atticus didn't do anything but wipe. his face with his handkerchief. - Scout asked Jem why he didn't carry a gun, and Jem replied "He told me havin' a gun around's an invitation to somebody to shoot you "(244). Atticus had begun to realize that Sem was scared for Atticus because of Mr. Ewel. Atticus fold sem to Stand in Bobs shoes. He also said that i he would glady take getting yelled at rather than Bob taking it out on his kids. Atticus figured that Bob had got it all out of his system, but Aunty still thought he could do "something furtive." (250). Atticus figured that they had a good chance at the appeal. Jem knew that Tom wasn't guilty and they said he was. Atticus thought "If you had been on that july, son, and eleven other boys like you, Tom would be a free man" (251). "In our courts when it's a white man's word again of a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those. are the facts of life" (252). Jem wondered why people from Maycomb never served on a jury. Atticus said "for one thing, Miss Maudie can't serve on a jury because she's a woman" (282). This shocked Scout. "Our stout Maycomb citizens aren't interested in the first place. In the second place, they're afraid "(253). 21 M.Schleich Engl. 9, 3rd Nov. 28, 2022 TKAM ch. 23 pp. 2 Atticus said that there was one fellow who took considerable wearing down - in the beginning he ways. rarin' for an outright acquittal" (253).. It was a Malcol connection of the Cunninghams. And af file don't like ine Atticus put a man on his jury that had wanted to kill him the night before (lynch mob). Atticus said that there was little this man was a double first cousin to Mr. Walter -Cunningham. Double first cousin being 2 sisters married 2 brothers.. risk. Jem wanted to have Walter Cunningham over, but Aunty didn't like that. "But they're not our kind of folks." → "Aw tacky. they like fiddin' and things like that " (255). She also said that & the thing is, you can scrub Walter Cunningham till he shines, you can put him in shoes and a new suit, but he'll never be like Jem. Besides there's a drinking streak in that, family a mile wide. Finch women arent interested in that sort of people" (255). Acis said Aunty said that Jem couldn't play with Walter "Because-he- is-trash, that's why you can't play with him. I'll not have. you around him, plcking up his habits and learning Lord- knows what. You're enough of a problem to your father as it is" (25(e). -This angered Scout, but Jem grabbed her and took her to his room. Jem told her that "She's trying to make you a lady "(257). Scout said that it was Aunty calling Walter frash that mad her mad. She thought that he wasn't trash, and wasn't like the Ewells. 276 u Sallaich M.Schleich Engl.9, 3rd Nav Nov. 28,2022 TKAM ch.23 pp. 3 Jem said that there was 4 kinds of people in the world. the ordinary like them, the Cunninghams in the woods, Ewells at the dump and the African Americans. "I mean in May.comb County. The thing about it is, our kind of folks don't like the Cunninghams, the Cunninghams don't like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the colored folks" (258). "Atticus said ane time the reason Aunty's so hipped on the family. is because all we've got's backgrounds and not a dime to our names "(258).- Jem said. - He thought that background meant how long your family's been reading and writing. "I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time... it's because he wants to stay inside" (259). - Jem: no one likes each other, he imagines Bod tries to avoid the "hate" of Maycomb. (251) Jem wanted Atticus to go to Mantgomery to change the law so only judges have to power to fix the penalty in capital cases. Atticus said that he wouldn't live to see the law changed, and Jem would be ald if he saw it. (254) "Once you earned their respect they were for you tooth and nail" (254) - Atticus said about the Cunningham on the jury. -Afficus also said that he left the jail that night because he had considerable respect for the finches. Chapter 24 Maryanna Schleich English 9, 3rd November 28, 2012 TEAM ch. 24 pp. 1 Aunty told Scout to stay with her and the ladies. "This was a part of her campaign to teach me to be a lady (262). Miss Stephanie Crawford asked Scout what she was going to be a lawyer? Scout said no, she hadn't thought about it. "Why shoot, I thought you wanted to be a lawyer, you've already commenced gaing to court" (262). AKTU They all talked for awhile until Atticus came home baby early. He wanted Cal to go with him to Helen Robbinson's house to tell her tom was dead. " they shot him, He was running. It was during their exercise. period. they said he just broke into a blind raving charge at the fence and started climbing over. " (268). Atticus said, they told him to stop and gave him warning shots. Then they shot him, 17 times. Aunty was shakert seche shocked and sat down, buried her es face in her hands. Aunty + Scout They had to go back with the ladies. Aunty acted as if nothing had happened. "After all, if Aunty could be a lady. at a time like this, so could I" (271). - Scout from ut. Pap Chapter 25 YES pg dia 276 ✓dicussion with Added notes: Jem and Scaut had recently been sleeping on the The roly-poly back porch on cats. Scout found herself playing is like Tom. a roly-poly, paking him and watching him curl up. They are both - Getting ready to kin the bug scout found Jem frowning innocent and at her, she figured it was apart of the stage he was going. being killed through and wanted him to hurry up and get out of it. for doing nothing. Fem Stops Scart Maryanna Schleich English 9, 3rd November 30,2072 ткам сп.25 pp. 1 - Scout now thought that Jem was the one behaving like a girl. this phrase has frequently been used throughout from killing it, this book. Although this time it's ironic since we Scout is -saying it didn't calling Jem this, not the other way around. do anything. - more way home When Dill and Jem had went swimming, on their they met Atticus. The boys convinced Atticus to let them go with him to tell Helen rather than walking all the way home. - When they arrived at Helen's, there was a group of African American children playing in the front yard. Atticus and Calpurnia got out and Atticus got one of the kids to go get Helen. When Helen arrived, Atticus had been asked by Helen. to have a seat. "Scout she just fell down in the dirt. Just fell down in the dirt, like a giant with a big foot just came along and Stepped on her " (244). Dill told Scout. * Atticus had told her about Tom's death. -Cal and Atticus helped Helen to her feet and they went inside the cabin for awhile. And Atticus came back out alone. what did Mr. Ewell when he said liting more to p\(alu)2 M. Schleich Engl. 9, 31d PP.2 Majority of Maycomb didn't seem to care about fom's death. "Well, they say he was runnin' fit to beat lightnin" (275) ~ Maycomb peale talking 2 Maycomb also thought that his death was typical for a person like him, meaning a person of his color. They said he could behave as much as he wanted like a white man, but in the end the African American always came out. ~Mr. Underwood, who wrote the newspaper, "simply figured it was a sin to kill cripples, be they standing, sitting. or escaping. He likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of Songbirds by hunters and children "(275). He wants Judge Tayby and tricks to di as well.... Nov. 30,2022 ткам спаб then it au became clear to Scout, Atticus had done everything. available to save Tom but "in the secrete courts of men's hearts. AHicus had no case. Tom was a dead man the minute Mayella Ewell opened ner mouth and screamed" (2.76). I was According to Miss Stephanie, Mr. Ewell's view on Tom dying "Mr. Ewell said it made one down and about two more to go (arce). ~Jem told this to Scout after hearing it while Miss Stephanie and Aunty were talking. Jem told scout that if she ever said a word about it to Atticus or let Atticus know she knew, Jem would never talk to her again. Although not a lot happened in Chapter 25, it still snows importance, especially to the rest of the book. While the rest of the book builds. up on racisim and discrimination, this chapter shows the effects. of it. This chapter shows how Tom dying affected Helen, as well. as Maycomb. Most Maycomb citizens couldn't have cared less and figured it was normal for a man like him to try to escape jail. On the other hand, Tom dying changed Helen's life forever in many different ways. It's something to lose someone you love but now Helen would have to provide for her family on top of taking care of them. 106 7th Maryanna Schleich English, 9, 3rd November, ткам спаса pp. 1 30,2012 -Jem was now in -Scart was in 3rd grade. in high-school grade •Jem tried out for football, but was too slender and young, so all he could do was carry the teams water buckets. The Radley place no longer scared Scout, but it was still gloomy, chilly, and uninviting. They still knew Boo was in there cause be hadn't been carried out yet. -Scout said she sometimes felt remorse for taking part in tormenting Arthur Radley. -peaking in his shutters, etc. - When Scout mentioned she wanted a good look at Boo, Atticus. wasn't too fond of it. He told her she needs to stop cause he was to old to chase her off the Radley place and she could get shot. Although many people didn't talk about the case with Jem and Scact, they were still to be a respective gentleman and lady. - Even though he represented Tom, people still voted for Atticus in the state legislature, so Scout came to the conclusion that people were peculiar In class some days later, Miss Gates, Scoct's teacher said the difference between America and Germany is America is a democracy and Germany is a dictatorship. She said "Over here we don't believe in persecuting anybody. Persection comes from people. who are prejudiced (281). - Miss Gate) Atticus was impatient with Hitler cause "he's a maniac" (281). Scout realized she overheard Miss Gates when they were leaving the courthouse saying things like "it's time somebody taught 'em a lesson. they were gettin' way above themselves, an' the next thing they think. they can do is marry us" (283). Jem wondered now she could hotellitler so much and then talk. Ina that about folks at home. M. Schleich Engl 9, 3rd NOV 3012022 KAM ch.26 pp-2 To Scouts mention at the courthouse, Jem gat very mad. He told. her to never talk about the count-hase again. Scout figured that when he could think about it, he would be himself again. - She was talking about the stage he was going through.