


To Kill a Mockingbird Notes Chpater 14-17






Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson
Engl. 9,3rd Hr.
Nov. 3,2022
THAM Ch.14 pp.l
Chapter 14
-Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case
... We wo

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Katie Whitson Engl. 9,3rd Hr. Nov. 3,2022 THAM Ch.14 pp.l Chapter 14 -Jem & Scout started to recieve more criticism about the case ... We would squirm our way through sweating sidewalk crowds and Sometimes hear, "There's his chillun," or "Vonder's some Finches." Turning to face our accusers, we would see only a couple of farmers studying the enema bags in the Mayco Drugstore window. Or two -Al dumpy country women in straw hats sitting in a Hoover cart" (Lee 153). Thun -People had strong voices about the situation, however it is ironic She : be it is people who don't do much for the town. The people who Mas are criticizing will also never be put in the same position as bin the Atticus - One person went as far to say: "They ('n go loose and rape up the countryside for all 'em who run this county care, " (Lee 153). -People did actually believe the Ewells that fom Robinson did rape one of the the daughters and some people, including this guy, believed Attions was raising his kids to do this -Scout asked Attious what rape is since cal told her to ask him bie she didn't know what it was -Atticus said that it was and Scout wondered why cal didn't tell her be Scout didn't seem blown away by it...

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Alternative transcript:

for how young she was, which is unwual - Scout then said how she asked Cal when coming back from her church. and Atticus seemed to not know this happened be he asked for details - Scout said that Atticus seemed to enjoy the details & Atticus probably did. like that the kids were placed in a new environment with different surro- undings -Aunt Alexandra pitched in per usual, and asked: " You all were coming back from Calpurnia's church that Sunday" (Lee 154)? - Aunt Alexandra did not seem impressed that they went to Gal's church -Scout then mentioned going to Cal's house & asked ATTICUS if she could -AUNT ALEXANDRA said she couldn't -Is She the the parent or is Afticus? (I'm pretty sure it's Atticus) L. Whitson Engl. 9,3 c Nov 3, 2012 TKAM Ch.14 pp.2 - Scout was done with it & Aunt Alexandro saying this pushed her Over the edge -"I wheeled around, startled, then turned back to Atticus in time to catch his swift glance at her, but it was too late. I said, "I didn't ask you" (Lee 154)! -Allicus made Scout apologize. - Then he said as long as Aunt Alexandra is in the houst: She listens to what She says - Also shows that respect for people in your household back then was a big thing - After Scout was done hiding in the bathroom she heard a convo going on. between Atticus & Aunt Alexandra -Aunty was saying something about him needing to do something Tong with her and it's been too. - Scout thought they were talking about her, but later finds out the "her they were talking abt was coll. -Atticus thought that it wouldn't be a problem for Scout to go to Cal's house & Aunty begged to differ -Aunty thought that they dictn't need cal anymore and that they Should get rid of her ASAP -Atticus says: "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to. You may think otherwise, but I couldn't have got along without her all these years. She's a faithful member of this family and you'll Simply have to accept things the way they are "(Lee 155). -Aunty was being racist, and Attious wasn't putting up with it -Aunty also wanted to be the one that was in charge willie -CAtticus also told this same thing to Scout earlier in the book) -Atticus also said that Oal acted as a mother & the kids loved her -Aunt Alexandra was mad that she lost the arguement - The Jem was looking sad & pointed out the obvious that Atticus & Aunt Alexandra FAL1/0.0 K. Whitson Engl. 9,3rd Hr. NOV. 4.2022 TRAM Ch.14 PP3 - Scaut was not used to Atticus fighting with someone, and she didn't like it was 36 - "Sem and I fussed a great deal these days, but I had never heard of or seen anyone quarrel with Atticus. It was not a Tre comfortable sight" (Let 156). -Then Jom tried you tell Scout what to & she was not having it - He threatened to spank her & she said she'd kill him -"He was sitting on the bed, and it was easy to grab his front hair and land one on his mouth. He slapped me and I tried another left, but a punch. in the stomach sent me brawling to the floor" (Lee 156). -Scout started a fight with Jem & it was really violent -Then Atticus broke them up & told Scout to listen to Jem when she can -Then of course Aunt Alexandra mokes a comment :!: just one of the things I've been telling you about." (Lee 157) - When Scout was getting in bed, she stepped on something & she thought it was a snake Scoved was kinda Scared be snakes typically don't get in their house -Then Jem realizes that it was a person bc it was grunting "Suddenly a filthy brown package shot from under the bed. Jem raised the broom and missed Dill's head by an inch when it appeared" (Lee 158) -Pill?! -Pill had come to the Finches house and was really hungry -Dill said he got there by escaping from his new father who he saidt locked him up in the basement and he came be of that (he said" -Dill raid he joined an animal show & traveled with them until he got to Abbott Courity, which is close to Maycomb -He was under the bed for 2 hours - Jom was concerned be his parents didn't know where he was & that they should let his mom know he's here -" Thon he rose and broke the remaining code of our childhood. He went out of the room and down the hall. "Atticus." his voice was distant, "can... K. Whitson Engl. 9,3rd r.. Nov 4, 2012 Engl, TKAM Ch.14 Pp.41 • you come here a minule sir" (Lee 169)? - Jem was trying to take charge & he wasn't in "childhood" anymore so he told Atticus that Dill was here -Then Atticus looked around for a minute & says to get Din come food and then they will see what they cando -"Mr. Finch, don't tell Aunt Rachel, don't make me go back, please sir! I'll run off again-" (Lee (60)! - Dill was worried that Atticus would make him go back to Meridian -Atticus wasn't going to make him go back, butt he was going to make Miss Rache aware of the situation -Jem then defended himself that he had to tell Atticus -Dill ate & lot & miss Rachel was mad that bill had run off -Then Aunt Alexandra told the kids to go to sleep & Scout passed out quick -Then Dill woke Scout up & she thought Dill was gonna be mad that Jem told -Dill told Scout the real reason why he left He said they weren't interested in him & they were gone all time & they left him when they were hame -Then Scout says she was gonna run off bc they were all bothering her and tells Dill that he doesn't want a lot of attention be then he couldn't do anything. -Dill's parents were the type to buy him things to show love but never gave him physical attention" - They also got on him for not being a boy, like how Aunty got on Scout -Then Dill says for him & Scout to get a baby! -THEY are 9! -They both had the wrong idea of where babies came from -Then Scout asks why Boo hadn't run off - " Maybe he doesn't have anywhere to run off too..." (Lee 163). ~ Dill •Dill was able to run to the Finch house, but Boo probo. had nowhere to go be his end 717 Katie Whitson Engl. 9, 3rd Hr. Nov. 4,2022 THAM Ch 15 pop./ Chapter 15 -Dill was able to stay in Maycomb -"We had a week of peace together. After that, little, it seemed. A nightmare was upon us " (Lee 104). *- foreshadowing for what's gonna happen in the chapter -It all started when Heck Tafe had knooked on the front door & there was men in the yard who wanted Atticus to come out Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politica" (let 164-165). -"In - Scout thought it was be someone died, but because of the case & tiral being close it has something to do with politics -It also must have been serious bc Atticus told the kids to go in the house Yooling for the --Sem was peering through the window & Scout was faint phrases that were said. catching -"... movin' him to the county jail tomorrow," Mr. Tarte was saying, "I don't book for any trouble, but I can't guarantee there won't be any..."(Lee (65). " -They wanted to move Tom to county jail be they feared that there might be lynch mobis that try & kill. Tom - Then there was a mention of change of venue do people couldn't cause troubde in Maycomb -"- don't see why you touched it in the first place," Mr. Limke Deas was saying." "You've got everything to lose from this, Atticus. I mean everything" (Lee 166-166).J -Some people, including this quy, couldn't wrap their head. guy. around why Atticus would be involved with such a Controversial topic in a town that is almost now entirely K. Whitson Engl. 9.3. Nov. 6,2022 TIAM Ch.15 PP.2 against Atticus bc he is defending an African American (Tom - Robinson). -"Do you really think 80 " (Lee (66)? ~ Attions's response to Mr. Link - This shows that Atticus may have a little skepticism or doubt with where he stands with the case What was the real truth - Scout also said this was "Atticus's dangerous question" and if the - "Link that boy might go to the chair, but he's not going till. truth is that the truth's told" (Lee Mole)." Tom didn't do it, wouldn't it be illegal for the judge to send him to jail? -Atticus knew the most likely won't win the case, but he wanted to make sure he was able to say what actually Jem screamed that the phone was ringing after the group of men got closer to Atticus -Sem thought that the group was going to jump Atticus but then Scout saw that it was people she knew Yes - But the -Atticus told sem to answer it (Altious was not about to jury decides get jumped) and then Atticus came inside & Jem was pale be of fear - Sem questions if those men were after Atticus -""Then he said gently, "No son, those were our friends" (Lee 166). - Atticus knew that these ppl were going to do their best to be on his side & help him with the case & that is why he called them his friends. -Sem thought it was a gang & Atticus said there wasn't any he had heard of in Maycomb. K. Whitson Engl. 9, 3rd Hr., Nov. 6, 2022 TKAMCH. 16 Pp-3 Because she is a racist - "Way back about nineteen-twenty there was a Klan, but it was a political organization more than anything" (Lee 160). """The Ku Klux's gone," said Atticus. "It'll never come back" (Lee -This is ironic for Atticus to say be the Ku Klux Klan. Came back in the 1950's when the Civil Rights Movement Started -"The Levy family met all criteria for being Fine Folks. they did the best they could with the sense they had, and they had been living. on the same plot of ground in Maycomb for five generations" CLee 160. -Scout's theory again! 1- Scout came home to Atticus #lling Aunty!"... in favor of Southern womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life, "... (Lee 167). -This made Scout think they were fighting. - Atticus was referring to how Aunty cored so much that Scout was lady-like but didn't care that Atticus was defending correctly) an African American so that he might be able to live Why isn't Jem stid that Aunty won't leave him alone abot the case Aunt Alexandra & that she keeps telling him it's a disgrace. encouraging-Jem states that he is scared for the second time in this Atticus & They are family! Chapter which is unusual bo at his age, Jem doesn't want anyone to think he is weak so he barely shows fear Jom ces leavinan's ats-and Atticus going with Dill call. 23 mell Toml K. Whitson Engl. 9, 3rd H. Nov. 6,2022 TKAM Ch.15 PP.4 - Then it was Sunday so they went to church, but there was Ca putina Some Unexpected guests there.... - There was a group of men that Atticus was talking to and among them was Mr. Heck Tate( who Scout said never went to church, and Mr. Underwood was there -Mr. Underwood was the owner, editor, and printer & The Maycomb Tribune so something serious was happening be he was trying to find something to hi hii write for the news - Atticus said Tom Robinson was moved back to Maycomb jail, where Atticus thought he should have stayed in the •first place. Atticus also sat with Aunty, Jem, and Scout, which he (never did so it must have been a different day for Atticus was thek -That night Afficus did something unusual -"We parted at suppertime, and after our meal Sem and I were dettling down to a row tine evening, when Atticus did something that interested us: he came into the livingroom carrying a long "The electrical extension cord. There was a light bulb on the end" (Lee' 168). -Atticus also said that he wouldn'y get back until late that night do-Jeth also noticed that he was taking the car, which he never does so wherever he was going was important · Jem was leaving to go find Atticus & Scout said she is going with Dill came as wellicus was concurenta ska | 9 K. Whitson Engl. 9,3% Nov. 6,2022 TKAM Ch.15, PP.56 O -Jem had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to Atticus -Shows that Jem really cared for his dad & is putting himself in potentially harms way so Atticus doesn't get hurt -"When we rounded the corner of the square, we saw the car parked in front of the bank "(Lee 170). 3 -Referring to Tom Robinson -Atticus said he was in there sleeping ODid they want-"You know what we want," another man said. "Get aside from the to kill Tom? door, Mr. Finch "LLee 172). M - Weird bc Atticus always walks to his office... -However, it was dark in his office so he wasn't there -They went to go see if he was with Mr. Under wood who lives. right by the courthouse & jail. - Tike Maycombs jail only had one cell la lot of people weren'tt sent to the Maycomb jail so it was serious if you were there). -"As we walked up the side wall, we saw I solitary light burning in the distance (Lee 111). -Atticus' a light that he brought! -Atticus was there.... mading -Jem just wanted to make sure he was ok of they were going to head home but then 4 cars pulled up in front of the jail -Then Atticus got up as if he was expecting them -May be Atticus knew someone was going to come, maybe a mob, so he was there to protect Tom... -"He in there, Mr. Finch" (Lee MD? - A man - Walter Cunningham (the dad) was among the men there "1 Heck Tate's around somewhere" (Lee 172). ~ Atticus -It was obviously a serious situation if Afficus was concerned about How did Scout know what her mom looks like Since she clied when she was 2? K. Whitson Engl. 9, 3rd Hr. Nov. 2022 TKAM Ch.15. PP- the sheriff being around -The group said that they made a fake call 20 Tate would be in the woods -"Do you really think so" (Lee 172)? ・SECOND time Atticus has said this in one day. -"This was the second time I heard Atticus ask that question in two days, and it meant somebody's man would get jumped. This was too good to miss. I broke away from Jem and ran as fast as I could to Atticus" CLee 172) 16- Scout was concerned for her father, this was really gonna put her in harm's way. -Scout thought that her dad would be happy to see her but Atticus was scared (which meant this was most likely a dangerous situation) - Scout realized that these were not the same people she saw earlier & that these were strangers -Atticus told Jem to go home & take Scout & Din with him, and his fingers were shaking as he said this 1-Jum refused to go home • they. -"As Atticus's fists went to his hips, so did Jem's, and as faced each other I could see little resemblance between them: Jem's soft brown hair and eyes, his oval face and snug-fitting ears were our mother's contrasting oddly with Atticus's graying black hair and square-cut features, but they were some how' alike. Mutual defiance made them alike" CLee 173). -Jem resembled his father by attitude & his mother by looks - Someone then grabbed Jem by his collar & scout wasn't putting People Hold up with it so she kicked him` her - Afficus told her you can't do that as someone was saying: • 27 Whe Miss Maudiet There were pictures, too K. Whitson Engl.9, 3rd Hr Nov. 6, 2027 TRAM Ch.15 Pp.1 "All right Mr. Finch, get 'em outa here" sometne growled. "You got fifteen seconds to get 'em outa here "(Lee 173). 2-Or what? Are they armed? -Atticus finally got Jom to go back home. -As Atticus was arguing with Jem scount was observing her. surroundings looking for someone she knew untill she saw Walter Cunningham (the dad -Scout asked him about how his entailment is going, this Unintentionally made him uncomfortable. - Scout started to get upset when he wasn't answering so she continued to ask questions making him even MORE uncomfortabe - She even mentioned his son, but she also revealed that she was using Atticus's advice to talk to ppl abt things they are interested in - Scout kept talking, not realizing that this wasn't a place for a kid, but nonetheless she caused all the men to look at her in Shock boo she dared to keep talking -Scout was oblivious to the why she had caused shock be she asked what's wrong, ~ Mr. Cunningham said he would tell Walter she said hey, and they all decided to head back -I think they headed back be the kids were there & Scout was making Chr. Cunningham uncomfortable -I THINK they were there to either try & hurt Tom (not ster expecting Atticus to be there) or they knew Atticus was there & they were going to try & hurt him. -Atticus was hausted." I turned to Atticus, but Atticus had gone to the jail and was leaning against it with his face to it is not common Katik. Whitson EngEngl. 9, 3rdHr NOV. 6, 2012 Now TKAM Ch.15 pp.8 the wall " (LeA 15). -Scont asked if they could go home and Atticus agreed "Mr. Finch?" A soft husky voice came from the darkness above: "They gone?" (Lee (75)? The FIRST TIME Tom has spoke - Tom was scared that the men (I think they were a moda) were trying to hurt or kill Tom & Atticus knew this so he was there to protect Tom -Atticus said they were gone & told Tom to get some sleep. -Them Mr. Underwood makes a peep he says they will come back - Mr. Underwood had a gun so I'm assuming he was backup for Atticus in case things got bed -Then they were on their home way - "... and I assumed that Atticus was giving him hell for not going home, but I was wrong. As they passed under a streetlight, Atticus reached out and massaged Jem's hair, his one gesture of affection (Lee 166). -Maybe it was a plan for Sem to sheak out & bring Scout with so it would cause the mob to до Atticus home or maybe was just glad that Jena didn't get hurt' So. What Paragraph Chapter 15 Can be related to the real world if several ways. When Atticu's says that the likk was gone and wasn't coming back, that wasn't true. This book took place in the 1930's and in 1950's the KKK came back during the Civil Rights Movement. This shows that back then people thought racism would go away fast after the Civil War but it didn't. In fact, there are still racist prople today, but it is not common to see someone be racist. Chapter 16 - They had gotten home & made sure not to wake Aunty -Scout was about to fall a sleep then she started thinking about the events. earlier and finally understood why those men were there - That morning at breakfast Aunt Alexandra made sure that she got her say -" Aunt Alexandra Sipped coffee and radiated waves of disapproval. Childen who slipped out at night were a disgrace to the family "(Lee (18). - It seems that anything Atticus, Scout, or Jem do is a disgrace to Aunt Alexandra Katic teto whitson Engl. 9,3rd Hr. Nov. 8,2022 TRAM Ch.16 pp.1 -Atticus said he was glad that "his disgraces", as Aunty called Jem & Scout, had come -He was probably glad be they had made the mob leave with no them trouble •-"You know, it's a funny thing about Braxton, "said Atticus. "He despises. Negroes, won't have one near him" (Lee 178). -For starters Braxton is Mr. Underwood -This shows how loyal & relialde of a friend Mr. Underwood is bo he was willing to be back up for Atticap, who is helping protect an African American -Mr. Underwood was also named after a Confederate general & he tried to live down the name. Scout some with a lot -"I thanked her by sticking out my tongue at it, and looked up to catch Aunty's warning frown. But she was frowning at Atticus" (Ler 1718). - Disapproval from Aunt Alexandra again (coes the ever not) m -Then when Cal was gone Aunt Alexandra said not. tall like that -Cal was giving Aunty more coffee & of milk in it in front of them gave - Aunty seemed offended that Attious had said Mr. Underwood doesn't like black people right in front of her -Tronic be she was the one who wanted to get fid cal earlier in the book be she is black K. Whit son Engl.9.3rd Nov. 2022 TRAMO 14 -Atticus said everyone knew that so it didn't matter - Atticus was starting to get irritated with Aunty which is unusual & means she must really bother him be throughout the whole book scout has said her dad is calm & never yells "I was beginning to notice a subtle change in my father these days, that came out when he talked with Aunt Alexandra. It was a quiet digging in, never outright irritation" (Loe 118)." - Atticus said anything said at the table can be said in front of Cal bc She is family -Aunt Alexandra was worried that it gave them something to talk about & She didn't want to seem racist even though she was -Atticus said they have the right to talk of magte they shouldn't give. them so much to talk about -Scout then goes off topic & something that has been on her mind: "I thought Mr. Cunnincham was a friend of ours. You told me a long time ago he was" (Lee 179). -Atticus said he still is a friend even though he tried to hurt him -"Mr. Cunningham's basically a good man," he said," he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us" (Lee M70). wAtticus. -Shows how positive & how highly he thinks & believes in people even if they do bad things. -Also, if everyone has blind Spots, what's Atticus's? -Sea Jem wasn't so positive about the situation of Arqued that it wasn't just a blind spot -Atticus stidl a mob is always made up of people you know a last night that included Mr. Cunningham bout he was stila man & that it doesn't say much for them. -"So it took an eight-year old child to bring 'em to their senses, didn't it?" said Atticus." that proves something that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, Simply because they're still human" (Lee 179). -Atticus was proud that scout was aide to get the mob to go. away K. Whitson, Engl. 9, 3rd Nov. 8,2022 TKAM Ch.14 Pp.3 -Also shows that Atticus thought that what the mob was doing was wrong, but they are still humans (kinds like how he believes. > African Americans are human like the rest of us) - He also suggested they have a police force of Children -Scout said she was going to beat up Walter the first day of school but Attious didn't want anymore trouble so he said no -Then Aunt Alexandra basically says this is what you get be you took the case. -"Atticus said he'd never say that pushed out his chair and got up" Chee 179). -For Aunt Alexandra to make Atticus leave the table be of irritation is crazy be he is always so calm about everything. -"There's a day ahead, so excuse me "CLee 180). wAtticus. - Probably says bc the trial is today. - Dill came into the house saying how last night is the talk of the town -The whole county was coming into town to watch the frial -In other words, the trial was a big deal -Then some people that Jem & Scout didn't recognize passed by Miss Maudie's house & slowed down -"The driver of the wagon slowed down his mules, and a shrill - voiced woman called out:"He that cometh in vanity departeth in darkneas " (Lee 181)! -They didn't like Miss Maudie's yard so they basically called her a Sinner -"Miss Maudie answered: "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance" CLee 181)! - She responded with something that was from the Bible & it go away caused the foot-washers" to - Sem, Scout, & Dill walked over to Miss Maudie's & She said she wasn't going to watch the trial -Them Miss Stephania came by with a hat & gloves on Conly. special occasions) & lied saying she was going to Jitney Jungle but then K. Whitson Engl. 9,39 Nov. 8, 2022 "Hr. тканистрин she reveals that she is going to watch the trial - I think she lied be she didn't want ppl to think oddly of her but she was going to hear all the drama & ppl be she was going knew that -Miss Maudie even said that she knew so much about the case. that Miss Stephanie should testify -The kids the went to town, which is what they weren't Supposed to do, and were going to watch the frial - Everyone was there if it waS PACKED Scout noticed Mr. Dolphus Raymond was sitting with the African Americans fien - Jem said he likes them better than whites & he has a black wife & med kids (AS COM lorowa, but not one He doesn't look like trash" (Lee 183). ~ Dil lost in the crowd -Dill thought people with inter-racial marriages & people who hung out with African Americans were trash, even he was a little racist -There was a rumor that when Mr. Raymond was gonna marry a White woman she killed herself be she found out about his black cooman to deford han. Atticus Alor -Scout didn't know what a mixed kid was so sem explained that they are half-black & half- white & he said that they are sad -They are sad bc: "They don't belong anywhere. Colored folks won't have 'em because they're half white; white folks won't have 'em 'cause they're colored, so they're just in-betweens, don't belong anywhere" CLee 183). Jem - Then Jem painted out one of the mixed kids & Scout said The looked all black -Then Scout asks how they know they aren't black. - "Uncle Jack Finch says we don't really know. He says as far as he can trace back the Finches we ain't, but for all he knows wp Mights come straight out of Ethiopia durin' the Old Testament!! (Lee 194). K. What son Engl. 9, 3rd H No.8.2022 THAM Chille pp.5 -Scout said that was too long ago to matter but Jemn says: "That's what I thought," said Jem, "but around here once you. I have a drop of Negro blood, that makes you all black" (Lee 184). -Even Jem could realize how racist people are / were -The trial was starting and people were RUSHING into the court- house - Jem, Dill, and Scout walted so Atticus didn't see them ~Maycomb County Courthouse ~ •The concrete pillars were too heavy. • The pillars were the only remains of when it burnt in 1856 • Early Victorian •Big nineteenth century clock tower -They know there was going to be a crowd, but not one this big - Scout got seperated from Jem & Dill & got lost in the crowd - She somehow made her way into club where men were talking about Atticus -"... thinks he knows what he's doing, "one said "(Lee 185).. -A lot of people doubted Attious -"Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That's what I don't like yout. it " (Lee 186). -A lit of people weren't bothered that Attious was defending a black person, it's that he was actually trying to defend him -Scout was still confused & this made her even more confused. -"I thought it odd that he hadn't said anything to us about it - we could have used it many times in defending him and ourselves. He had to, that's why he was doing it, equated fewer fights and less fussing" (Lee 186). -I think Atticus never mentioned that he he WANTED to do the case #defend tom -There wasn't do case be any Seats left by the time Jem & Dill found Scout so they were going to have to stand -Rev. Skyes said that he could find a seat for them -"Four Negroes rose and gave us their front-row deats" (Lee 186). "ALA Whit K. Wan - A lot of the African Americans still respected Jem & Scout highly -Atticus & Tom Robinson's backs were to Jem & Scout so he couldn't see them. a "there was a brown book and some yellow tablets on the solicitor's table; Atticus's was bare" (Lee 187). Engl.9. Nov. 8,2022 ткамісіть PP.6 -Was Atticus just using evidence he knew or..? -Judge Taylor was fired & did not seern like he wanted to be there - Judge Taylor allowed smoking, but didn't do it he smooked & chewed Cigars -"I once arked Atticus how Mrs. Taylor stood to kiss him, but Atticus said they didn't kiss much" (Lee 188). for being an Eurell -Quote comes up a lot in Chapter 17 -"The witness stand was to the right of Judge Taylor, and when we got to our seats Mr. Heck Tate was already on it "(Lee 188). -The trial was starting & Mr. Heck Tate was the first witness and he was Tooson dump in A Cabin That they hated when Chapter 17 -Mr. Tate was the first witness for the case. Katie Whitson Engl.9, 3rd Hr. Nov. 8,2022 TKAM Ch. pp.l He said that Bob Ewell (the father of Mayella) had gotten him on the night of November 21st - Mr.Tate sajol he found Mayella laying on the floor & that she was pretty. ∙up, she had said that Tom Robinson hurt her beat - She had identified Tom Robinson & he was immediately taken in, no questions asked for his side of the story -Atticus asked if they called a doctor & they said no -It seems silly to not call a doctor if mayella was so badly injured" - Mr. Tate said it wasn't necessary, but he had outright said she was badly. breat - "There was already bruises comin' on her arms, and it happened about thirty minutes before-Lee 191) - Heck Tate had nothing but what he had been told -Also, 30 minutes seems like along time before you would go get the It Sheriff.... -Tate said that she had bruises on her right eye -Atticus double-checked to make sure he had said her right eye - She also had bruises on her throat and on her arms -The next witness called to the stand was Robert E. Lee Ewell (Bob Ewell) mentionon -As Bob was stepping to the stand, Scout noticed he was unusually. Clean for being an Ewell - The Ewells also lived in the Tomon. clump in a cabin that used to be African Americans -Weird that they lived in something that used to be African American's I lived near them even though they hated them - Scout described the house as very messy & unclean • However there were well cared for red geraniums that were said to be Mayella's ondern -The Ewells had a LOT of kids & people only passed by on Christmas to discard of trees & trash - 5121 VISIT K. Whitsom Engl. 93rd Hr. Nov. 9,2022 TKAM Ch.11 Pp.1 -"All the little man on the witness stand had that made him any better than his nearest neighbors, was, that if scrubbed with lye. soap in very hot water, his skin was white" (Lee 195). -Bob Ewell was no different than his black neighbor's except for he was white -Jem & Scout did not get trauma from Atticus winning of losing -Bob Ewell was, of course, the father of Mayella -"'Well, if I ain't I can't do nothing about it now, her mo's dead" (Lee 195).~ Bob Ewell -This was the first time Bob had been in court Well, let's get something straight. There will be no more sudibly. Obscene speculations on any subject from anybody in this countroom as long as I'm sitting here" (Lee 196).~ Judge Taylor -Mr. Ewell had explained what he saw & while doing so said the n-word - A lot of people got angry -It was even so serious that Reverend Skyes wanted them leave because it was obscene language -"He looked suddenly weary; his age was showing, and I thought aboout What Atticus had said he and Mrs. Taylor didn't kiss much- he must have been nearly seventy "CLee Pad. -This quote is mentioned AGAIN! -Then someone requested that women & children leave but it was denied - Judge Taylor said people are allowing their children to listen & that they need to hear these words & not make a deal out of it -Mr. Ewell as told he couldn't cass -Mr. Ewell said that he SAW Tom raping Mayella -"Well, I run around the house to get in, but he run out the front door just ahead of me" (Lee 198). -I find odd that he didn't go after someone that was raping his daughter if they were "just ahead"... -"Jedge, I've asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest down yonder, they're dangerous to live around 'sides devaluin' 14. Whitson Engl. 9, 3rd Hr. Nov.9.2022 TRAM Ch.11 PP.3 my property_"CLee 199). -Maybe if they didn't live off county money, they could by a house that was next to people they wanted to be around -Bolo Ewell did not think off calling a doctor, yet was concerned about Mayella's condition & didn't want to spend 5 dollers -Attious asked if Mr. Ewell could read & write after recalling that it was Mayella's RIGHT eye that was bruised -Mr. Ewell Signed his name with his LEFT hand -This is important be a LEFT handed person would hit the RIGHT side of someone's face. -Mr. Ewell said he could do things with both hands well, most likely lying to cover up the evidence of him being left handed So he may have done it - sem thought this sealed the deal on Atticus winning the case, but Scout did not think so -Scout thought that Tom could have easily been left-handed as well -However, Tom probably can't write