


Key Theories within Education






Education is negative as it helps to maintain
class aide & belecits the middle classes who
have a better chance of succeeding.

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MARXIST VIEW Education is negative as it helps to maintain class aide & belecits the middle classes who have a better chance of succeeding. It prepored it's working class pupils for low paid jobs and to accept capitalism. as it helps to FEMINIST VIEW Education is negative. maitair be gerde divide and trannits. potvorenal values and ideal females learn to adopt testeryotypical expressive/ housewrice more in society. Bowles and Cintis 'correspondence principle-school corresponds to be workplace through reaching obedence, accepting boredom all to be motivated by extenou revoal. HOWEVER! focuses on regatives and could be outdated. as pupils one prepared for a range of jobs today. HOWEVER: could be outdated as gits are encouraged to take 'STEM' subjects and more. females are becoming read learner. 17 a GENDER AND FOUCATION: TRENDS: Gives are more lively to acwieve & A*-C men boys, curls outherform boys at A level in most subjects. Gender Socialisation: gine may be socialised to be more hard-working. oreld bedient so are better suited to aeneve in school. Tearver expectanas: girs may be labelled as bight but bays may be cabelled as lazy. sub- cultures, girls mee uvely to join pro-school I boys mee whery to join arti-school. KEY THEORIES WITHIN: 3J EDUCATION -FUNCTIONALIST VIEW • Education is positive as it preporcendividuall for work and creates a stable society. All pupils have on equal chance to succeed as education is based on mentocracy. CLASS AND ETHNICITY AND EDUCATION TRENDS: chinese students are the niquest. performing comic...

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Alternative transcript:

group, beaen pusull and gypsy/Roma pupils ar among the lowest pleorming Calle while Ration). material deprivation: some ebric goups. are more vivery to be lining in low ncome households so pupils could laen morey to buy resources and need cultural desivation some cultures may not rale edueann armigny as overs (salen arcurèse convies). and so do not encourge/push pupill. Lael recourse to study Ennocentric curriculum: the navical cultural deprivations pocial curriculum mayorly be focussed I values w/e pourts may not on white antish culture and shew vaure caucala almighty. egative aspects of onverentures. Wic poent mayback cultural (e.g. in nissoy). - could decrease capitars and social capitalle mon vation. Teaener labelling: ocicnaver. kaever may laber come emnicines-sele curaling popreey Materal deprivation: wi/it may FOUCATION TRENDS: working class pupill acmeve ull A* -C grades han medle dass pupell Achiement. gap between Esm and non-foo wering class lessurely to go to University. Hidder curriculum: Things hat are noweetly leant. in school (ir act outside of lessons) e.g.consentior. Durkheim: education transmits snored normsivales, promoting social covesion. Parsons: education: acts as "bridge' betweer ponity and society. HOWEVER: Education may not always beneeit all I help chilover love to class, guder etc...). Marketisakan: 1988 act ad ained to bring competition and choine ito education. Mentocracy: hinchinalist. new nat success is based or ability & effort.