


Accessor Methods

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Accessor Methods: AP Computer Science A Study Guide


Hey there, future coding wizards! Ready to dive into the magical world of accessor methods? Imagine accessor methods as the friendly neighborhood pizza delivery guy – they deliver (or provide access to) exactly what you need from an object, but they don't change anything inside your house. 🍕🏡 Let's uncover why these methods are essential and how to use them with elegance and flair!

What Are Accessor Methods?

Accessor methods are like the windows of a house – they let others peek inside without changing anything. In object-oriented programming, accessor methods (also known as getter methods) are public methods that allow other objects, classes, or users to access the private data of an object safely. If you're thinking, "Why so secretive?" – it's all about encapsulation! Keeping the variables private and only accessible through methods helps maintain the integrity of the data.

Two Main Types of Accessor Methods

  1. Getter Methods: These are the go-to tools for extracting the value of an object's private instance variable. Think of it as unlocking a treasure chest without moving the treasure – just there to let you see it. For example, if you have a student object and you want to know their name, you would call the getName() method. This method uses the return statement to send back the value of the variable in question.

  2. toString() Method: This method converts an object's data into a readable string format. Imagine creating a custom string representation for your object's data – it’s like giving a brilliant elevator pitch for your object! For example, calling toString() on a Student object might return, “John Doe, a 10th grade high school student.”

Writing Accessor Methods for Classes

Let's put accessor methods into action with two class examples: Assignment and Student. Picture Assignment as that annoying pop quiz (but in code), and Student as your typical high schooler.

Here's our Assignment class:

/** Represents an assignment that a student will complete */
public class Assignment {
  private boolean correctAnswer; // Correct answer: True or False

  /** Creates a new assignment with a correct answer */
  public Assignment(boolean answer) {
    correctAnswer = answer;

  /** Returns the correct answer */
  public boolean getCorrectAnswer() {
    return correctAnswer;

  /** Prints assignment details */
  public String toString() {
    return "This is an assignment with the correct answer: " + correctAnswer;

Meet our Student class:

/** Represents a high school student */
public class Student {
  private int gradeLevel;  // Grade level: 9-12
  private String name;     // Student's name
  private int age;         // Student's age (must be positive)
  private Assignment assignment; // Current assignment in progress

  /** Creates a new student */
  public Student(int gradeLev, String fullName, int ageNum) {
    gradeLevel = gradeLev;
    name = fullName;
    age = ageNum;
    assignment = null; // No active assignment at the moment

  /** Returns the student's grade level */
  public int getGradeLevel() {
    return gradeLevel;

  /** Returns the student's name */
  public String getName() {
    return name;

  /** Returns the current assignment */
  public Assignment getCurrentAssignment() {
    return assignment;

  /** Prints student details */
  public String toString() {
    return name + ", a " + gradeLevel + "th grade high school student";

Return Expressions

Accessor methods are like the different flavors of ice cream – they come in types. 🍦 Non-void methods (those that return values) must specify the type of the value they return. The return type should match the type of the instance variable being accessed.

For instance:

  • public String getName() returns a String because the student's name is a String.
  • public int getGradeLevel() returns an int because the grade level is an integer.

When these methods are called, they return a copy of the value (for primitive types like int) or a reference to the object (for objects like String). This process ensures data remains consistent and safe.

Example of Accessor in Action

Let's walk through an example. Suppose we have the following in our main method:

System.out.println("Starting the example.");
Student alice = new Student(11, "Alice Johnson", 17);
System.out.println("End of example.");

Here’s what happens step-by-step:

  1. The program prints "Starting the example."
  2. It creates an instance of Student named alice, initializing her grade level to 11, name to "Alice Johnson," age to 17, and assignment to null.
  3. The program then uses Alice's toString() method to print, "Alice Johnson, an 11th grade high school student."
  4. Finally, the program prints "End of example."

Key Concepts to Review

  • @Override: Indicates a method is overriding an inherited method, ensuring correct signature and return type.
  • Accessor Methods: Also known as getter methods, providing read-only access to object properties.
  • Return Statement: Specifies the value to send back from a method and exits the method.
  • Return Type: Defines the data type of the value a method will return.
  • Encapsulation: Keeping data members private and providing public methods to access them, ensuring the integrity.


Accessor methods are your coding BFFs when it comes to safely extracting data from objects without altering them. They keep your programs organized, secure, and efficient – like a well-oiled machine! 🚀 So go ahead, give your objects a makeover with these magical methods and ace that AP Computer Science A exam!

Happy coding!

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