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Sorting: AP Computer Science A Study Guide


Welcome, tech tamers and algorithm aficionados! Today we're diving into the captivating world of sorting, where chaos turns into order and your unsorted data becomes as organized as Mary Poppins' handbag. We're focusing on two important sorting algorithms: Selection Sort and Insertion Sort. These will be your trusty sidekicks in the wild west of the ArrayList. 🤠

Determining Whether an ArrayList is Sorted

Before sorting, it's often useful to check if an ArrayList is already in pristine order. Think of it like checking if you're wearing mismatched socks before a big date. Here’s how you can determine if your ArrayList is in ascending order:

/** Returns true if the ArrayList is sorted in ascending order */
public static boolean isSorted(ArrayList<Integer> array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < array.size() - 1; i++) {
        if (array.get(i + 1) < array.get(i)) { // Checks if elements are out of order
            return false;
    return true;

Selection Sort: Making the Smallest Feel Special

Selection Sort is like a talent show where every element gets a chance to shine. You pick the smallest element, place it in its rightful spot, and repeat the process. Here’s a basic pseudocode and its Java implementation:


  1. Start with an unsorted ArrayList.
  2. Find the smallest element and swap it with the first unsorted element.
  3. Repeat until the entire ArrayList is sorted.

Java Implementation:

/** Uses selection sort on an ArrayList */
public static ArrayList<Integer> selectionSort(ArrayList<Integer> array) {
    for (int i = 0; i < array.size() - 1; i++) { 
        int smallestIndex = i;
        for (int j = i + 1; j < array.size(); j++) {
            if (array.get(j) < array.get(smallestIndex)) { // Find the smallest element
                smallestIndex = j;
        int temp = array.get(i); // Swap the elements
        array.set(i, array.get(smallestIndex));
        array.set(smallestIndex, temp);
    return array;

Imagine you're trying to organize your comic book collection by the number of issues. With selection sort, you pick the comic with the least issues, put it first, and continue doing so until you have the perfect sequence.

Insertion Sort: Like Sliding a Credit Card Through a Reader

Insertion Sort works wonders by taking each new element and placing it into its correct position amongst previously sorted ones. It's similar to sorting cards in your hand while playing a game:


  1. Assume the first element is sorted.
  2. Take the next element and insert it into its correct position within the sorted portion.
  3. Repeat until the entire ArrayList is sorted.

Java Implementation:

/** Uses insertion sort on an ArrayList */
public static ArrayList<Integer> insertionSort(ArrayList<Integer> array) {
    for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) {
        int currentElement = array.get(i);
        int j = i - 1;
        while (j >= 0 && array.get(j) > currentElement) { // Shift elements to make room
            array.set(j + 1, array.get(j));
        array.set(j + 1, currentElement); // Insert the element
    return array;

Imagine you’re a wizard with a deck of cards. With each new card you draw, you slide it smoothly into its correct spot, ensuring your hand is always perfectly ordered.

Informal Run-Time Comparisons 🕰️

Performance matters! It’s like comparing Usain Bolt (the fastest sprinter) to a turtle (who is... not so fast). Here's a quick insight:

  • Selection Sort: Needs to scan the entire unsorted part to find the minimum each time. It’s like trying to find Waldo in a crowd over and over again.
  • Insertion Sort: Inserts each element into its place within the sorted portion, making it quicker for small or partially sorted data sets. It's like organizing your socks drawer – quick work if only a few are out of place.

Generally speaking:

  • Selection Sort: More data accesses and swaps.
  • Insertion Sort: Fewer comparisons if data is mostly sorted.

Key Terms to Review 📚

  • ArrayList: A dynamic data structure that can grow or shrink as needed, allowing you to store collections of objects.
  • Ascending Order: Items are sorted from smallest to largest.
  • Descending Order: Items are sorted from largest to smallest.
  • Insertion Sort: An algorithm that places each element in its correct position within a sorted sublist.
  • Merge Sort: A more advanced algorithm (stay tuned for Unit 10) that divides and conquers.
  • Pseudocode: A plain English outline of a program's logic, great for planning.
  • Runtime Comparisons: Evaluating how efficient an algorithm is by counting basic operations.
  • Selection Sort: Finds the minimum element repeatedly and places it in the sorted part.
  • Sorting: Arranging a collection in a specific order.
  • Swap: Exchanging values of two variables or elements.
  • Traverse: Accessing each element in a data structure, one by one.


Sorting may seem like a mundane task, but it’s pretty much the algorithmic equivalent of turning lemons into lemonade. Armed with Selection Sort and Insertion Sort, you're now ready to tackle unsorted data like a pro! Remember, sorting is just the beginning – so stay curious and keep coding. Good luck on your AP Computer Science A exam, and may your ArrayLists ever be in perfect order! 🚀

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